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Alabama 4-H Science School

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Presentation on theme: "Alabama 4-H Science School"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alabama 4-H Science School
November 14-16

2 Remind Text @96g7h4 to the number 81010
Teacher’s contact information Leslie Evilsizer Remind the number 81010 Remind. If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try

3 Shirts Please wear a Wacoochee shirt on Wednesday, November 14
Shirts Please wear a Wacoochee shirt on Wednesday, November 14! You may be able to purchase WES shirts in the office.

4 The cost of the camp is $160.00. This is a breakdown of the cost of the trip:
$ Lodging/food $ H shirt $3.00 Daily snack $1.00 Insurance $ Bus driver/gas $4.00 Hats $ Total **If you cancel within 14 days of the trip, you will still be responsible for the food they have bought to prepare for your child. A refund will be issued to you, minus the cost of the food which is $ If you are chaperoning, a refund will be issued to you, minus the cost of food for you and your child which is $96.

5 Background Check Instructions
(I am not sure how long this takes, so don’t wait until the last minute) In order for one to be a chaperone, a background check must be finalized by all chaperones: Go to Click on FOR PARENTS tab Scroll to School Volunteer & click and follow the directions This is what is on the page: Interested in volunteering in one of our schools? Please review the attached Lee County Schools Volunteer handbook.  Also, all volunteers are required to complete a background check.  You can find the link to the required online background check below.  Once you have entered your information on the BIB website to request your background check you will need to provide the school with the following items before the process of the background check can begin:  Picture ID Volunteer Application/Profile Volunteer Guideline Agreement Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement

6 Bus Information. All students must ride the bus there and back
Bus Information **All students must ride the bus there and back! **Parents can’t ride the bus! Departing on November 14 DROP OFF –Wednesday A.M. All 4H campers must be dropped off by a car on November 14 no later than 7:10 CST.  Please pull in the church parking lot and park and help your child load his/her luggage in a vehicle, give your hugs and kisses and have him/her get on the bus. If you are chaperoning, please be in the church parking lot at 6:30 CST to assist with loading the luggage. If you are leaving your vehicle, please park it in the teacher’s parking lot not in the church’s parking lot.  Thank you!!

7 PICK UP – FRIDAY PM Students will not be able to ride the bus on Friday afternoon. Students must be picked up beginning at 3:00 and no later than 3:15 CST. Please come to the church parking lot. Chaperones will be helping your child load his/her luggage. DO NOT PARK AND COME IN THE BUILDING!!

8 Activities at 4H Camp Day Programs Evening Programs
Teacher-Led Evening Programs Archery Climbing Wall The Clover Hop Herpetology Survivor Coosa River Team Navigation Lake Living Campfire Night Hike Sports Night Dance

9 Groups All students will be broken in to groups and a designated baseball hat color will be given to the child and chaperone. The hats have to be worn every day…all day long:)

10 No cell phones or other devices at all!
Technology Rules No cell phones or other devices at all! All devices will be taken by the teacher!

11 What to Bring!! Please limit luggage to one suitcase, backpack or duffle bag! One sleeping bag or bedroll No trunks!! Avoid unnecessary items Only old clothes! Classes will resume in the rain…so be prepared for that!

12 Discipline Discipline should be maintained at ALL times. Continuous or major problems with a student should be referred to a teacher. We expect OUR children to behave and will isolate those that cannot. Students will sit out of an activity if they cannot behave properly. Bad attitudes and disrespectfulness WILL NOT be tolerated.

13 4H Camp Souvenirs Send souvenir money by November 2
Only send more than $20! Put it in a ziploc bag with your child’s name on it Teachers will hold ALL MONEY for souvenirs. Students should not have any money at camp! Teachers will hold ALL MONEY even if the child’s parent is going to chaperone Snack and drinks are included in the camp price, so please do not send money for snack Assigned groups will buy souvenirs on their designated day. This is the ONLY time souvenirs may be purchased. Please do not purchase souvenirs for a child before or after their designated time. Teachers will bag and hold ALL souvenirs until we return to the school. DO NOT PURCHASE EXTRA SNACKS FOR YOUR CHILD!

14 Medication ALL medication is to be given to the nurse
Medication ALL medication is to be given to the nurse! If your child takes medication, the form I sent home needs to be completed as soon as possible and turned in by Oct Medication needs to be delivered to the school between Oct !



