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Presentation on theme: "PROGRAMMING PARADIGMS"— Presentation transcript:

Jason Atkin and Graham Hutton University of Nottingham

2 Write down all the languages you have written a program in.
Exercise Write down all the languages you have written a program in. 1

3 Background In programming and algorithms, you learned the basics of imperative programming in C: Variables and assignments; Basic control structures; Basic data structures; Functions and parameters; Pointers and memory management. 2

4 Background In this module, you’ll learn the basics of:
Object-oriented programming in Java Functional programming in Haskell and 3

5 Lectures Labs Mondays, 15.30 – 16.30, B52 (Business South);
Thursdays, – 12.00, LT2 (Exchange); Fridays, – 12.00, LT2 (Exchange); Fridays, – 16.00, LT2 (Exchange). Labs Wednesdays, – 13.00, A32 (Comp Sci). 4

6 See:
Course Materials Everything you need is available on moodle: See: 5

7 Textbook In addition to our course materials, there is also a recommended textbook for each paradigm: 6

8 Assessment A series of short exercise sheets (10%);
Two programming courseworks (15%); One 2.5-hour written examination (75%). The exercise sheets and courseworks will mainly be assessed in the labs.

9 Jason’s Views

10 Functional Demo

11 Object-Oriented Demo


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