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Body Image and fad diets

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Presentation on theme: "Body Image and fad diets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Body Image and fad diets
Health Active Living Body Image and fad diets

2 VIDEO – That’s What She Said That’s What He Said

3 Refers to the mental picture an individual has of his/herself
Define Body Image: Refers to the mental picture an individual has of his/herself In pairs, describe the “perfect” body image for a male and female. Be specific. Why do we define these descriptions as perfect? Be ready to share your answers.

4 Involves having a greater appreciation for oneself and others!
Healthy Body Image Involves having a greater appreciation for oneself and others! Accepting certain aspects of one’s body structure and shape that are genetic, and cannot really be changed

5 Who are we trying to model ourselves after??

6 …these people??




10 VIDEO: Dove Beauty Campaign (1:14)
Skinny Captain America (Web Article)

11 How do I demonstrate RESPECT FOR MYSELF?
A HEALTHY BODY IMAGE… How do I demonstrate RESPECT FOR MYSELF? Accepting who I am Proper nutrition Regular exercise Being positive about myself The way I dress How I present myself Body language

12 How do I demonstrate RESPECT FOR OTHERS?
A HEALTHY BODY IMAGE… How do I demonstrate RESPECT FOR OTHERS? Accepting others for who they are Being open to others’ opinions Avoiding put-downs / gossip Speaking kindly towards others Being sensitive to their needs Acts of kindness Recognizing the value of others


14 =10s
Video Video: Dove Real Beauty Sketches (6:35) =10s Thoughts?? Reactions? Do you feel that these women demonstrate a respect for themselves? How did their views on Body Image get so distorted. Do you think these women demonstrate respect for each other?

15 Some people will try just about anything to lose weight.
Fad Diets Lack of self esteem and a distorted body image tends to lead people to try ridiculous diets. Some people will try just about anything to lose weight.

16 Why Fad diets don’t work
First... If it sounds too good to be is! Second... A good diet should include the following: A Healthy Diet Balance and Variety Life long (sustainable) Education Exercise

17 Atkins Diet Overview – “Low Carb” diet
- lots of meat, egg, butter and cheese THE BAD Too much protein can lead to heart disease, colon cancer, bad breath and constipation. You end up increasing your fat intake Atkins encourages dieters to avoid certain veggies and fruits.

18 The Zone Overview: Controls metabolism by dividing reduced calorie diets. Popular in Hollywood

19 The Zone – The Bad 1,100 recommended daily calories, way too little.
Just a gimmick to get you to eat less. Tough to adhere to. An extremely low calorie intake will actually SLOW your metabolism

20 Diet Pills Overview: Controls hunger by sending chemicals to the brain. THE BAD Too many to mention!!! Most don’t promote exercise!

21 South Beach Diet Overview: Eliminates foods in phases. (1st 2 weeks: no bread, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, candy, sugar, or alcohol) The Bad Most dieters don’t succeed by trying the cold turkey method No exercise!!! Weight drops too quickly, dieters end up losing water weight!

22 Jenny Craig Overview: Dieters purchase a membership as well as “Jenny Craig Meals” THE BAD - Celebrity endorsed (GODS) Expensive!!!! No exercise!

23 Weight Watchers Overview: Clients pay for membership and count “points” for food in order to produce caloric intake. Meet regularly to “weigh in” and receive counselling. THE BAD Too much focus on weight and not enough on being healthy Expensive especially if you don’t know how to calculate the points yourself. No mention of exercise.

24 What are the 2 main types of eating disorders? Anorexia Nervosa:
- A disorder in which the irrational fear of becoming obese results in severe weight loss from self induced starvation

25 Eating disorders cont’d
Bulimia Nervosa - Is a disorder in which cycles of overeating are often followed by some form of purging or clearing of the digestive tract.


27 Eating disorders cont’d
Movie Hungry for Change – look for the symptoms of an eating disorder What would you do if someone close to you developed an eating disorder? How does the idea of nutrition play a role in today’s lesson?

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