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Presentation on theme: "The Roaring 20’s: INCREASING AUTONOMY IN THE INTERWAR YEARS"— Presentation transcript:


2 1921 Federal Election Still suffering from Conscription fallout, the Conservatives lose the election to the Liberals New Liberal leader William Lyon Mackenzie King heads Canada’s first ever Minority Government

3 Prime Minister King Strongly believed Canada needed to have an independent voice in international politics, free of the influence of London Would battle for this throughout his first term ( ) Was trained in social work and is credited with taking the first steps towards our modern social welfare state Most progressive leader to date

4 The Chanak Crisis (1922)

5 The Chanak Crisis Turkey (formerly the Ottoman Empire) threatened to attack British and French troops stationed at neutral port (Chanak) Britain calls for Canadian troop support, Mackenzie King refuses unless he could bring the issue to Parliament for debate. By the time the issue was debated in the House of Commons, the crisis was over. This was the first time Canada flat out refused to support Britain automatically.

6 The Halibut Treaty (1923)

7 The Halibut Treaty Negotiations began between the US and Canada regarding fishing rights in the Pacific and protecting Halibut along the coast of B.C and Alaska. WLMK again defies Britain and refuses to allow them to sign the treaty alongside Canada, as was conventional practice. Britain wanted to maintain its right to sign on Canada’s behalf. Becomes the first treaty negotiated and signed independently by Canada

8 The King-Byng Affair (1925)

9 In 1926 PM Mackenzie King challenged the role of the GOVERNOR GENERAL and Britain’s influence on Canada’s internal politics in what became known as the KING BING CRISIS. King wanted to dissolve Parliament and Gov. Gen at the time, BYNG said NOOOOO. During an election held in 1926, King was able to avoid any scandal involved in disobeying the crown by appealing to NATIONALIST sentiments. King believed that it was undemocratic for a British official to refuse to take the advice of the PM who was elected by Canadians. SINCE THE KING BING CRISIS, NO GOV. GENERAL HAS ACTED AGAINST THE WISHES OF AN ELECTED PM.

10 The Imperial Conference (1926)

11 1926 Imperial Conference and The Balfour Report
1926 was the Ninth Imperial Conference, called by King George V where the dominions of the British Empire requested formal recognition of the autonomy, or freedom to govern themselves. The imperial leaders at the conference (led by King) agreed upon the“BALFOUR REPORT” The Declaration, put forth by a committee led by LORD BALFOUR, a respected British politician, stated that all dominions (Canada, Australia, NZ, South Africa, and the Irish Free State) were henceforth considered equal to Britain and in no way subordinate, KGV agrees to this concept.

12 **The Statute of Westminster (1931)**

13 The Statute officially passes the Balfour Declaration into law in 1931
Formally gives Canada full control over its international affairs Creates the BRITISH COMMONWEALTH, formerly the BRITISH EMPIRE 2 constraints on Canadian AUTONOMY REMAINED Canada’s Constitution-the BNA Act remained in Britain because the Canadian government could not agree on a AMENDING FORMULA-or a procedure to change things in the act. The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council, a court of final appeal for Canadians, resided in Britain until 1949.

14 PAGE 79, PRACTISE QUESTIONS 1 and 2!!!!!!!


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