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Fundamentals of Real Estate Appraisal Thirteenth Edition

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1 Fundamentals of Real Estate Appraisal Thirteenth Edition
William L. Ventolo Jr. Martha R. Williams, JD Sam Martin, PhD, DREI, Consulting Editor

2 1 The Appraisal Profession
Real estate appraiser provides opinion of value of an interest in real property (land and/or buildings) Scope of work determines extent of research and analysis required Opinion of value usually presented in written appraisal report

3 3 Real Estate and Its Appraisal
Definition of appraisal The act or process of developing an opinion of value An opinion or estimate of value for a specific purpose, for a specific person, of a specific property, as of a specific date, based on established facts

4 Real Estate Real estate includes: Water rights Air rights
Land—surface and everything under or on it Mineral rights Water rights Air rights Fixtures (attachments) to land Things incidental or appurtenant to land Anything else considered immovable

5 Tests for Determining a Fixture
Method of attachment Adaptability of item for land’s ordinary use Relationship of parties Intention of person in placing item on land Agreement of parties

6 Trade Fixtures Trade or chattel fixture
Owned and attached to a rental space or building by a tenant Used for business purposes

7 Real Property Real property is the same as real estate,
or just the “bundle of rights” of ownership, depending on the state where the real estate is located Personal property is everything that is not real property

8 Bundle of Rights Bundle of rights—the rights of ownership of real estate—including the right to Use, Rent, Sell, or Give away the real estate Or not do any of these things

9 Restrictions on Real Estate
Public Restrictions Taxation Eminent domain Escheat Police power to establish zoning ordinances, building codes, and other measures to protect public health and safety Private Restrictions Lien created by financing instrument Subdivision conditions, covenants, and restrictions (CC&Rs)

10 Legal Description of Land Lot and Block System
Also called lot, block, and tract system and subdivision system Individual parcels are referred to by tract, block, and lot numbers on a subdivision map City, county, book, page number, and date the map was recorded are also included in the description

11 Metes and Bounds System
Used primarily in eastern states Starts at point of beginning Follows natural or artificial boundaries called bounds for measured distances called metes May also reference individual monuments or markers

12 Rectangular Survey System
Also called section and township system and U.S. government survey system Land area divided into townships measured and numbered from intersection of base line (east/west) and principal meridian (north/south) Township = 36 sections Section = one square mile = 640 acres

13 Legal Rights and Interests
Freehold estates Fee simple estate—highest form of ownership Life estate Remainderman takes property on termination of life estate or Reversion returns property to original owner

14 Legal Rights and Interests
Nonfreehold estates Leasehold estate is owned by lessee (tenant) Leased fee estate is owned by lessor (landlord)

15 Other Interests in Real Estate
Easement Easement appurtenant runs with the land Easement in gross does not run with the land License is a temporary right Encroachment occurs when improvement extends onto adjoining property

16 Forms of Property Ownership
Individual ownership Separate ownership or ownership in severalty Co-ownership Tenancy in common Joint tenancy Marital property Community property Tenancy by the entirety Tenancy in partnership

17 Business and Trust Ownership of Real Estate
Corporation For profit--owned by shareholders Nonprofit--owned by members Limited liability company (LLC) Trust Land trust Living trust Real estate investment trust (REIT)

18 Special Forms of Ownership
Condominium Exclusive ownership of specified airspace and undivided interest in common areas Cooperative Owners are shareholders in stock cooperative project, with right to exclusive occupancy of part of property Planned unit development Type of development and zoning designation with individually owned parcels and shared common areas

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