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“Constitutional Convention”

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1 “Constitutional Convention”

2 Shays’ Rebellion Shays' Rebellion is the name given to a series of protests (lead by Daniel Shays) in 1786 and 1787 by American farmers against state and local enforcement of tax collections and judgments for debt.

3 A Call For Change Although it never seriously threatened the stability of the United States, Shays’ Rebellion greatly alarmed politicians throughout the nation. Proponents of constitutional reform at the national level cited the rebellion as justification for revision or replacement of the Articles of Confederation

4 The Constitutional Convention of 1787
“Independence Hall” Philadelphia, PA Why: 55 delegates from the 13 states will meet throughout the summer of 1787 to revise the Articles of Confederation and create a much stronger national government

5 Issues being addressed
How to make a stronger national government? How to still give states power? How to ensure rights of the people?

6 Solutions 1) 3 Branch Government 2) Checks and Balances 3) Federalism
(state & national) 4) Popular sovereignty 5) Representative government

7 Plans for representation:
Virginia Plan – proposal by James Madison, pushed for a proportional legislature where representatives were determined by population New Jersey Plan – proposed a one house legislature where every state received one vote.

8 Compromise The Great Compromise – proposal by Roger Sherman for a two house legislature. The lower house, House of Representatives, the number of seats for each state would vary based on population. The upper house, the Senate, each state would have two representatives.

9 The Three-Fifths Compromise
The issue of how the slaves would count towards representation in this new constitution. Southerners - wanted slaves to count towards the population in order to gain delegates in the House of Representatives. Northerners – counted for taxation but not representation Slaves = property. A compromise will be made to count the slaves as 3/5 of a person for both taxation and representation purposes. = 3

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