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Unit 3 – The Age of Exploration

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1 Unit 3 – The Age of Exploration
Three Ships, by N.C. Wyatt

2 Motives of European Exploration
Missionary effort of Catholic/Protestant nations to convert other cultures (GOD) Catholic nations sought to gain followers even before losses of the Reformation A Christian duty to “save savage souls” Gutenberg Bibles aboard many ships Rulers looked to expand kingdoms, explorers sought fame/fortune (GLORY) Kings & Queens financed expeditions in exchange for control of land & trade Explorers received titles, cut of profits Sailors, merchants, & rulers looked to expand trade beyond Europe (GOLD) Starting with Marco Polo, Europeans had been attracted to Asian goods/products Ottoman Turks controlled Silk Road access WANTED: Water route to the Far East

3 The Age of Exploration Advancing Sailing Technologies
Europeans gained much of their nautical knowledge from Arabs, like: Portolani Nautical maps of coastlines, distances Drawn on flat scale, no help overseas Compass Showed bearing of ship’s course Astrolabe Used the sun or a star to find latitude Lateen Sails Triangular sails allow for increased maneuverability Caravels Maneuverable ships that could hold heavy cannon & large cargo All combined to allow for greater sailing accuracy over greater distances

4 The Age of Exploration The First Exploring Nations: Portugal
Portuguese Trading Empire Expeditions along W. African coast find new source of gold trade Bartholomeu Dias (1487) Portuguese ships discover new route to India around southern tip of Africa Vasco Da Gama (1497) Bring home spices, make major bank Attack Muslim trading operation, gain control of spice trade Establish major port in Meleka, India Portugal never colonized India. WHY? Lack of manpower Lack of resources Lack of interest

5 The Age of Exploration The First Exploring Nations: Spain
Christopher Columbus Italian, convinced Queen Isabella of Spain to finance experimental journey Many at the time knew world was round, but not sure how large thought he’d found short-cut to India by sailing west from Europe 1492: Columbus discovers what he thought were islands off China coast Called islands “West Indies” Actually in Caribbean Sea (America) Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Agreement between Portugal & Spain Claimed unknown lands for Church Line of Demarcation splits globe Portugal: rights to “Old World” Spain: rights to most of “New World”

6 A Spanish Empire in the New World
Conquistadors (conquerors) were sent to explore Spain’s vast new territory Hernan Cortes (1519) Overthrew powerful Aztec Empire in modern-day Mexico, in only 3 years Francisco Pizarro ( ) Took control of Incan civilization in South America over 30 years Why? God, Glory, mostly GOLD. The Spanish encomienda system Queen declared “Indians” her subjects Could legally be used as laborers Spanish were supposed to protect Native Americans; widely abused Forced labor in mines, on plantations Little resistance to European diseases Smallpox, measles, typhus Massive losses in populations Missionary efforts to destroy culture

7 The Age of Exploration The Columbian Exchange
Term given to the extensive exchange of plants & animals between the Old World and the New World. Previously isolated for more than a thousand years. Huge impact on both sides of Atlantic (see video)

8 The Economic Theory of Mercantilism
Economic principles of the 1600s focused around the wealth of the nation-state Gov’t control of foreign trade is top priority to ensure prosperity & security Measured by supply of gold & silver Gained thru favorable balance of trade Export more than you import Policies of European Rulers Discourage import of foreign goods high taxes on imports (tariffs) Encourage export of manufactures Protect favorable trading monopolies Accept pay in gold, never pay in gold Establish & Protect Colonies Source of raw materials, gold, & silver Protected market to sell manufactures Effects of Mercantilism European abuses in Americas, Africa National rivalries based on trade, war

9 Ancient African Civilizations
Role of Geography Climates dictate where, how people live Variety of resources throughout Africa Empires Through Trade North African Nile civilizations grew powerful through trade alliances Kush (Nubia) (1000BC - 150AD) Axum (150BC – 1550BC) West African Empires Rise and Fall Located on Niger River valley All centered on trading, taxes Iron, gold, ivory, SALT? Stateless societies in Southern Africa Local rulers, mixed economies Rise of Zimbabwe through gold trade Ancient custom of slavery in Africa

10 The African Slave Trade
“Discovery” of Americas, sugarcane created huge demand for African slave Sugar plantations in Caribbean, Brazil Native workforce destroyed by disease Tradition of trade and slavery in Africa Triangular Trade Routes AFRICA: import rum, manufactured goods, export slaves, gold, ivory AMERICA: import slaves, export raw materials, rum, gunpowder EUROPE: Import raw materials, export manufactured goods Effects of Slave Trade on Africa Tore families, communities apart Constant internal warfare in Africa Practice of “self-enslavement” (why?) Dramatic costs on African population

11 European Influence in the East
India Expanding foreign presence (British) Spice Islands (Moluccas) Dutch traders and military eventually corner spice trade, local government Ex.: monopolize regional clove trade Est. military outpost to protect trade Mainland States of SE Asia Resisted Euro. influence for most part Stronger political identity, unity China Portuguese traders bring missionaries Noted for their new technologies Successful in spreading Christianity Highly restricted trade under Qing Refusal of expansion of British trade Japan Unified Japan initially pro Dutch trade Move toward isolationism after Jesuit missionaries destroy ancient shrines Many Japanese converts persecuted

12 Age of Exploration Summary
What factors motivated this “age of exploration”? What factors determined which parts of the world were desired by European traders? What factors determined how successful other cultures were (or were not) in preserving their independence and cultural identity after establishing European trade partnerships?

