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School Strategic Plan Lockheed Elementary School Name

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1 School Strategic Plan Lockheed Elementary 2018-2019 School Name
School Year

2 Members Coretta Stewart, Principal Ann Booker, Assistant Principal
Jill Waldrep, Assistant Principal Michelle Carlson, Instructional Coach Megan Buchholz, MTSS Coordinator Amy Clemmons, SPED Instructional Coach Emily Ovalle, ESOL Team Leader Carol Kolakowski, EIP Team Leader Anthony Pearson, Counselor Sandy Wilson, Counselor Alyson Yelton, Kindergarten Team Leader Lisa Stokes, First Grade Team Leader Elizabeth Sykes, Second Grade Team Leader Natasha Liu, Third Grade Team Leader Danielle Laney, Fourth Grade Team Leader Kyle Hibbler, Fifth Grade Team Leader Merrell Sperling, Special Areas Team Leader *Reviewed with Lockheed SGT

3 Needs Analysis Percentage of Students Scoring Proficient & Distinguished

4 MAP Growth

5 MAP Spring 2018 Percentage of Students Reading On Grade Level

6 Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessment

7 Professional Development
Strategic Plan: Lockheed ES 50% of 3rd Grade students will perform at the proficient or distinguished level in ELA on Georgia Milestones Professional Development Increase opportunities for staff to participate in professional development in literacy and math that will increase professional knowledge and support student achievement Partnerships: Increase the number of community partnerships that support school initiatives and align to instructional goals Transparent and Efficient Management of Consolidated Funds Ensure effective management Outcomes/Goals: What will success look like for our school? (Smart Goals) 50% of 3rd Grade students will perform at the proficient or distinguished level in Math on Georgia Milestones Staff Recruitment Recruit & increase the percentage of new staff who are specifically trained or have experiences that align to school initiatives Family Engagement: Increase the number of opportunities for families to engage in school events and parent meetings Balanced Literacy Framework Implement literacy instruction that utilizes researched based strategies to address individual student needs Lockheed Learning Implement effective and efficient Professional Learning Communities that support teacher development and increase effective instructional practices Community Connections: Provide multiple opportunities for school and community collaborations that support student achievement Effective Budgeting Refine and adjust budgeting process to ensure that all financial resources are used effectively and align to strategic plan goals and needs of students and staff Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Balanced Math Framework Implement math instruction that helps students build the computational and conceptual skills needed to solve complex problems Strategic Staffing Establish recruitment process and build connections with colleges and universities to offer and recruit through internships and volunteers Parents As Partners Provide monthly workshops, events and activities for parents to engage and collaborate

8 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success?
Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when (student groups)? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? (Timeline) Outcomes: What will success look if we provide opportunities for all children (student groups)? Provide System 44/Read 180 daily intervention instruction for identified students who performed more than one grade level below Provide Lexia daily intervention for ELL students who scored Levels 1-3 on ACCESS 2018 Provide daily Benchmark Phonics instruction for all Kindergarten students & administer Phonics Assessments as designed to monitor progress Implement Orton Gillingham strategies during daily instruction for 1st -2nd grade students Implement Writing Units of Study instruction with fidelity K-3rd Implement Leveled Literacy Intervention instruction for 1st – 2nd grade EIP students Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessments to determine baseline reading levels and monitor progress for increased percentages of students meeting grade level expected levels of performance from Fall>Winter>Spring MAP Reading Assessments – K-5 Increased percentage of students making progress and meeting expected growth benchmarks from Fall>Winter>Spring Common Assessments – monthly review of data during PLC meetings Increased percentage of EL students who move at least one band on ACCESS assessment Decreased percentages of EL students scoring Levels 1-3 on ACCESS assessments Increased percentages of students who meet expected growth on MAP Reading Assessment Increased percentages of Student with Disabilities who score proficient and distinguished on Georgia Milestones ELA Assessment Balanced Literacy Increased percentages of students who meet expected growth on MAP Math Assessment Increased percentages of Student with Disabilities who score proficient and distinguished on Georgia Milestones Math Assessment Implement Math In Practice instructional strategies in all K-5th classes (Tier 1) and provide Guided Math instruction in small groups based on students’ assessment data. Administer common assessments and provide intervention instruction based on student data for all Tier 2 students Implement Number Talks K-5 Implement Symphony Math instruction for all Tier 3 students who scored <18% on MAP. MAP Math Assessments - (K-5) Increased percentage of students making progress and meeting expected growth benchmarks from Fall>Winter>Spring GLOSS assessments 1st -5th (EIP) Monthly Common Assessments Review data during PLC meetings Symphony Math - Balanced Math Strategic Plan: Lockheed Elementary 8

