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Praise Points: Year 7 7LGN AWY NBK YGY EES

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Presentation on theme: "Praise Points: Year 7 7LGN AWY NBK YGY EES"— Presentation transcript:

1 Praise Points: Year 7 7LGN 2316 7AWY 2085 7NBK 1543 7YGY 1280 7EES
1249 7JPE 1191 7ADN 625

2 Praise Points: Year 8 8CMN 1579 8HPE 1133 8SSN 1091 8LHE 958 8TFN 901
8KCM 674

3 Praise Points: Year 9 9JOR 1295 9EHH 1196 9AYG 733 9ABW 645 9KON 611

4 Praise Points: Year 10 10FBY 967 10HYS 839 10NDR 687 10ADE 593 10GBN
382 10EMN 267

5 Praise Points: Year 11 11MMY 1417 11JMY 1103 11ACG 780 11COY 735 11CLN
344 11HBE 291

6 Praise Points Running Totals
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 10289 6451 4485 3740 4670

7 House System Don’t forget, the House Leadership Team meets regularly and details of our meetings are now available to you on the Academy website and in House Leadership box in the Library.

8 Current House Points 7359 6240 7272 8764 Simmonds​ Malala​ Sutton​
Parry​ 7359 6240 7272 8764

9 House Poetry Competition
Y7 winner: Erin Rhead (7LGN) Y7 Runner up: Callum Foster (7NBK) Y8 Winner: Lili Wilkerson (8SSN) Y8 Runner up: Lili Bird (8HPE) Y9 Winner: Amber Wulff (9JOR) Y9 Runners up: Caitlin Richards (9JOR) Alex Connor (9AYG)  Mrs Boyd-Rugen would like to congratulate all those who participated in the House Poetry Competition. Winners receive 10 House Points & runners up receive 5 House Points.

10 Form-time fun Well done to 7AWY who had fun during Form time last week. They were each awarded 5 House Points for their winning performance. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR 7EES/SFR vs 7YGY/RMT

11 Accelerated Reader Congratulations to Blake Cooper (7LGN/SES), who is the first student in Year 7 to read one million words since September.  In recognition of this outstanding achievement, Blake was awarded with a brand new Kindle Fire, a certificate acknowledging his fantastic efforts and 20 House Points.  Well done, Blake!

12 Rewards trip You are invited if you have: Year 7 trip to Silver Blades
When: Tuesday 13th December, 3:45pm – 6:15pm Cost: £11 You are invited if you have: 95% + attendance consistently good AtL Participated in at least one Enrichment activity

13 House Day is coming… Thursday 15th December

14 House Leadership Meeting
Date: Monday 21st November, 8.35, in the Canteen Chairperson: Mr Rimmer House Prefects: Lee Stephen (Simmonds) Meredith Hannon (Parry) Aidan Jackson (Malala) Jamie Matthews (Sutton) Don’t forget to speak to your House Prefect if you have matters you would like them to discuss on your behalf.

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