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Presentation on theme: "OASIS OPENC2 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEETING (Pre-release)"— Presentation transcript:

18 Oct 2017

2 Agenda (page 1 of 2) Time Topic Presenter 11:00 – 11:10
Call to Order and Roll Call Joe Brule Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting Announcements: IACD Community Day 11:10 – 11:20 OpenC2 Subcommittee Reports Implementation Considerations David Lemire, Bret Jordan Actuator Profile Jyoti Verma, Dave Kemp Language Jason Romano, Duncan Sparrell

3 Agenda (page 2 of 2) Time Topic Presenter 11:20 – 11:25 Old Business:
Face to Face Duncan Sparrell 11:25 – 11:50 New Business OpenC2 Language Community Specification Draft 11:50 – 12:00 Wrap up Query for Walk-on Items Joe Brule Action Item Review Joyce Fai 12:00 Adjourn

4 Call to Order and Roll Call
Joe Brule To expedite the roll call process, kindly record your attendance for today’s meeting within Kavi If for whatever reason you are unable to do so, send the Executive Secretary a record of your attendance through and we will track your attendance onto the OASIS OpenC2 site for this meeting.

5 Approve Minutes Joe Brule OpenC2 TC Minutes for Sept 20 2017 Meeting:
Slide Decks from previous meeting (for reference) September OpenC2 TC Presentation

6 OpenC2 Subcommittee Reports
Participation in the Subcommittees is the path to success

7 Implementation Considerations
Co-chairs Dave Lemire / Bret Jordan

8 October 4th Meeting In-depth discussion on relationship to STIX COA
Division of responsibility Need for flow control Message sequencing Action Triggers Serial / parallel execution Command ID / referencing Overall, need use case inputs: End-to-end operational flows Associated gaps, inconsistencies, etc.

9 Current Activities Documents available for comment
IA Considerations document HdpJFFtdonpHgcukImB3bnf9s0AV1u0U/edit#heading=h.gjdgxs “Relation To” document vdU/edit#heading=h.99gbar9fgf7l “Ecosystem Considerations” document In the implementation folder on Google Drive Comment access should be enabled for all IC-SC members

10 Request: Populate Code Repos
New OASIS openc2-… repos established on GitHub Three repos populated: openc2-ocas openc2-yuuki openc2-pub-sub-on-bsd Four repos from OpenC2 forum need porting openc2-reactor-mastor openc2-reactor-relay openc2-orchid openc2-iacd Source repos at

11 Actuator Profile OASIS subcommittee page: actuator

12 Activities Actuator Profile SC meeting held 11 October (9 participants) The subcommittee is in the process of coming up with the list of actuator types that can be specified in an OpenC2 command. The subcommittee will work on 3 actuator profiles in the first release – generic, endpoint and network – details for this are in the roadmap google doc.

13 Meeting Schedule Biweekly meetings, announced:
Via OASIS On Slack #meetings and #actuator profile channels Schedule: second and fourth Wednesday of every month Next meetings (all at 1300 ET / 1700 UTC) 25 October 2017 8, 22 November 2017 WebEx details on TC calendar event in Kavi

14 Language

15 Activities Meetings Held Language Specification reviewed
26-Sept, 10 attendees 3- Oct, 5 attendees 10-Oct, 8 attendees Language Specification reviewed Glossary updates

16 Progress Language Specification reviewed Glossary
agreed to sections and submitted as CSD Action list Deleted 2 actions, added one Glossary V Google Docs on issues, playground Soliciting use cases

17 Plans Language Specification Glossary Make use cases
Get agreed to changes into working draft property tables Glossary OASIS-ify start adding meat Evaluate GitHub experiment i.e., git cm vs. googledocs Make use cases

18 Work Plan Oct TC Committee Draft Spec v0.1.0
Get the process going Boilerplate and Actions Nov TC Committee Draft Spec v0.2.0 Property tables, Targets, JSON structure Skip if v0.1.0 hung in process, go right to v.0.3.0 Dec TC Committee Draft Spec v0.3.0 Conformance Section, Responses, Alerts, Modifiers and all details left open in .1,.2 fixed Jan TC Committee Spec v1.0.0 Actuator Info (what in LS)

19 Working Documents Language Specification Glossary
19 Language Specification Glossary

20 Meeting Schedule Weekly meetings, announced:
Via OASIS On Slack #meetings and #language channels Schedule: Tues of every week Next meetings (all at 1300 ET / 1700 UTC) 24 October 2017 31 October 2017 7 November 2017 14 November 2017 21 November 2017 WebEx details on TC calendar event in Kavi

21 Old Business Face to Face (Sparrell)

22 Face to Face Purpose Survey results on Slack Frequency Location/Date
Provide a means of having high bandwidth discussions to talk through complicated and detailed topics. Survey results on Slack Frequency 2-3 times a year Location/Date 30 people want 4Q mtg in DC area Will put out date choices soon

23 New Business Motion for OpenC2 Language Specification, Community Specification Draft (Sparrell) "I move that the TC approve the OpenC2 Language Specification V1.0.0 Working Draft 03 and all associated artifacts packaged together in as a Committee Specification Draft 01 and designate the PDF version of the specification as authoritative. I further move that the TC approve submitting the aforementioned Committee Specification Draft 01 for 30 days of public review and direct the Chair perform the tasks as required by TC Admin to facilitate that issuance."

24 Poll for New Business

25 Action Item Review

26 Action Items Actuator Profile Data Call
Post Oasis Users Council Briefing

27 Roster Statistics Roster Statistics (119 Total Users) October 2017
September 2017 Group Roles 64 (53.8%) Member 30 (25.2%) Voting Member 19 (16.0%) Observer 3 (2.5%) OASIS Staff Contact 2 (1.7%) Chair1 (0.8%) Secretary Group Roles 60 (50.4%) Member 34 (28.6%) Voting Member 2 (1.7%) Chair 1 (0.8%) Secretary

28 Adjourn Upcoming TC Meetings
28 Upcoming TC Meetings November 15 at11:00 and 21:00 Eastern (15:00 and 01:00 UTC) December 20 at11:00 and 21:00 Eastern (15:00 and 01:00 UTC) January 17 at11:00 and 21:00 Eastern (15:00 and 01:00 UTC)


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