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Non-Verbal Communication

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Verbal Communication"— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Verbal Communication

2 How are these pairs of humans communicating?

3 What emotion is being expressed?


5 Task: In pairs sit back to back and try to have a genuine conversation

6 Functions of eye contact: Regulating the flow of conversation

7 Function of eye contact: Signalling attraction

8 Function of eye contact: Expressing emotion



11 Open & Closed Postures McGinley (1975)
Men shown videos of women discussing her views on various topics, e.g. whether to tip waiters, nuclear weapons etc. Some videos showed the woman sitting with an open posture, and some with a closed posture Men were asked their own views on the topic before and after watching the videos Men were more likely to change their opinions on the topic if the woman has an open posture.

12 Postural Echo

13 Communicating with touch

14 Cultural variation exists on appropriate touch

15 Some interesting studies on touch…


17 Try it out: In pairs, stand as close to each other side by side as feels comfortable. Try it again facing each other. Measure the distance. What did you find?


19 Cultural Differences Sommer (1969)
Observed groups of Arabic and white English men havng convsersations Personal space was much smaller in Arabic culture Cultural Differences

20 Gender differences Men tend to have bigger personal spaces than women
Both sexes prefer to have more space between them with people of the opposite sex compare to people of the same sex Men prefer to side opposite friends, whereas women prefer to sit side by side Men feel more uncomfortable when their personal space is invaded from the front and women feel more uncomfortable when their personal space is invaded from the side Gender differences

21 People of lower status stand closer to another person of lower status than they would a person of higher status People of higher status feel more free to choose how close they get to someone Experiment done at a factory observing labourers and mangers Status Differences

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