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Cancer And Beyond.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer And Beyond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer And Beyond

2 The Seanachaí What Makes a good story Heros & Heroins Not too long
Entertaining with human interest Is remembered

3 Everyone is different This is what worked for me

4 We are products of our own environments

5 May Symptoms 2nd May told it was Kidney Stones
2nd/3rd May more Kidney Stones 3rd May admitted to UHSM MDT to meet on 6th May

6 Kubler Ross Change curve
Event Fabulous Health care Is it really happening To me? Renewed but different Shock and Denial Disbelief Anger Acceptance Why me? Experiment & Explore Bargaining Sadness Initial engagement Isolation Depression That was the worst day, 7th May roller coaster of emotions,

7 Early May Appointment with Hazel Warburton Enhanced Recovery programme
Maintain a sense of humour

8 Build your own Bridge Acceptance Shock and Denial Education Plan Guilt
No Internet UHSM MacMillan Enhanced Recovery Programme Plan Pre Ops sessions MRSA Urology Pain Relief Physio Recovery Guilt This shouldn’t happen to me. I am the provider and care giver. Not a burden.

9 Normal life but adjusted Acceptance Shock and Denial Implement
Day 1 Walk &Eat Day2 Walk& Stairs Day 5 Home 2 Weeks 14k/day Education No Internet UHSM MacMillan Enhanced Recovery Programme Plan Pre Ops sessions MRSA Urology Pain Relief Physio Recovery Guilt This shouldn’t happen to me. I am the provider and care giver. Not a burden.

10 What can I do to help myself?
Patient Motivation plays a big part Enhanced Recovery Programme Research shows recovery can be quicker than previously thought. Understand what will happen before and after surgery Gives guidance on recovery

11 Post treatment support difficult to access
Went to my doctor Buzz Programme Activities during the day Phoned Jonathon at Northern Macmillan Active Programme Nicky

12 Focus on the Positive That’s my short Story Thank You
I have issues BUT I am one of the lucky ones Patient Power, YOU can do so much Before During After Many ways to get across……….but get across. That’s my short Story Thank You

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