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Cohesion Policy, using geospatial information and statistics

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1 Cohesion Policy, using geospatial information and statistics
Hugo Poelman DG REGIO - Analysis Unit 1

2 Cohesion Policy Almost 1/3 of the EU budget is dedicated to Cohesion Policy Supports 11 thematic objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Research and Innovation Combating climate change Information and Commu- nication technologies Competitiveness of SMEs Low-carbon economy Environment and resource efficiency Sustainable transport Better public administration Better education, training Social inclusion Employment and Mobility 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11

3 Cohesion Policy Funding 2014-2020 (€351.8 bn)
main regional component

4 A policy based on harmonised regional data
Determining the main categories of regions receiving support: Less developed, transition, more developed regions (NUTS2) Based on regional GDP/head (in PPS) compared to EU average Distributing the EU support by Member State and category of regions: Regional GDP/head Unemployment Employment rate Educational level and early school leavers Population density - Europe 2020 headline indicators

5 Investing in all EU regions
Level of investment adapted to level of development 50.5 % 9.9 % 15.1 % GDP/head

6 Cooperation across borders
Cross-border, transnational and interregional components

7 Youth Employment Initative (YEI)
A total budget of € 6.4 billion In regions with a youth unemployment rate above 25% Target group: Individuals "NEETs" aged below 25, or optionally below 30: inactive or unemployed (+long-term) registered or not as jobseekers residing in the eligible regions Why this initiative? More than one in five young Europeans on the labour market cannot find a job. NEET: Not in Education Employment or Training. 7.5 million in Europe A gap of over 50 percentage points between the MS with the lowest rate of youth employment (Germany 7.7%) and the Member States with the highest Greece 58.2%)

8 Regional data in the implementation process
Programme allocations by type of territory: referring to the degree of urbanisation classification Programme-specific result indicators: many of these are taken from the data provided to Eurostat by the NSIs Integrated urban development strategy : developed by cities adressing economic, environmental, climate, demographic and social challenges. To be implemented as 8

9 Specific instruments for Urban Development
Innovative actions for sustainable urban development Promoting innovative and experimental projects. At least 50,000 inhabitants involved Urban development network Direct dialogue between European Commission and cities implementing integrated urban development and innovative actions URBACT Cooperation programme; all cities can apply URBACT: Cities from several Member States cooperate on one project 9

10 Mid-term review of allocations
2016: review of the allocations for the "Investment for Growth and Jobs" goal (= main component of Cohesion Policy) Using up-to-date GDP figures and regional indicators Applying the initial allocation distribution method Review can lead to upward or downward adjustments of the allocations per Member State in the years

11 Preparing the future Commission will submit a proposal for a multiannual budget post-2020 before the end of 2017 To be preceded by a reflection on the architecture and principles of Cohesion Policy Role of regional and territorial data still to be defined… Analytical reports (Cohesion Report, Cities' Report) provide input for the reflection on the future of the policy

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