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Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Trace the memory of London Chinatown

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1 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Trace the memory of London Chinatown
Oral History Project

2 What do you know about the Dragon Boat Festival?
Play Video

3 Dragon Boat Festival Traditions and Customs
Dragon boat race Eating zongzi Drinking realgar wine Hanging Artemisia leaves and Acorus Calamus Hanging fragrant sachet (incense pouch)

4 Realgar Wine(Yellow wine) 雄黄酒
Zongzi 粽子 Zongzi are glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves Realgar Wine(Yellow wine) 雄黄酒 It is believed that drinking Strong Yellow Wine can clean up the body on the Dragon Boat Day.

5 Artemisia leaves and Acorus Calamus
(艾草 ,菖蒲) Artemisia leaves and Acorus Calamus are two kinds of herbs. The smell of the leaves drives away insects and other evil spirits. They are always hanging on the front gate.

6 Fragrant sachet (incense pouch) 香包
The sachet will be hung around the neck or tied to the front of a garment as an ornament. It is also said to be able to ward off evil.

7 Traditions and Customs
Activities Dragon Boat Race Origin The story of Qu Yuan Traditions and Customs Zongzi, Realgar wine and sachet Video 1 Video 2

8 端 午 节(Dragon Boat Festival) 龙 舟 竞 渡
Duān Wǔ Jié 端 午 节(Dragon Boat Festival) Lóng zhōu jìng dù 龙 舟 竞 渡 (dragon boat competition) Qū Yuán 屈 原 (Qu Yuan)

9 艾 草 菖 蒲 雄 黄 酒 Xióng huáng jiǔ Ài căo (realgar wine / yellow wine)
(Artemisia leaves ) Chāng pú 菖 蒲 (Acorus Calamus)

10 Jì niàn 纪 念 (commemorate) Qìng zhù 庆 祝 (celebrate)

11 Kàn 看(look/watch) Chī 吃(eat) Guà 挂(hang) 喝(drink)

12 * How to write the character ‘Duān’

13 * How to write the character ‘Wǔ’
* How to write the character ‘Jié’

14 Zòng zi 粽子 (glutinous rice pudding) Shī rén 诗人 (poet)

15 Great People in History
- How to define “great people in history”? - Who do you think are such great people?

16 The Bombe code-breaking machine
Alan Turing ( ) was an English mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist. He invented the Turing Machine – the conceptual precursor of the modern computer. During World War II, Turing served the Allied forces by breaking German military codes, particularly those used by the German navy. He devised a range of code-breaking tools. Without Turing’s contributions, some military historians estimate, the war would have continued for at least another two years, and two million more lives would have been lost. The Bombe code-breaking machine

17 我最欣赏的历史伟人 - Nĭ zuì xīn shăng nă gè lì shĭ wĕi rén?
你 最 欣 赏 哪 个 历 史 伟 人 ? - Wŏ zuì xīn shăng de lì shĭ wĕi rén shi Shā shì bĭ yà , 我 最 欣 赏 的 历 史 伟 人 是 莎 士 比 亚 , yīn wèi tā de zuò pĭn hĕn hăo kàn, 因 为 他 的 作 品 很 好 看, zài quán shì jiè dōu hĕn yŏu míng 。 在 全 世 界 都 很 有 名 。

18 我最欣赏的历史伟人 - 我 最 欣 赏 的 历 史 伟 人 是 [ ], 因 为 [ ] 。
- Wŏ zuì xīn shăng de lì shĭ wĕi rén shi [ ], - 我 最 欣 赏 的 历 史 伟 人 是 [ ], yīn wèi [ ]。 因 为 [ ] 。

19 The Olympic Games 2012

20 Gèng kuài,gèng gāo,gèng qiáng
Olympic motto Q: What is the Olympic motto? A: It is the hendiatris “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, which is Latin for “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. Gèng kuài,gèng gāo,gèng qiáng 更 快,更 高,更 强

21 运动员 (sportsman/sportswoman)
Ào Lín Pĭ Kè Yùn Dòng Huì ( Ào Yùn Huì ) 奥林匹克运动会(奥运会) Bĭ sài 比赛 (match) Duì wǔ 队伍 (team) Yùn dòng yuán 运动员 (sportsman/sportswoman)

22 Yīng Guó 英 国 (UK) É Luó Sī 俄 罗 斯 (Russia) Xī Bān Yá 西 班 牙 (Spain) Rì Bĕn 日 本 (Japan) Mĕi Guó 美 国 (USA) Yì Dà Lì 意 大 利 (Italy) Zhōng Guó 中 国 (China) Kĕn Ní Yà 肯 尼 亚 (Kenya) Bā Xī 巴 西 (Brazil) Ào Dà Lì Yà 澳 大 利 亚 (Australia)

23 Zú qiú 足 球 (football) Jǔ zhòng 举 重 (weight lifting) Păo bù 跑 步 (running) Pái qiú 排 球 (volleyball) Wăng qiú 网 球 (tennis) Lán qiú 篮 球 (basketball) Pīng pāng qiú 乒 乓 球 (ping pong / table tennis) Yì shù tĭ cāo 艺 术 体 操 (rhythmic gymnastics) Tiào shuĭ 跳 水 (diving) Yóu yŏng 游 泳 (swimming)

24 Guàn jūn 冠 军 (winner / champion) Yà jūn 亚 军 (runner up) Jì jūn 季 军 (second runner-up)

25 Kòu 扣 (spike/smash) 踢 (kick) Jiē 接 (receive) 打 (hit) Shū 输 (lose) Yíng 赢 (win) Pò jì lù 破纪录 (break the record)

26 Zài [ zú qiú ] bĭ sài zhōng,
在 [足 球] 比 赛 中, [ Yīng Guó Duì ] bĭ [ Zhōng Guó Duì ] [ tī ] de hăo。 [英 国 队] 比 [中 国 队] [踢] 得 好。 Zài [ yóu yŏng ] bĭ sài zhōng, 在 [游 泳] 比 赛 中, [ Mĕi Guó ] de yùn dòng yuán [ yóu ] de zuì [ kuài ]。 [美 国] 的 运 动 员 [游] 得 最 [快]。

27 Bingo! 端午节 诗人屈原 龙舟竞渡 纪念 庆祝 吃粽子 挂艾草 奥运会 运动员 队伍 看比赛 英国 中国 美国 巴西 冠军 踢足球
打篮球 游泳 跳水

28 Acknowledgement: Produced as part of the London China Town Oral History Project with materials from CMHA and Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Lesson plan designed by Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Trace the memory of London Chinatown Oral History Project

29 Thank You

30 Picture References:

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