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Daily Drilling Report Phase 2

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1 Daily Drilling Report Phase 2
Project meeting June 4th 2009 Pål Rylandsholm

2 Agenda Approval of agenda Approval of minutes from last meeting
Decisions and actions from last meeting Project overview and overall status Presentation of new XML schema and standard report layout Approval of XML schema LicenseWeb implementation, status and plan Date for cut off to new reporting formats both to PSA and partners (via LicenseWeb) Way forward Conclusions and actions AOB Lunch (11:30) © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

3 Decisions from last meeting
The project recommends June 15th as the cut of date for use of the new XML schema as basis for reports to PSA and License partners. (NB: This has been overruled – new date to be set today) Decision 02-09: The report layout is approved by the project group after the following corrections Lithology Information: "Description" should be renamed "Shows description“ "Well Control Incident" - "description" to be added in table cell below data row. Decision 03-09: The solution in LicenseWeb will be based on operators submitting complete reports when updates or corrections occur. © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

4 Actions from last meeting
18/12/ : Discuss with OLF and EPIM how to handle the replacement of the old partner report with the new one in the licenses. Responsible: Ove Ryland, EPIM Status: On agenda (Way forward) Action 01-09: Check out the compatibility of the PSA/NPD system for receiving, validating and storing daily drilling reports with decision Responsible: Jonas Stokka, PSA. Status: Do not want updates on a daily basis, updates received via final report. When necessary “created date” will be criteria for selection of valid data. Action 02-09: Provide an updated plan for the Licenseweb implementation, with completion as soon as possible, and in due time before June 15th Responsible: Alfred Johnsen, Tieto. Status: On agenda © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

5 Status As of March 24th EPIM officially owns the DDR XML schema
Partner reporting in License web Same information content as submitted to PSA Status: Specification document completed Build - in progress Updates to XML schema – documented in separate document WITSML compliance Correction of misspelling of enumerated values Correct use of wrong data types (For example on comments which are limited to 256 characters) Some elements may be changed from ‘optional’ to ‘mandatory’ in the report. SAWSDL annotation Coordination with Energistics Tested and completed – ready for approval by project group © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

6 Status Standard report layout for PDF reports User guide updates - PSA
Completed – approved by project group in meeting February 9th 2009 User guide updates - PSA Draft version available at ( Schema validation error messages - PSA Business rule validation error messages will be updated by cut of to new formats © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

7 DDR to regulators and license partners - Scope and deliverables of DDR phase 2
PCA RDS Operators Regulators NPD/PSA Fact database DDR XSD Daily Drilling reports XML Drilling App/DB PSA/NPD app Drilling data Daily Drilling reports XML License Partners LicenseWeb pdf Deliverable in progress Daily Drilling reports XML Drilling App/DB Completed deliverable Schema/Business validation © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

8 Way forward Completion of DDR partner reporting in LW – Responsible Tieto, follow up by LW User forum Communication to EPIM members regarding new DDR formats and date for go live of DDR reporting in Licenseweb – responsible EPIM Report User Forum – Drilling Communicate to operators regarding cut of date for new formats to PSA – Responsible PSA Project documentation will be added to EPIM’s document repository October 1st is the date when PSA will require DDR according to the new formats, and the new DDR partner reporting solution in Licenseweb will be ready for use! Further improvements and extensions of the DDR XML schema will be handled by EPIM RUF – Drilling A possible first case can be increased information scope in DDR. See Next slide © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

9 Additional information requirements – NB not included project scope
Identified during DDR Phase 1 Operation codes Cement Period of operation “Drilling like units of measure” Formation name – selection list Datum (reference points) Casing type Pressurized coring Well stimulation (At well testing) indicator Perforation - Shot density RIGTYPE Bit data Side track Tight wells Identified during DDR Phase 2 Cost Report nr -> A sequence number. Each day of operation is a new number increment Start date -> Start of reporting/operation Water depth Bit record (additional info): grading, depth in, depth out, drill lenght (m), duration (hr), rop (m/hr) Casing (new section): OD (in),top, bottom, weight, grade, estimated top of cement "Duration" should be included for all time intervals. © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved 16 February 2019

10 © Det Norske Veritas AS. All rights reserved
16 February 2019

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