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Pressure Injuries Update

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1 Pressure Injuries Update
Metlifecare Kim Brooks – Director of Nursing Theresa Henson – Quality and Risk Manager

2 AmRisk Metlifecare has used AmRisk - a risk Management software program for over 10 years now
AmRisk application provides a systemized way of maintaining and processing incidents and complaints Ensure they don’t get written on a piece of paper filed and never seen again, let alone completed to the satisfaction of the people involved and to the organizations requirements





7 Incidents by Category 1 August – 30 September 2012

8 Resident Skin Incidents 183 reported skin incidents for a 2 month period

9 That’s nice ---SO! Assessment – all residents have a “”Waterlow assessment done on admission or if there is a significant change in health status. 3 monthly reviews The assessment informs the Long tern Care Plan The tools provide a guide to the residents needs in terms of Equipment, pressure relieving cushions, mattress’s, heel protectors etc. (to provide consistency across the organisation we use preferred providers – Cubro, Smith and Nephew) Training tools and learning booklets for RNs and carers which they do annually on skin / pressure care. Specific training from Wound Care Nurse Specialist, DHB resources, Smith and Nephew (Portfolio maintenance, ACE) On-going audits and Quality Improvement Action Plans

10 Still you can get in the POO!
The blame culture Non reporting as its didn’t happen on my watch or in my place Communication to ALL, residents, family, nursing and medical personal Not seeking expert advice in a timely manner It’s not my job, I told the RN (no you didn’t, yes I did!!) Change in leadership or Manager No Leadership or Management Things in place to tick the box Lack of education and understanding No follow up of process’s The never ending story it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on!

11 Remember!! There is a GOOD Never Ending Story!

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