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4th Grade Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "4th Grade Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 4th Grade Orientation

2 4th Grade Teaching Team Math & Science Mr. Christy Ms. Liepitz
Language Arts & Social Studies Ms. Bibuka Ms. O’Hara

3 Example Block Schedule
9:25 Arrival & Morning Announcements 9:45 Block 1:  LA/SS or MA/SCI 11:45 Recess 12:10 Lunch 12:30 Specialist   1:30 Block 2: Math/Sci OR LA/S.S. 3:30 Homeroom / Second step 4:10 Dismissal

4 Why Block Schedule? Students will spend 2 hours of block time each day engaged in: Language Arts & Social Studies Science & Math What is beneficial about block time? For students? For teachers? How are students assigned to blocks?

5 4th Grade Language Arts & Social Studies Block
What do students learn in 4th grade? Micro City State Project Poetry Café Media visits Once per week with book check-out and guided lessons

6 4th Grade Math & Science Block
Student placement and math standards How are students placed? Math curriculum overview What do students learn in 4th grade? Special math and science projects? STEM focused Science Curriculum


8 All students have 1 hour per day of specialists.
4th Grade Specialists All students have 1 hour per day of specialists. Rotating Schedule: Music Art Physical Education 2x per week

9 Band & Strings Students in 4th grade can sign up for band or orchestra
Band and orchestra take place as a 30 minute “pull-out group lesson” during the school day (not during specialists) Students interested in band or orchestra will be invited to meet with Mr. Needleman within the first few weeks of school start Students will work with the band teacher to determine the best instrument for them The school can provide instruments for a rental fee of $50/year and scholarships are available

10 Organizing as a 4th Grader
Academic ownership - let students be responsible. We learn from our mistakes! Learn to use an agenda book to record and track homework assignments and important due dates. Each student will be given an agenda book at the beginning of the school year (bring $5 for teacher). Learn to advocate for self. If absent, check in with teachers upon returning to school to find out what was missed. School supply lists and order information can be found at

11 Conferences & Curriculum Night
Back to School Open House in August. Meet the teachers! Curriculum night takes place in September. Conferences take place in October. Sign-up for conferences will be handled by teachers. The student’s homeroom teacher will be prepared to discuss overall student performance and will have feedback from all of the student’s teachers. Concerns about specific subject areas may be directed to individual teachers.

12 Attendance & Absence Students should be in class at 9:40. Students arriving after that are considered late and must check-in at the office. Plan for 10 minutes to get to locker, gather supplies and get to class before the bell rings. Contact the school office for absences related to illness at Please don’t teacher directly. Students arriving late from a doctor should have a note from the doctor. A “Family Activity Form” must be completed for planned absences.

13 Drop off and Pick up During the first few days teachers will help students learn the process, but after that students are able to navigate this on their own. Busses drop off and pick up off of Vincent Avenue. Parent drop off and pick up is on the school side of Washburn Avenue, or on 49th street at Washburn. Remember that idling more than three minutes is illegal. Consider setting a general pick-up point. Please do not use drop off and pick up zone to use cell phone. Please remember, no non-folding scooters or skateboards in school.

14 Communication & Cell Phones
Please call the school office with time sensitive communications. Teachers may not have the opportunity to check during the school day. Cell Phone Policy: Cell phone usage is not allowed during the school day. Students can make calls from the office and parents can call the office to communicate with students during school hours. If a staff member sees a student using a cell phone in school the cell phone will be taken and turned into the office. 1st confiscation: student pick up at the end of day; nd confiscation: parent pick up; 3rd confiscation: parent/admin meeting. All students carrying a cell phone to school for use before/after school should keep it locked in their locker during the school day.

15 Keep your stuff! We recommend labeling clothing, lunchboxes, books, binders, planners, electronics etc. so you can get them back if you lose them. We recommend using a lock on your locker if you bring valuables to school. Activate “find my iPhone” and emergency contact ID to help in finding lost phone. Check the lost and found frequently.

16 What if my student needs support?
or call the teacher. or call one of the support staff members: School Social Worker - Lynne McCoy School Psychologist (part time) - Julie Hirsch

17 Thank You and Questions
Thank you for your continued support of LHCS! Working together we know this can be a successful transition to upper campus. At this time we can answer a few general questions. We want to respect confidentiality and therefore ask if you have a question specific to your child please wait until after the presentation. School tours will meet in the atrium near the Vincent Ave entrance.


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