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Figure 1.1: Correlation among global temperature change, atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations displayed in order. (Intergovernmental Panel.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 1.1: Correlation among global temperature change, atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations displayed in order. (Intergovernmental Panel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 1.1: Correlation among global temperature change, atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations displayed in order. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change—IPCC) A more convincing correlation between carbon dioxide concentrations and the earth’s temperature over the past 160,000 years is shown in Figure 9.1. Fig. 1-1a, p. 5

2 Figure 1.1: Correlation among global temperature change, atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations displayed in order. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change—IPCC) A more convincing correlation between carbon dioxide concentrations and the earth’s temperature over the past 160,000 years is shown in Figure 9.1. Fig. 1-1b, p. 5

3 Figure 1.1: Correlation among global temperature change, atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations displayed in order. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climatic Change—IPCC) A more convincing correlation between carbon dioxide concentrations and the earth’s temperature over the past 160,000 years is shown in Figure 9.1. Fig. 1-1c, p. 5

4 Figure 1.2: Energy consumption in the United States over the last two hundred years, by fuel used. A Btu is a unit of energy. A quadrillion Btu (or Quad) is 1015 Btu. Fig. 1-2, p. 7

5 Morning rush hour, Canton, China.
p. 8

6 Figure 1.3: World energy consumption, 1970–2025 for industrialized countries, developing countries, and Former Soviet Union. Also shown are regional shares of total final consumption for 2002. Fig. 1-3a, p. 8

7 Figure 1.3: World energy consumption, 1970–2025 for industrialized countries, developing countries, and Former Soviet Union. Also shown are regional shares of total final consumption for 2002. Fig. 1-3b, p. 8

8 Figure 1.4: World energy consumption by country: 2002.
Fig. 1-4, p. 9

9 Figure 1.5: Energy consumption by source for the world and for the United States: 2003.
Fig. 1-5a, p. 10

10 Figure 1.5: Energy consumption by source for the world and for the United States: 2003.
Fig. 1-5b, p. 10

11 Oil fields in Texas in the 1920s.
p. 10

12 Figure 1.5: Energy consumption by source for the world and for the United States: 2003.
Fig. 1-6, p. 11

13 Figure 1. 7: United States petroleum production and imports: 1949–2003
Figure 1.7: United States petroleum production and imports: 1949–2003. (Petroleum includes crude oil and natural gas plant liquids.) Fig. 1-7, p. 11

14 The 350-kW photovoltaic power plant at Gun Hill Bus Depot in New York City. Solar cells supplement the terminal’s electrical energy needs. p. 12

15 Figure 1.8: United States end uses of energy by sector: 2003.
Fig. 1-8, p. 12

16 Figure 1.9: United States total energy flow in 2003 (Quadrillions of Btu). Total energy consumed—98.2 Quads—includes conversion and transmission losses of electric utilities. (NGPL = Natural Gas Plant Liquids) Fig. 1-9, p. 13

17 Caribou near the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in Alaska.

18 Table 1-1, p. 15

19 Figure 1.10: Energy resources used in China: 2002.
Fig. 1-10, p. 16

20 p. 17

21 Exponential growth illustration in South India.

22 Table 1-2, p. 18

23 Figure 1. 11: World coal production cycle
Figure 1.11: World coal production cycle. The probable exploitation of a fossil fuel (coal in this case) can be characterized by the solid curve. Production initially increases exponentially (as shown by the dashed line), but its rate of increase eventually decreases. Production then declines as extraction becomes more difficult and the rate of discovery decreases. Knowing the amount of fuel initially present, we can use this pattern to determine the lifetime of a resource; in this example, the lifetime of coal reserves is 400 to 600 years. (The amount of coal used so far is shown by the shaded area.) Fig. 1-11, p. 19

24 Figure 1. 12: United States oil production
Figure 1.12: United States oil production. Comparison of estimated (Hubbert) production curve (dashed line) and actual production (solid line). Fig. 1-12, p. 19

25 Figure 1. 13: United States natural gas production
Figure 1.13: United States natural gas production. Comparison of estimated (Hubbert) production curve (dashed line) and actual production (solid line). Fig. 1-13, p. 20

26 Figure 1. 14: World oil prices: 1970–2005
Figure 1.14: World oil prices: 1970–2005. Oil prices reflect international events. Fig. 1-14, p. 21

27 A map of the Middle East. p. 22

28 Figure 1.15: United States per capita energy consumption over the past 130 years.
Fig. 1-15, p. 25

29 Figure 1.16: United States energy use (Btu) compared to GDP over time, and their ratio.
Fig. 1-16, p. 26

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