13 How do we know something to be true
How do we know something to be true? What separates the truth from fiction, opinion, or speculation?

14 The Scientific Age Traditional Sources of Knowledge
The Bible, The works of Aristotle During the Renaissance… New problems called for new solutions accurate measurements & calculations needed for business Humanists master Latin, discover new theories like… The Ptolemaic System Ptolemy: Greek astronomer, c. 200AD Calculated past, present pos. of planets Geocentric model of the Universe Centered on stationary Earth Larger & larger revolving spheres Solid & transparent, with heavenly bodies embedded within Outer sphere: Prime Mover (Heaven) Supported by Catholic Church

15 The Scientific Age Challenges to Traditional Thought
Nicholas Copernicus (Polish) Church administrator, astronomer Said Ptolemaic system too complicated Heliocentric System (1543) Sun in the center of universe, planets orbit the sun, moon orbits the Earth Earth rotates on axis Not published until Copernicus was on his deathbed (why?) Johannes Kepler (German) Math that proved planetary motion Galileo Galilei (Italian) First to use telescope for astronomy The Starry Messenger (1610) “Heavenly bodies” made of matter Spread heliocentric idea to the masses Catholic Church puts Galileo on Trial

16 The Dawn of Modern Science
Isaac Newton (English) Tied together theories of Copernicus, Kepler, & Galileo in Principia (1687): Universal law of gravitation (gravity) & Newton’s Three Laws of Motion Newton’s world-machine concept prevailed until Einstein’s theory of relativity Added gravity to Kepler’s laws, all but ended heliocentric/geocentric debate The Scientific Method A systematic procedure for collecting & analyzing evidence, drawing conclusions Developed by Sir Francis Bacon Relies on scientific observations (evidence) of carefully organized experiments Instead of ideas of ancient authorities Marked a growing Freedom of Inquiry How free are scientists to research and discover new truths? Limited by authorities? Morals?

17 Unit 3 – The Age of Exploration
Three Ships, by N.C. Wyatt

18 Motives of European Exploration
Missionary effort of _____________/_______________ nations to convert other cultures (_______) Catholic nations sought to gain followers even before losses of the ______________ A Christian duty to “_________ _____________ ___________” __________________ Bibles aboard many ships Rulers looked to expand ___________, explorers sought fame/fortune (________) Kings & Queens financed expeditions in exchange for control of ________ & _______ Explorers received titles, cut of ____________ Sailors, merchants, & rulers looked to expand trade beyond ________ (_______) Starting with Marco Polo, Europeans had been attracted to Asian goods/products Ottoman Turks controlled ___________ ___________access WANTED: ___________ route to the Far East

19 The Age of Exploration Advancing Sailing Technologies
Europeans gained much of their nautical knowledge from ___________, like: _________________ Nautical maps of coastlines, distances Drawn on flat scale, no help overseas Showed bearing of ship’s course Used the sun or a star to find latitude _______________ Sails Triangular sails allow for increased maneuverability ________________ Maneuverable ships that could hold heavy cannon & large cargo All combined to allow for greater sailing accuracy over greater distances

20 The Age of Exploration The First Exploring Nations: _________________
Portuguese Trading Empire Expeditions along W. African coast find new source of _________ trade ___________________________ ______________ (1487) Portuguese ships discover new route to India around southern tip of Africa _______________ _____ ____________(1497) Bring home spices, make major bank Attack Muslim trading operation, gain control of _____________ trade Establish major port in Meleka, India Portugal never colonized India. WHY? Lack of _________________ Lack of ______________

21 The Age of Exploration The First Exploring Nations: ______________
____________________ ____________________ Italian, convinced Queen Isabella of ________________ to finance experimental journey Many at the time knew world was round, but not sure how large thought he’d found short-cut to India by sailing west from Europe 1492: Columbus discovers what he thought were islands off China coast Called islands “__________ ________________” Actually in Caribbean Sea (America) Treaty of ______________________ (1494) Agreement between ________________ & ________________ Claimed unknown lands for Church Line of Demarcation splits globe Portugal: rights to “________ World” Spain: rights to most of “_________World”

