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RWS 100 // 12-4-17 // Testa Assignment 4 Prompt And Guarino Article.

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Presentation on theme: "RWS 100 // 12-4-17 // Testa Assignment 4 Prompt And Guarino Article."— Presentation transcript:

1 RWS 100 // // Testa Assignment 4 Prompt And Guarino Article

2 Outline Announcements Assignment 4 Prompt In-Class Writing
Discussion of Guarino Group Work


4 Announcements For assignment 4, the short rough draft is due on Monday, 12/11. The long rough draft is due on Wednesday, 12/13. The final draft is due on 12/15 by 11:59pm on Blackboard. There is no final for this class. There will be optional conferencing next week.


6 More Announcements I got my RWS 200 times for Spring 2018.
I teach two classes – TTH 8:00-9:15 and 9:30-10:45. EARLY BUT NO FRIDAY OMG.

7 Important Announcement
Makeup on Friday… What do y’all want?

8 Assignment 4 Prompt Let’s look at it.

9 Assignment 4 Questions? Anyone have any questions about assignment 4?

10 <Insert Meme Here>


12 In-Class Writing What do you think can help solve the problem of fake news? Is there a clear solution to fake news? Why or why not?


14 Guarino Discussion Ben Guarino. Rhetorical situation.


16 Group Work Break up into groups for Guarino.

17 Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers
Appeals First Half [Jazmin, Trinity, Seiya, Dillon B, Anthony]

18 Team Smells Like Team Spirit
Range of Concerns First Half [Alexis, Natalie, Tom, Jasmine]

19 Team Not Fast, Just Furious
Assumptions First Half [Lyndsey, Maxwell, Sean, Dillon S]

20 Team RazzMaTazz Assumptions Second Half
[Francisco, Sofi, Riley, Jenna]

21 Victorious Secret Range of Concerns Second Half
[Arvin, Danielle, Robert, Lauren]

22 The Meme Team Appeals Second Half [Riana, Jordan, Josh, Courtney]

23 Mighty Morphin Flower Arrangers: Appeals 1st half [Trinity, Jazmin, Seiya, Dillon B, Anthony]
Smells Like Team Spirit: Range of Concerns 1st half [Alexis, Natalie, Tom, Jasmine] Not Fast, Just Furious: Assumptions 1st half [Lyndsey, Maxwell, Sean, Dillon S] Team RazzMaTazz: Assumptions 2nd half [Francisco, Sofi, Riley, Jenna] Team Victorious Secret: Range of Concerns 2nd half [Arvin, Danielle, Robert, Lauren] The Meme Team: Appeals 2nd half [Riana, Jordan, Josh, Courtney]

24 Turn In Work Turn in any work you did to get credit for it.


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