17 Alabama 4H Coosa River Science School- Health History Form and the Parent Consent Form
Please fill those out tonight if possible and leave them with me!


19 Emergency Contact Information CAMP INFO – Phone # – For EMERGENCIES ONLY **If an emergency arises and you need directions to camp, please call the school office.

20 Alabama 4-H Center 892 4-H Road Columbiana, AL 35051 (205) 669-4241
Contact Information Alabama 4-H Center 892 4-H Road Columbiana, AL (205)

21 ALL payments are due no later than November 2!

22 For more information please visit:


24 Chaperone Information

25 4H Camp Chaperones Guidelines and Responsibilities
Only parents or grandparents of a 5th grade student may serve as a chaperone. Absolutely NO ALCHOHOL at camp. If you are a smoker, we ask that you DO NOT SMOKE in front of the students at any time. There are designated places for you to smoke. This needs to be limited. You are responsible for your own transportation to and from camp. Your child MAY NOT ride to or from camp with you. 4H Camp Chaperones Guidelines and Responsibilities

26 You are not allowed to leave camp at any time or for any reason
You are not allowed to leave camp at any time or for any reason. If there is an emergency you need to see a teacher. We have a number of people willing to take their truck, van or SUV to carry luggage. If you would like to ride with another parent instead of driving you need to make those arrangements. Parking is limited at camp. Students are divided into six groups with 2-3 parents and approximately 7 students per group. Students and parents will wear colored hats at all times. Names will be printed on them. Each tribe will be given a whistle for the chaperone to use as needed. Chaperones MUST stay with their tribe at all times, i.e. activities, meals, etc. You must go to all activities. You are encouraged to participate in all activities, but are not required to. Whether you choose to participate or not, you will need to stay with your tribe during each activity.

27 Discipline should be maintained at ALL times
Discipline should be maintained at ALL times. Continuous or major problems with a student should be referred to a teacher. We expect OUR children to behave and will isolate those that cannot. If you feel a student needs to sit out of an activity please have them do so. Bad attitudes and disrespectfulness WILL NOT be tolerated. Students are not allowed to return to the dorms or cabins ALONE. They must be accompanied by a chaperone. Chaperones and students should not return to the dorm early for any reason. If a need arises please see a teacher before returning to the cabin or dorm with a child. Count heads frequently – before leaving the dorms, upon returning to dorms, at activities, at meals, etc. A chaperone should always be the LAST ONE out of the dorm or cabin The lead chaperone will be given a list of students in your group with specific medical needs. Medicines are dispensed by the teachers and nurse only. You will be given a supply of band-aids. There are supplies for medical emergencies in the 4-H main building.

28 Students are not allowed to use the phone
Students are not allowed to use the phone. DO NOT let your child or another child use your cell phone to call anyone. You may certainly call home. Students should not have any electronics at camp with them. If you discover a student who does, please give it to a teacher. Teachers will hold ALL MONEY for souvenirs. Students should not have any money at camp! Assigned groups will buy souvenirs on their designated day. This is the ONLY time souvenirs may be purchased. Please do not purchase souvenirs for a child before or after their designated time. Teachers will bag and hold ALL souvenirs until we return to the school. DO NOT PURCHASE EXTRA SNACKS FOR YOUR CHILD! Chaperones will assist students in preparing for bed (baths taken at night, etc.). Lights out at 10:00. All bedroom doors should be left open. Students are not to go into each other’s rooms/cabins. If they want to visit they must do it in the common room/porch of cabin. Those students in dorms must stay on floor to which they are assigned.

29 BRING FOR YOURSELF – hat, sunglasses, jacket, backpack or fanny pack, camera, raincoat, pillow, shower shoes, and other items listed on the students’ list. You need to bring a flashlight for night walks. Students will not have one.

30 Wednesday A.M. DEPARTURE for Chaperones
Please be here by 6:40 CST to help us. Please park close to the church if you are not hauling luggage to camp. If you are hauling luggage to the camp, please park near the dumpster behind the gym by the bus. We need to leave at 7:30 CST!

31 Friday, November 17 When we get back to school, please help students load luggage and help with the safety of our students in the car rider line. Thank you so much for volunteering to make memories with us at Wacoochee!

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