22 A Spanish Empire in the New World
________________________ (conquerors) were sent to explore Spain’s vast new territory Hernan ___________ (1519) Overthrew powerful ____________ Empire in modern-day Mexico, in only 3 years Francisco _______________ ( ) Took control of _______________ civilization in South America over 30 years Why? God, Glory, mostly _____________. The Spanish _________________________ system Queen declared “Indians” her subjects Could legally be used as ___________________ Spanish were supposed to protect Native Americans; widely abused Forced labor in ________________, on ______________________ Little resistance to European _____________________ Smallpox, measles, typhus Massive losses in populations _________________________ efforts to destroy culture

23 The Age of Exploration The _________________________ Exchange
Term given to the extensive exchange of plants & animals between the ________ World and the _________ World. Previously isolated for more than a thousand years. Huge impact on both sides of _____________

24 The Economic Theory of Mercantilism
Economic principles of the 1600s focused around the ________________ of the nation-state Gov’t control of ___________ trade is top priority to ensure prosperity & security Measured by supply of ________ & _______________ Gained thru favorable __________________________ Export more than you import Policies of European Rulers Discourage import of foreign goods high taxes on imports (________________) Encourage export of manufactures Protect favorable trading monopolies Accept pay in gold, never pay in gold Establish & Protect ___________________ Source of raw materials, gold, & silver Protected market to sell manufactures Effects of ________________________ European abuses in Americas, Africa National rivalries based on trade, war

25 Ancient African Civilizations
Role of Geography ____________________ dictate where, how people live Variety of resources throughout Africa __________________ Through Trade North African Nile civilizations grew powerful through _______ alliances Kush (Nubia) (1000BC - 150AD) Axum (150BC – 1550BC) West African Empires Rise and Fall Located on Niger River valley All centered on _______________, _____________ Iron, gold, ivory, SALT? _____________________ societies in Southern Africa Local rulers, mixed economies Rise of Zimbabwe through gold trade Ancient custom of ___________________ in Africa

26 The African Slave Trade
“Discovery” of Americas, _____________ created huge demand for African slave Sugar plantations in Caribbean, Brazil Native workforce destroyed by __________ Tradition of trade and slavery in Africa ______________________ Trade Routes ____________ : import rum, manufactured goods, export slaves, gold, ivory _____________ : import slaves, export raw materials, rum, gunpowder _______________: Import raw materials, export manufactured goods Effects of Slave Trade on Africa Tore families, communities apart Constant internal warfare in Africa Practice of “________-_______________” (why?) Dramatic costs on African population

27 European Influence in the East
India Expanding foreign presence (British) Spice Islands (_________________) Dutch traders and military eventually corner _________ trade, local government Ex.: monopolize regional clove trade Est. military outpost to protect trade Mainland States of SE Asia Resisted Euro. influence for most part Stronger political identity, unity China Portuguese traders bring _______________ Noted for their new technologies Successful in spreading Christianity Highly restricted trade under _________ Refusal of expansion of British trade Japan Unified Japan initially pro Dutch trade Move toward ___________________ after ______________ missionaries destroy ancient shrines Many Japanese converts persecuted

28 Age of Exploration Summary
What factors motivated this “age of exploration”? What factors determined which parts of the world were desired by European traders? What factors determined how successful other cultures were (or were not) in preserving their independence and cultural identity after establishing European trade partnerships?

29 How do we know something to be true
How do we know something to be true? What separates the truth from fiction, opinion, or speculation?

30 The Scientific Age Traditional Sources of Knowledge
The _______________, the works of ___________________ During the Renaissance… New problems called for new solutions Accurate measurements & calculations needed for business Humanists master Latin, discover new theories like… The __________________ System _________________ : Greek astronomer, c. 200AD Calculated past, present pos. of planets __________________ model of the Universe Centered on stationary Earth Larger & larger revolving spheres Solid & transparent, with heavenly bodies embedded within Outer sphere: Prime Mover (Heaven) Supported by __________________ ___________________

31 The Scientific Age Challenges to Traditional Thought
Nicholas ____________________ (Polish) Church administrator, astronomer Said Ptolemaic system too complicated _____________________ System (1543) Sun in the center of universe, planets orbit the sun, moon orbits the Earth Earth rotates on axis Not published until Copernicus was on his deathbed (why?) Johannes ____________________ (German) Math that proved planetary motion __________________ Galilei (Italian) First to use __________________ for astronomy The __________________ Messenger (1610) “Heavenly bodies” made of matter Spread heliocentric idea to the masses Catholic Church puts Galileo on Trial

32 The Dawn of Modern Science
Isaac ________________ (English) Tied together theories of Copernicus, Kepler, & Galileo in Principia (1687): Universal law of _________________ & Newton’s Three Laws of __________________ Newton’s world-machine concept prevailed until ______________’s theory of relativity Added gravity to Kepler’s laws, all but ended heliocentric/geocentric debate The _______________ Method A systematic procedure for collecting & analyzing evidence, drawing conclusions Developed by Sir Francis ___________________ Relies on scientific observations (evidence) of carefully organized experiments Instead of ideas of ancient authorities Marked a growing Freedom of _________________ How free are scientists to research and discover new truths? Limited by authorities? Morals?

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