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The Value of ICF Magdalena Mook ICF CEO/Executive Director Fiona Toy

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1 The Value of ICF Magdalena Mook ICF CEO/Executive Director Fiona Toy
Strategic Regional Director, Asia Pacific

2 Today’s Presentation Value of ICF Membership for the Coach
Value of ICF for the Consumer Future Relevance Resources

3 Value of ICF Membership
For coaches There are many ICF Member benefits, including resources to help you be a better coach and run a better business. Most importantly, we’re here to ensure the entire coaching profession maintains high standards. This is a quick overview. Our Monthly Meetup with ICF Membership on our Facebook Page goes over a different member benefit each month.

4 Connections Local ICF Chapter: Opportunity to network, develop leadership skills and help local community flourish Communities of Practice: Opportunity for coaches in similar fields to communicate best practices and ideas. Reciprocal Peer Coaching Program: Opportunity to coach and be coached by a peer Mentor Coach Registry: Credential applicants can connect with a high quality Mentor Coach to be coached on their coaching skills

5 Lifelong Learning and Development
ICF Members receive discounts and/or exclusive access to educational content, including: ICF Chapters’ virtual and in-person educational content ICF Global’s virtual education series such as ICF Business Development Series and ICF Advance ICF Global’s in-person conferences and events BDS: To help coaches grow their coaching business ICF Advance: Connecting theory to practice; designed for those who want to take their skills and knowledge to the next level. Registration for ICF Advance closes tomorrow, and the series begins next week.

6 Lifelong Learning and Development
ICF Converge 2019 Prague, Czech Republic October 23-26, 2019 ICF Converge 2019 will be our next global, in-person event. Additional information is forthcoming!

7 Research ICF Members receive free or discounted access to our research reports Done in work with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the Human Capital Institute (HCI) Garners increased media awareness Informs coaches of industry trends Research Portal Access to over 2,500 coaching research articles (some are only available behind an ICF Member login) Recently released “Building a Coaching Culture for Change Management” is fifth installment of ICF and HCI “Building a Coaching Culture” research. Free for ICF Members.

8 Standards and Credibility
ICF Members pledge commitment and accountability to ICF’s Code of Conduct Ethical Conduct Review process provides a fair review, investigation and response to all alleged unethical practices Discount on ICF Credential application

9 Business Development ICF Members have access to a variety of business development resources: Permissible use of ICF logo Discounts and special pricing for a wide range of products and services, through the ICF Business Solutions and Media Partners Access to marketing collateral, various templates (coaching agreements, press releases, etc.) and other materials in the Member Toolkit Inclusion in the Credentialed Coach Finder (if an ICF Credentialed- coach Member), where consumers can find you and request services

10 Value of ICF For clients

11 Membership Did your coach hold any specific membership to a professional organization? Yes At a very basic look, the majority of clients prefer to work with coaches who are a part of a professional organization. Overall Base: 7,971 Overall Base: 3,419 2017 ICF PwC Global Consumer Awareness Study

12 Benefits of an ICF Member Coach
Clients hire ICF Members because: ICF brand represents credibility and high standards, ensuring that coaches are ethical and have undergone proper training Coaches’ access to ongoing education, latest industry research and peer professional groups, allowing clients to feel confident that their coaches’ skills and knowledge are up to date Many ICF Members are also ICF Credential-holders Can mention benefits of Ethical Review Complaint process here, too, as clients have a way to “protect” themselves, which they won’t have with a non-ICF coach

13 Revelance in the Future
And what ICF is doing to prepare

14 Obstacles for the Profession
When asked to identify the biggest obstacle for coaching over the next 12 months, concerns included: Marketplace confusion Untrained individuals who call themselves coaches Over regulation 2016 ICF PwC Global Coaching Study

15 Consumer Awareness The more aware consumers are of coaching, the less marketplace confusion there will be 66% of respondents said they were aware of professional coaching, yet only 30% of them recognize it as the ICF definition Survey respondents saw a randomized list of definitions, but were not given a list of corresponding words (e.g., mentoring, coaching, etc.). The terms are provided for your reference. Consumer awareness increased 8 points since our 2014 study, so awareness of coaching is gaining traction over time. 2017 ICF PwC Global Consumer Awareness Study

16 Consumer Awareness ICF is working to increase awareness through:
Industry research Media relations and coverage ICF Chapters and Members by equipping them with information and tools [You could discuss how you’ve seen awareness of coaching grow over time while you’ve been CEO/ED and how ICF efforts have helped this.]

17 Credentialing To differentiate the untrained from professional coach practitioners First ICF Credentials awarded in 1998 ICF currently offers three credentials for varying experience levels in coaching More than 26,000 individuals currently hold an ICF Credential That means, within 20 years of the ICF Credential being established, more than 26,000 people have recognized the importance of it to differentiate themselves from others. As we’ve already covered today, we know how important credentials are to consumers.

18 Credentialing Credentials are important to consumers
Among those who have been in a coaching relationship, 83% said certification/credential is important For those aware of coaching but not yet been in coaching relationship, 76% considered certification/credential important According to our research, 86% of Millennials said that credentials are important or very important, and 80% of Gen Z agreed. Increasingly, more consumers may require coaches to have a credential. 2017 ICF PwC Global Consumer Awareness Study

19 Credentialing Micro-credentialing is an emerging trend
Certification in a specific topic area rather than an overall field/profession ICF Global Board and staff remaining aware of this trend and considering how it might fit in Could it potentially bring more legitimacy to coaching and further distinguish professional coach practitioners from untrained individuals who call themselves coaches? [You could reflect on how quickly Credentialing has grown and how it’s helped to legitimize coaching and how micro-credentialing may help to further establish coaching as a legitimate service.]

20 Regulation 52% of coach practitioners believe that coaching should be regulated 83% of coach practitioners said that regulation should be with professional coaching organizations ICF monitors for any potential regulation and helps local coaches advocate for what’s right for them, while educating lawmakers as to what coaching is [To quote you from the APA article, “Do not treat the possibility of regulation as a threat. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to educate the marketplace about your profession and the wonderful benefits it brings to the public in general.” If an example comes to mind to share, go for it!] 2016 ICF Global Coaching Study

21 What Else Would You Like to Know?

22 Resources

23 ICF Research 2017 ICF Global Consumer Awareness Study 2016 ICF Global Coaching Study ICF Research Portal

24 ICF Resources ICF Member Benefits ICF Credential ICF Ethics

25 Other Resources Matt Barney, “Is Coaching Going Extinct?” David Drake, “Coaching in a non-clinical setting with clients who access mental health services” article (available in ICF Research Portal): John Hagel III, “3 Kinds of Jobs that will Thrive as Automation Advances” Joseph Pistrui, “The Future of Human Work is Imagination, Creativity and Strategy”


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