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We hope that everyone is having a great month and staying warm

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1 We hope that everyone is having a great month and staying warm
We hope that everyone is having a great month and staying warm! The weather has been rather unpredictable! Please make sure that your child is coming to school with a coat each and every day! We have several who are forgetting their coats at home. We are asking that every student brings in $3.00 for the Valentine’s Day party, which will be February 14th. Due to allergies, students are not allowed to bring in any treats. They can still bring in cards to hand out to their classmates. Information about the 6th grade field trip to Chicago will be coming home in March. We are hoping to have another fundraiser prior to the trip. Please be on the lookout for information! Congratulations to Lexie Willoughby and Aiden Donaldson on each being named the student of the month for January! There will be no school on Monday, February 18th, due to President’s Day!

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