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Mrs. Griffith & Mrs. Young April 21, 2017 Classroom News

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1 Mrs. Griffith & Mrs. Young April 21, 2017 Classroom News
Dates to Remember Classroom News **Due to a conflict in scheduling, the Spring Concert will be held on May 16th.** May 5th – Dress your best Day May 16th – Spring Music Concert May 19th – Western Day May 29th – NO SCHOOL During the next two weeks our classrooms will be focusing on the character trait of Focus/Self-Control. This is the trait of focusing our minds and bodies by resisting distractions and actively concentrating. Talk with your child about how they could improve this trait and then write the answer in their planner for a Titan Ticket! We are coming up on the end of the school year, but there is still plenty of school left. Please remind your child about staying focused and following the rules while they are at school. I realize they may not always agree with the rules, but there are good ways and bad ways to disagree; please remind them of the good ways. Mrs. Griffith Mrs. Young

2 What we are learning in Literacy What we are learning in Math
Science We will be moving on to science for the 4th quarter of the year. Mrs. Griffith’s class will start learning about Soil, Rocks, and Landforms. Mrs. Young’s class will start learning about Motion and Energy. What we are learning in Literacy I am incredibly PROUD of how hard our students worked through Reading MCAs!! Our students are being challenged as we finish writing our Explorer Reports. We are learning about GRIT and not giving up when it gets tough. Please watch planners for homework. Explorer Reports will be due next week I will set a due date after our work time on Monday. What we are learning in Math We just finished up this week with learning more about elapsed time. Next week we will look at Liquid Volume measurements and Mass Amounts. We will also do some measuring of hand and arm spans. The following week, we will take our Unit 4 test and then move on to Unit 5. In Unit 5 we will be starting with measuring angles as well as looking at polygons and symmetry. The second half of Unit 5 will be finding Area and Perimeter as well as looking at angles in motion. Math can be hard, but practice and patience make it easier! Lunch Menu Monday: Beef Hotdog Tuesday: Beef Sloppy Joe Wednesday: Bean & Beef Burrito Thursday: Chicken Patty Friday: Cheese Omelette


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