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Character Trait: Courage

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1 Character Trait: Courage
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” -Nelson Mandela

2 What is Courage? Doing the right thing even when it is scary or difficult Trying your best to succeed, even when success isn’t guaranteed Facing your fears Getting back up when you fall down

3 A Courageous Speaker
Running Time: 14:53

4 Example: Diving off of the highest rocks into a shallow lake.
What is Courage is Not putting yourself in danger taking unreasonable risks Example: Diving off of the highest rocks into a shallow lake.

5 Profiles in Courage “Sir Isaac Newton did poorly in school. He was only allowed to stay in school because he was a failure at running the family farm. He grew up to become one of the most famous philosophers and mathematicians of all time.”

6 Profiles in Courage “Thomas Edison was told by his teachers that he was too stupid to learn anything. He read all the books in his local library on his own and became the greatest inventor of all time, with more than 1,000 patents issued in his name.”

7 Profiles in Courage “Andrei Sakharov was a high-ranking Soviet physicist when he began opposing nuclear weapons tests and supporting human rights. He was exiled for many years as a result of his beliefs. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1975.”

8 Profiles in Courage “Rosa Parks, who was black, was ordered to give up her seat to a white man. She refused, forcing police to remove, arrest, and imprison her – and sparking the Montgomery bus boycott. She became known as the mother of the American civil rights movement.”

9 3 Types of Courage

10 Example: Your boat capsizes and you must swim to shore.
1. Physical Courage The ability to physically endure Example: Your boat capsizes and you must swim to shore.

11 Example: You swim one more mile when you are near exhaustion.
2. Mental Courage The ability to mentally stick with something Example: You swim one more mile when you are near exhaustion.

12 3. Moral Courage The ability to stand up for what is right, even when it is hard Example: You tell your friend, “No, I won’t show you the answers to the test.

13 Make a List Take the next five minutes to brainstorm a list acts of everyday courage. Write these ideas in your notes. Be prepared to share out your list with the class.

14 7 Characteristics of Courageous Leaders
Takes risks others are unwilling to attempt Invest in people others are willing to dismiss Empowers people while others wait for them to prove themselves Faces conflicts others avoid Challenges the status quo with which others have grown content Embraces changes others ignore Remains steadfast when others are departing Source:

15 Activity Cards

16 On Your Own

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