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Please take out your HiVe documents

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Presentation on theme: "Please take out your HiVe documents"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take out your HiVe documents
May 4 & 5, 2016 Please take out your HiVe documents

2 Quote of the Day j

3 Homework HiVe Project 1st five events on study guide Quiz next class

4 Key Dates-Odd Days April 26th-Lottery April 28th-Draft & Work Day
May 2nd-Work Day May 4th-Presentations Begin (1st 5 Topics) May 6th-1st Quiz (on presentations from previous class) May 20th-Finish Presentations May 24th-Review Day May 25th-1st Period Final Exam May 26th-3rd Period Final Exam

5 Key Dates-Even Days April 27th-Lottery April 29th-Draft & Work Day
May 3rd-Work Day May 5th-Presentations Begin (1st 5 Topics) May 9th-1st Quiz (on presentations from previous class) May 23rd-Finish Presentations May 24th-Review Day May 25th-2nd Period Final Exam May 26th-4th Period Final Exam

6 Today’s Topics Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift Israel Formed

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13 If time permits… Work on 1st five study guide topics
Work on your presentations Ask Coach Kenney questions

14 Homework HiVe Project 1st five events on study guide Quiz next class

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