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Student Handbook Review: Coming and Going

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1 Student Handbook Review: Coming and Going
PART 1 of 5

2 Arrival / Departure Students should not arrive prior to 7:30
Early arrivals will go to the Cafeteria Students tardy for Homeroom should report to the office with a parent for a tardy pass Upon departure bus riders should report to the cafeteria Bus riders should coordinate with parents to determine the side that they will depart from

3 Lockers Lockers are a privilege not a right
Lockers are subject to searches and inspections at any time; they are school property Do not put anything in your locker that you do not want the principals and security to find Ensure you locker is properly shut – if something is hanging out of the locker it will be searched

4 Hallways Use the correct stairwell for the grade
Move on the right side of the hallway Do not leave trash in the hallway or near your lockers Ensure you locker is completely shut No one in the hallway first 10 and last 10 minutes of the period for any reason Must have a hall pass during class times Hall pass sheets start next week! No yelling, running, or making loud noises in the hallways.

5 Lunch You may only enter through the entrance door. Not through the center doors. You may only exit through the double doors or at the door going to the gym. You must sit at your assigned table. You may not bring in fast food, or have it brought to you. If you do you will eat in the ISS room. This will be strictly enforced. Keep the noise level down; talk quietly please. If you are assigned to wipe down the table or sweep please do so quickly and neatly.

6 School Nurse Students will be served by our school nurse, Nurse Mason, only if they are ill or injured at school. All medications, both prescription and over- the-counter, are kept in the clinic. Medications will be administered by Nurse Mason only if a fully completed medication form is on file. Possession of any medications is a severe offense and may result in expulsion.

7 Class Tardies 1st and 2nd Offense – Warning
3rd Offense – 15 minute detention scheduled with the classroom teacher, or a written assignment by the classroom teacher 4th Offense – 30 minute detention or written assignment 5th Offense – 1 day in ISS 6th Offense or more – Automatically sent to ISS Longer than 5 minutes is not tardy, it is skipping.


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