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Professional Teaching Standards Barry Crompton Stanwell School

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1 Professional Teaching Standards Barry Crompton Stanwell School

2 Where are we currently? Current Professional Teaching Standards
Professional Values & Attributes (11 Standards) Professional Knowledge & Understanding (12 Standards) Professional Skills: Planning & Target Setting (9 Standards) Monitoring & Assessment (7 Standards) Teaching & Managing Learning (16 Standards) Total = 55 Current Leadership Standards Standards Creating Strategic Direction (7 Standards) Leading Learning & Teaching (16 Standards) Developing & Working with Others (13 Standards) Managing the School (13 Standards) Securing Accountability (6 Standards) Strengthening the Community Focus (11 Standards) Total = 66 Where are we currently?

3 "Leaders in education need to have a strong focus on providing suitable opportunities for the professional development of staff at all levels in order to nurture confident and creative teaching and learning.“ Meilyr Rowlands Teaching is one of the weakest aspects of provision in most sectors. There is a tendency towards ticking boxes in lesson planning. Teachers may therefore become too concerned with following procedures rather than thinking creatively about the best way to encourage learners to achieve. Estyn Annual Report "I remain committed to the ambition of providing all teachers and leaders with the right skills and knowledge to benefit pupils and make sure schools can deliver the new curriculum and vision for education in Wales.“ Kirsty Williams

4 ACTIVITY 1 – Out With the Old....In With The New!!
Can delegates identify the current (old) standards from the proposed (new) standards? (Card Sort & Discussion) Emphasis on the wording (progressive, expansive) Not just a tick box exercise – something to aspire to

Value the active involvement of children and young people in their progress, development and well-being. Be actively involved in professional networks and learning communities which share and test beliefs and understandings with colleagues and contribute to the wider development of the school and profession. Use understanding of the expectations, organizational arrangements and pedagogical approach in the key stages or phases before and/or after the ones they teach to inform their practice and planning. Have a knowledge of a range of strategies and know how to use them to promote good behaviour and create a purposeful learning environment. Use teaching and learning objectives to plan lessons, and sequences of lessons, which clearly show how learners’ knowledge, skills and understanding will be assessed. Encourage learners to progress independently by providing activities or other out-of-school study which consolidates and extends work carried out in school. Use a range of monitoring and assessment strategies, including both formative and summative assessment, to evaluate learners’ progress towards planned learning objectives, and use this information to improve their own planning and teaching. Involve learners in target setting and in reflecting upon and evaluating their performance. EXAMPLES OF CURRENT STANDARDS

Learners are enabled to understand how their focus upon personal well-being and their drive for appropriate outcome, medium and quality has impact in terms of usefulness for the purpose and audience. Learning materials and experiences are used to provide appropriate challenge to every learner. Personal professional responsibility includes the sustained development of excellent practices across the professional standards. Learners articulate the way that their own organisational skills are developing to ensure they take growing responsibility for their own learning. The teacher uses qualities of own professional practice to positively influence the practice of others. The teacher encourages learners to apply themselves with sustained effort because they see the point of their learning and understand that resilience is needed for sustained success. Effort is consistently made to involve parents, carers, other partners and stakeholders in learner development in terms of the four purposes. Learners relish the opportunity to extend themselves and exploit previous skills whilst developing new ones. EXAMPLES OF NEW STANDARDS

7 Similarities Forms the basis of expectations of teachers (Estyn, WG) Professional Skills covered by 32 old standards, Pedagogy now covered by 34 descriptors. Differences Overall number of standards/descriptors cut from 121 to 62. Leadership standards/descriptors gone from 66 to 8 and are no longer separate. Emphasis on lower and upper descriptors, not just ‘meet the standard’. The descriptors are not intended as boxes to tick or cross and to then file away; more they are a prompt to be used with other professionals to build an on-going narrative of career long development. The development of an interactive platform to help teachers engage with the standards and support their self-review and professional growth.

8 New Professional Teaching Standards The Concentric Model

9 5 Dimensions of the Professional Teaching Standards
Pedagogy …. is paramount Collaboration Leadership …. allows it to spread …. helps it grow Professional Learning Innovation …. moves it forward …. takes it deeper

10 The New Emerging Model 5 Dimensions of Practice: Pedagogy, Leadership, Professional Learning, Innovation, Collaboration paramount : Split into 3 elements: Advancing Learning Four Purposes for Learners Exploiting Areas of Learning Blended Learning Experiences Real Life, Authentic Contexts Progression in Learning Cross Curricular Themes 12 Descriptors Refining Teaching Managing the Learning Environment Assessment Differentiation Recording & Reporting Involving Partners in Learning 10 Descriptors Influencing Learners Challenge & Expectations Listening to Learners Learners Leading Learning Sustained Effort & Resilience in Learners Reflection Learning Outcomes & Well-Being 12 Descriptors Total = 34 Descriptors