9 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success?
Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when (student groups)? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? (Timeline) Outcomes: What will success look if we provide opportunities for all children (student groups)? Provide ongoing professional learning opportunities to support instructional initiatives and increase professional knowledge in literacy and math Implement Professional Learning Communities to create an environment of strategic instructional support and teacher collaboration Create & Implement a New Teacher Induction Program for teachers with less than three years experience Classroom observations reflect effective implementation of professional learning Professional Learning Communities and professional learning surveys 100% of teachers will increase their professional knowledge by participating in ongoing professional learning opportunities, PLCs and new teacher meetings. Lockheed Learning Work collaboratively with Recruitment Specialists to screen, select & interview qualified candidates Create Recruitment Team which includes teacher leaders to attend hiring fairs and participate in interviews Participate in college internship programs for aspiring teachers Increased partnerships with colleges and universities Student Teacher placement participation Established recruitment team and process for interviewing and selecting highly qualified candidates 100% of vacancies are filled with candidates whose qualifications include endorsements, certifications or experiences that align to our school initiatives Strategic Staffing Strategic Plan: Lockheed Elementary

10 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Community Connections
Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when (student groups)? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? (Timeline) Outcomes: What will success look if we provide opportunities for all children (student groups)? Identify potential external organizations that our school can partner with to support the literacy and math work Leverage business partners, PTA, SGT and other external stakeholders to better align around school goals to increase Community Connections Participate in Community Events Increased number of partnerships that contribute resources (time, materials, or money) to support the literacy and math Quarterly meetings with Community Champions to discuss the school’s needs Partnerships Increase the number of impactful partnerships that align to school initiatives Community Connections Leverage school community to determine the top needs of families to be addressed within a parent university program Create Parent Resource Room to offer work space for parents and support sessions with Parent Liaison Host/Attend monthly parent meetings within/outside of school Provide opportunities for collaborative meetings with parents and staff to increase knowledge of school initiatives, programs, policies and instructional practices, as well as topics of interest   ​ Monthly parent workshop participation and feedback Increased parent communication via Blackboard messages and social media Feedback from Principal & Parents quarterly meetings Parent climate surveys Family Engagement Increase the percentage of families who participate and collaborate in school activities and events Parents as Partners Strategic Plan:Lockheed Elementary

11 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success?
Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when (student groups)? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? (Timeline) Outcomes: What will success look if we provide opportunities for all children (student groups)? Develop a budget with spending allocations that aligns to school initiatives Principal will meet weekly with bookkeeper to review account balances and monthly budget report Implement a purchasing request process for staff Review budget and spending with School Governance Team Purposeful scheduling and assignments of allotments to maximize staffing Monthly reconcillation reports Budget Status Reports Reviewing and approving all purchase requests Transparent and Efficient Management of Local Funds All budget spending will align to strategic plan, needs of students, staff and parents, or school improvements Effective Budgeting Strategic Plan: Lockheed Elementary

12 Charter Funding - Strategic Support -SGT Request Form-
School: Lockheed Elementary Amount Requested: $37,250 Date of SGT Approval/Vote1: September 21, 2018 / 5 of 5 Approved Strategic Alignment: Explain how your proposed use of charter funds aligns to your school improvement plan (and/or the district strategic plan) and the long-term outcomes or goals highlighted in your plan. In order to support Student Achievement goal of increasing the number of students scoring proficient and distinguished levels, we will focus on implementing activities and resources that support literacy. We will purchase classroom libraries, LLI Choice Libraries and Book Club Books. These resources will provide access to various genres of books that are based on students’ reading level that can be used for guided reading, independent reading in class, after school programs and take home reading. Access to appropriate reading materials will improve , fluency, expand vocabulary, deepen comprehension, and expand language knowledge. Funding Activities: Use the table below to state the project activities, strategic alignment, anticipated outcomes and long-term impact for your students. Implementation: (Project Activities – including any Enhanced Roles2) Strategic Plan Alignment: Program Effectiveness: (Project Outcomes) Program Impact: (Long-term Outcomes) Budget: Enhance Classroom Libraries Student Achievement Provide access to various genres of books that are based on students’ reading levels that can be used for guided reading, independent reading, after school programs, and take home reading opportunities. Students will improve reading fluency and comprehension skills, and increase reading levels on benchmark assessments.  $30,000  Book Clubs  3rd – 5th Grade students will participate in Book Talks, increase the number of books read, and participate in collaborative conversations with peers and supervising adults.  Students will improve reading fluency and comprehension skills, and increase reading levels on Fountas & Pinnell Benchmark Assessments.  $7,250



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