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5th Grade Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "5th Grade Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 5th Grade Curriculum Night
Welcome Parents Take a look through your child’s notebooks.

2 Daily Schedule 9:15 9:30 10:40 11:00 11:15 12:30-1:10 1:10
Morning Meeting 9:30 Math 10:40 Recess 11:00 Snack 11:15 Literacy 12:30-1:10 Recess/Lunch 1:10 Writer’s Workshop 2:00 or 2:45 Social Studies/Science/ 2;15 or 2:45 Specialist: Library Mon 2:45 Music Tues 2:45 Thurs 2:15 PE Wed 10:00am Fri 2:15 3:25 Planner/Patrol 3:40 Dismissal Daily Schedule

3 Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Classroom Dojo Points
Coupons and Class Store Soaring Eagle Awards Respect, Responsible, Safe, Kind

4 Study Skills Organization skills – desk and learning materials
Planner - daily, weekly, long term assignments Time management Preparation students towards greater independence for middle school

5 Reading Program Balanced reading instruction to support individual student development of reading proficiency Reader’s workshop model- fiction/non-fiction/class novels/Making Meaning Curriculum Teaching focus on modeling comprehension strategies of literary elements based on identifying evidence in text. Time for Kids-current events magazine used for homework. All 5th graders will take a Common Assessment in reading PRE and POST

6 Eureka Math Curriculum
Comprehensive curriculum written by teachers and mathematicians Presents mathematics in a logical progression to prepare students to understand advanced math Connects math to the real world and and is Common Core aligned. This approach can be unfamiliar to those of us who grew up memorizing mathematical facts and formulas Read the Parent Tip Sheet at the beginning of each Module.

7 Year at a Glance Trimester 1 Trimester 2 Trimester 3 Module 1
Place Value and Decimal Fractions Module 3 Addition and Subtraction of Fractions Module 5 Addition and Multiplication with Volume and Area Module 2 Multi-Digit Whole Number and Decimal Fraction Operations Module 4 Multiplication and Division of Fractions and Decimal Fractions Module 6 Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane

8 Writing: Lucy Calkins – Units of Study
Non Genre Specific Narrative Informative-Research Report Persuasive Memoir Writers Workshop format

9 Social Studies U.S. Geography New World Exploration Colonization
Revolutionary War Constitution and Bill of Rights

10 Science Physical Science-Motion & Design/Forms of Energy Fossils
Life Science and Experiments with Plants Scientific Process Science Journals

11 Health Developing healthy social/emotional skills
Healthy sense of self/collaboration/cooperation/ kindness Nutrition/Fitness Human Sexuality-FLASH

12 Technology Integrated with curriculum Internet Research
Power Point presentations Publisher Word processing

13 Goals Academic growth Personal growth Personal organization
Self discipline Increased independence Developing a healthy sense of self

14 Communication Questions??? *Open door policy *Purple Folders
*Optimal time for phone calls is before/after school - Questions???

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