11 Leadership...helps it grow
Taking responsibility for self Exercising Corporate Responsibility Leading Colleagues, Projects & Programmes (8 Descriptors) Leading Departments & Phases Professional Learning...takes it deeper Wider Reading & Research Findings Professional Networks & Communities (6 Descriptors) Continuing Professional Learning Innovation...moves it forward Offering Expertise Developing New Techniques (6 Descriptors) Evaluating the Impact of Changes in Practice Collaboration...allows it to spread Seeking Advice & Support Working with in-school Colleagues (8 Descriptors) Supporting & Developing Others Enabling Improvement Total = 28 Descriptors

12 For each element there are two descriptors:
the lower descriptors describe expectations that should be met by the end of statutory induction for entry into the profession. Work is underway to define expectations for the end of Initial Teacher Education and award of Qualified Teacher Status. The upper descriptors exemplify sustained highly effective practice and provide a focus for career-long professional learning.

13 Four purposes for learners
Eg. PEDAGOGY: Advancing learning… through effective application of subject knowledge and discipline Four purposes for learners The way that the four purposes have been embedded, developed and extended is clearly articulated, with pedagogic evidence made available to colleagues Upper descriptor - exemplifies sustained highly effective practice and provides a focus for career-long professional learning. There is clear evidence of sustained embedding of the four purposes for learners Lower descriptor - expectations that should be met by the end of statutory induction for entry into the profession.

14 ACTIVITY 2 – Higher or Lower!!
Can delegates recognise the difference between the lower and upper descriptors of the proposed (new) standards? (Card Sort & Discussion) Emphasis on the wording (early years to experienced teacher) Upper descriptors (can they ever be achieved?)

15 Learning is planned so the next stages extend learners’ capacity incrementally and build upon prior knowledge. Advice is sought and taken on ways to improve performance and achieve enhanced outcomes for learners. Learners are encouraged to suggest ways in which learning can be further developed or interpreted. Assessment is used effectively to pinpoint learning needs. There is a willingness to develop and apply new techniques to suit the purposes of intended learning in a structured and considered approach and to learn from the experience. Learners’ views are sought, understood and acted upon. The active seeking of support from colleagues when meeting a new challenge is a natural part of teaching. The teacher uses qualities of own professional practice to positively influence the practice of others. Lower Descriptors

16 Learners and teachers can see, map and reflect upon learning to the extent that they are able to articulate next steps in a way which applies disciplined learning within the four purposes. Proposed new approaches are clearly articulated to colleagues at all levels to elicit critical advice and support. Leadership is an integral part of teaching involving the support, guidance and demand necessary to achieve required outcomes. It takes account of the experience of other colleagues and encourages them to flourish. Areas of concern are accurately identified and examined in own and others’ practice. Support is sought and offered readily and a plan enacted to secure improved performance. Specialised assessment techniques are employed for identified learners, and there is a commitment to working with colleagues and other agencies to best meet identified needs. Learners take an active role in managing their own learning agenda with self-initiated and determined activity helping them to set their own high expectations. Evidence-based, disciplined techniques are used effectively to meet challenges and take learning forward. Processes are in place which expect learners to offer their views to inform all stages of learning. Upper Descriptors

17 In a Nutshell... The descriptors that form part of the standards outline the characteristics of a growing professional in teaching. They are expected to spark the professional qualities of deliberation and consideration leading to clarity about developing practice. The clarity should be in the action that emerges, rather than the descriptor itself. The descriptors are not intended as boxes to tick or cross and to then file away; more they are a prompt to be used with other professionals to build an on-going narrative of career long development. The rigour comes from the professionalism that is an integral part of a self-improving school system rather than a ’checklist’ that ensures minimum standards instead of encouraging the reach for new heights.

18 Person Centred Profile
Stanwell School Pilot Self Assessment Student Voice Person Centred Profile Peer Assessment Individual Development Plans

19 Positives: Interactive concentric model more user-friendly than a list of standards. 31 rather than 55 standards, very positive. Emphasis on progression – the standards are expansive rather than reductive. Areas to consider: Lack of acknowledgement on the importance of subject knowledge and expertise. Some words and phrases need clarification and are too ‘business’ orientated. Vague guidance on the ‘in between years’. Little mention of technology and the part this might play in teacher development. Some of the Donaldson terminology is yet to be embraced by some staff, not part of the everyday vocabulary of teachers yet. Clarification on requirements for student teachers and NQTs needed. Extra-curricular activities not mentioned, which benefit learners greatly.

20 • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives.
The Curriculum should be based on 4 Key Purposes to develop children and young people as: • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives. • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work. • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world. • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

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