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Outcome: DL6.5 Assess effects of micro-organisms on past and present society, and contributions of science and technology to human understanding of micro-organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcome: DL6.5 Assess effects of micro-organisms on past and present society, and contributions of science and technology to human understanding of micro-organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcome: DL6.5 Assess effects of micro-organisms on past and present society, and contributions of science and technology to human understanding of micro-organisms. [CP, DM, SI] Design and conduct an investigation of the factors that influence how quickly micro-organisms break down organic matter (e.g., build a composter in a 2L plastic bottle and vary conditions such as the amount of water, soil, light, and combinations of waste products).

2 Micro-organisms and Composting: Decompose This!
Do you have a compost bin? What are the ingredients in a compost bin? What kinds of microbes are in compost? How does a compost bin work?

3 What is in a compost bin? Organic matter like vegetable peels, grass clippings, leaves, manure, water, air, etc. It is a complex ecosystem made up of micro and macro-organisms The main groups of microorganisms in soil are: bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and actinomycetes In a teaspoon of bacteria there may be up to a billion bacteria! These tiny guys are what drives decomposition and get the whole thing going for the larger players to come

4 What is in a compost bin continued…
Macro-organisms include things like worms, insects and shrews

5 What kinds of microbes are in compost?
Bacteria are the most abundant – % of all microorganisms in compost are bacteria Two kinds of bacteria: Aerobic – they need oxygen Aerobic are your friends Anaerobic – don’t need oxygen but they are the “bad neighbours” of decomposition – slow down the process and they smell! They smell because of the waste they produce: amines & hydrogen sulfide

6 What does the bacteria do?
There are different kinds of bacteria: Psychrophiles, mesophiles & thermophiles Each type of bacteria have different jobs and prefer certain temperatures Bacteria start to party and heat up the compost bin HEAT is a by-product of decomposition

7 Heat results from the metabolic processes of microorganisms
Each group of microorganisms has a preferred temperature So, if a pile heats up or cools down the population will adjust Plus, organisms in the outside may be different than those in the inside Managing a compost bin is all about keeping the temperature, water, pH, oxygen, energy and protein in a good balance

8 Also found in a compost bin:
Fungi: single or multi-celled Fungi lack chlorophyll so they can’t make their own food Take over in the final stages of compost Protozoa: usually not many Behaves the same as bacteria but is larger Actinomycetes: part bacteria & part fungi They prefer moderate temp. Looks like greyish cob-webby stuff Has a nice earthy smell – because of the waste they make

9 Check out this short video on compost
=cBkBwVFFEWw Get out your science journals to record 4-5 facts from the video

10 What we are going to do next:
In groups of 2 We are going to prepare mini- compost bins Come up to the front and grab supplies And then go and sit down Wait! for me to give you the ok to start preparing the compost bottle

11 PROCESS: measure everything you put into the compost bins, record the entire process – if you do not record you will get a ZERO!! Step 1: cut the top of the bottle off – like the one at the front of the classroom Step 2: label 1 bottle with soil & 1 bottle without soil Step 3: label the back of each bottle with your names Step 4: layer bottle 1 with soil, grass clippings, carrot/potato peels with each layer getting a mist of water STOP: just a light misting of water! Step 5: repeat layers to the top and place top of bottle back on, leaving the cap off Step 6: layer bottle 2 in the same manner WITHOUT soil, repeat Step 5 We will be checking our compost bins periodically over the next few weeks to see which conditions are the most favourable for microorganisms

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