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The FAA Aviation Weather Research Program’s

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1 The FAA Aviation Weather Research Program’s
In Situ Turbulence Measurement and Reporting System Larry Cornman NCAR/RAP

2 Current Observation System For Turbulence--Voice Pilot Reports
Issues: Inadequate spatial and temporal accuracy Not all pilots report Lack of null reports Subjective measure Dissemination of turbulence information is poor


4 In situ turbulence measurement program
Goal: To augment/replace subjective PIREPs with objective and precise turbulence measurements Features: Automatically computes turbulence intensities (median and peak) Aircraft independent (eddy dissipation rate, EDR) EDR can be scaled into aircraft-dependent metric (rms-g). Automatically downloads data periodically during flight using ACARS network Adopted as ICAO Standard

5 Uses for the in situ turbulence data:
Provides near real-time state of the atmosphere for pilots, dispatchers, airline and aviation Met. Services. Provides quantitative database for the verification of turbulence forecasting algorithm (GTG) and WSR-88D turbulence detection algorithm (NTDA). Useful as an input into turbulence diagnostic algorithms. Useful in providing a climatology of turbulence.

6 Programmatic Status Continuing implementation.
Performing verification with Pireps. Providing data to GTG and NTDA developers.

7 In Situ Implementation Status
Algorithm loaded on 101 UAL s and s - currently receiving data from the 737s. Contract with Delta has been signed, first aircraft implementation in early CY05. Implementation on Southwest Airlines aircraft in CY05.

8 Case Study: Peak EDR’s, with lightning and Pirep’s
31 kft 33 kft 35 kft 37 kft

9 Case Study: Flight From Chicago to Salt Lake City
Mean and Peak EDR’s with Lightning Notice 3 “hits”: Iowa into Nebraska

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