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About Washington Service Corps

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1 About Washington Service Corps

2 What is AmeriCorps? It’s a network of national service programs that seeks to address critical community needs and foster civic engagement. About 75,000 AmeriCorps members serve throughout the country each year Members serve in nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based organizations Some of the things AmeriCorps members do include: Help communities recover from natural disasters Build affordable housing Increase economic opportunities Promote environmental sustainability Help students increase academic performance Assist veterans and their families Promote healthy futures

3 What is AmeriCorps? Show video if possible. Click on the hyperlink title or here is the link:

4 What is Washington Service Corps?
We are an AmeriCorps program that trains and manages more than members statewide. We have more than 30 years of experience in community service. We have several focus areas: Disaster Services: disaster preparedness training and education Economic Opportunity: adult basic education; job skills training; financial literacy; housing services. Education: K-12 academic improvement or engagement through tutoring.

5 What is Washington Service Corps? (continued)
Environmental Stewardship: education and outreach; habitat restoration. Healthy Futures: education in nutrition and healthy behaviors; healthcare access, insurance and benefit programs; assisting seniors or disabled adults with access to meals, transportation or other services. Veterans and Military Families: recruitment of Veterans as community volunteers. Youth Opportunity: mentorship, coaching and guidance to help disadvantaged youth on a pathway toward college or a career.

6 What are the Member Benefits?
A living stipend each month. Training and experience. Health insurance coverage provided by the WSC, if needed An Education Award of $6,095 provided upon successful completion of the 10.5-month term of service and 1,700 hours Student loan forbearance and interest accrual payment on qualifying loans Subsidized AmeriCorps childcare, if qualified Many colleges offer incentives such as service scholarships or matching tuition funding Student loan forebearance means you can put your loans on hold during your service term. If you qualify, the Corporaration for National Community Service (CNCS) will pay for part or all of the interest that accrues while your loans are in forebearance.

7 What are the Position Requirements?
Must commit to serving 10.5 months Terms typically begin in August, September or October Members serve full time – an average of 40 hours per week Members serve a minimum of 1,700 hours before the end of their term Must be 18 years old (17 with parent’s permission) To serve in education, you must have a GED or high school diploma

8 My Washington Service Corps Experience
Add a picture here and text. You can also add more slides. Talk about your journey as an AmeriCorps member. Here are some ideas/suggestions: Talk about: How did you find out about AmeriCorps? How did you end up serving where you are at? What were some of the challenges and successes? What have you learned from your experience? Why would you recommend it?

9 How Can I Apply?
To apply for program year positions, go to: Contact Washington Service Corps: Call: (toll free) Website:

10 Final Questions or Comments?
Thank You

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