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Presentation on theme: "GROUP COMMUNICATIONS."— Presentation transcript:


2 I. characteristics of a group
all groups and their success are affected by 3 variables – SIZE NORMS COHESION

3 I. characteristics of a group
group size – size affects the comfort of each group member. - ideal size is 5 -7 people because everyone participates more. - 4 or less has too little diversity to generate ideas. - 8 or more will cause the quiet members to talk less, and when they do talk, only talk to authority figures.

4 I. characteristics of a group
B. norms – expected behavior within the group - cooperation, it is not a competition - discussion, it is not a debate - avoid negative talk, be encouraging and positive - all three require patience

5 I. characteristics of a group
C. cohesion – degree of unity - the more unity among members, the higher the degree of success.

6 II. group roles how members relate to each other and perform.
when being a members of a group, everyone assumes a role or several roles. there are 3 category of roles – task relational dysfunctional

7 II. group roles A. task roles related to the job the group must do
Information giver, information seeker Starter, direction giver, summarizer, energizer Gatekeeper, opinion giver, opinion seeker

8 II. group roles B. relational roles
related to resolving conflict and getting along Participation encourager Tension reliever Praise giver Empathic listener

9 II. group roles C. dysfunctional roles
– related to any disruptive behaviors Blocker Attacker Recognition seeker Joker Withdrawer

10 III. leadership styles there are 3 leadership styles which may be present in any given group situation - Laissez faire Authoritarian Democratic

11 III. leadership styles A. laissez faire – “low control” leader
- intervenes as little as possible into group discussions/decisions - empowers group members to take control of their efforts - identifies strengths of members -will appear to fade into the background

12 III. leadership styles B. authoritarian – “high control” leader - influences all aspects of decisions and group actions - holds most of the power of decision making - manages all group interactions - guides group towards what he or she thinks is best

13 III. leadership styles C. democratic – “moderate control” leader - offers direction when the group needs it - encourages members to voice opinions and express differences

14 IV. decision making methods
there are 4 ways to make decisions within groups - consensus voting compromise authority rules

15 IV. decision making methods
consensus – informal – general agreement

16 IV. decision making methods
B. voting – formal - agreement by individual expression of choice

17 IV. decision making methods
C. compromise – mutual concessions - settling of differences by each side yielding, adjusting, or ‘giving in’ on their principles to some degree

18 IV. decision making methods
D. authority rules – only one makes the choice – there is no say so in making the decision by members of the group; the leader makes the decision

19 V. problem solving steps
In group situations, there are six steps to solving problems A. define the problem - identify it - make sure all understand it - know how it came about - know why it needs to be solved - then limit the problem

20 V. problem solving steps
B. analyze the issues - learn the background of the problem - break the problem into smaller units

21 V. problem solving steps
C. establish criteria* *criteria are a set of standards the problem’s solution must meet - establishing standards prevents unnecessary discussion - allows the group to become more specific about what needs to be accomplished

22 V. problem solving steps
D. generate possible solutions - brainstorm – bombard the problem with fresh ideas - do not worry about the practicality of the ideas as you think them up; just get as many ideas on the table as possible - sometimes the obvious solution is not the best one - do not accept any solution until several have been examined - never accept one without an alternative

23 V. problem solving steps
E. evaluate - weigh and compare solution and alternative against established criteria F. select and implement solution


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