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Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

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Presentation on theme: "Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
November 2001 doc.: IEEE /468r0 March 2012 77th Session of meetings of the IEEE Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks March 11-16, 2012 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance Robert F. Heile

2 802.15 Organization Chart March 2012 To add your name
802.15WG Chair Bob Heile, ZigBee Alliance Vice Chairs Rick Alfvin, VeriLAN Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting Task Groups Secretary Assistant Secretary Mike McInnis, Boeing Working Group Technical Editor James Gilb New Projects (WNG), Interpretations, Rules TG4e 15.4 MAC Enhancements Seong-Soon Joo, ETRI Chair TG4j MBAN 15.4 PHY Ray Krasinski, Philips TG4f Active RFID TG4k Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Study Groups/Interest Groups TG4g Smart Utility Networks Phil Beecher, Consultant TG6 Body Area Networking Art Astrin, Astrin Radio TGxxx TBD TG9 Key Management Protocol Robert Moskowitz, Verizon TGm 15.4 TV White Space PHY Sangsung Choi, ETRI Study Groups: Personal Space Communications (PSC) Chair, Myung Lee, CUNY 15.4 Positive Train Control (PTC) Chair: Jon Adams, unafiliated 15.4 China Medical Band PHY Chair: Clint Powell, unafiliated Interest Groups Spectrum Resource Use (SRU) Chair: Shoichi Kitazawa, ATR Wave Engineering Laboratories TerraHertz (THZ) Chair: Thomas Kürner, Technische Universität Braunschweig To add your name to the WG/TG/SG/IG reflectors please go to Organization Chart Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

3 Waikoloa Session Objectives March 11-16, 2012
November 2001 doc.: IEEE /468r0 March 2012 Waikoloa Session Objectives March 11-16, 2012 TASK GROUP4e --MAC Enhancements Work complete TASK GROUP-4f Active RFID TASK GROUP-4g Smart Utility Networks On RevCom agenda for March 28 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance Robert F. Heile

4 Waikoloa Session Objectives March 11-16, 2012
TASK GROUP-4j MBAN Phy Amendment Review/Edit Draft Contributions Update Project Plan/Timeline TASK GROUP-4k Low Energy Critical Infrastructure Monitoring TASK GROUP-4m : TVWS PHY for 15.4 (4TV) Work on Technical Guidance Doc Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

5 Waikoloa Session Objectives March 11-16, 2012
TASK GROUP 6 –Body Area Networking: Work Complete Study Group: Peer Aware Communications (PAC) (fna: Personal Space Communication (PSC)) Secure PAR approval Study Group: Positive Train Control-15.4 PHY Study Group: China Medical Band-15.4 PHY Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

6 Waikoloa Session Objectives March 11-16, 2012
Spectrum Resource Use (SRU) Interest Group: Hear Contributions Discuss future of the Committee THz Interest Group: Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

7 Waikoloa Session Objectives March 11-16, 2012
NEW PROJECTS SUBCOMMITTEE Report on WNG progress Hear new presentations Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

8 March 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

9 Upcoming Sessions March 2012 May 13-18, 2012, Hyatt Regency Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session July 15-20, 2012, Grand Hyatt Manchester, San Diego, CA, USA, 802 Plenary Session. September 16-21, 2012, Hyatt Grand Champion, Palm Springs, CA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session November 11-16, 2012, Grand Hyatt San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session. January 13-18, 2013, Hyatt Regency Vancouver, BC, CA, 802 Wireless Interim Session* March 17-21, 2013, Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL, USA, 802 Plenary May 12-17, 2013, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session* July 14-19, 2013, Geneva, CHE, 802 Plenary Session. Robert F. Heile, ZigBee Alliance

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