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Georgia O’Keeffe Q: How can I use the characteristics of O’Keeffe’s style to make my own piece of art?

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia O’Keeffe Q: How can I use the characteristics of O’Keeffe’s style to make my own piece of art?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia O’Keeffe Q: How can I use the characteristics of O’Keeffe’s style to make my own piece of art?

2 About Georgia O’Keeffe
She was an abstract painter who was inspired by nature. Her beautiful flower paintings are her most popular works. She also painted desert landscapes and animal skulls or bones. She lived and painted in both New York City and rural New Mexico

3 Definition Abstract Art Characteristics Examples Non-Examples
Art that does not look realistic Characteristics Real objects are simplified, distorted, rearranged, or shown in an unusual way Abstract Art Art works that do not look realistic like those done by Pablo Picasso (and many others!) Examples Art works that look realistic like those done by Leonardo DaVinci; Photographs are also not abstract Non-Examples

4 O’Keeffe’s Style Characteristics of her paintings: bright and colorful
paintings were close-up focused on details made busy people take time to look at objects they often overlooked paintings were peaceful and captured the beauty of nature













17 Q: How can I use the characteristics of O’Keeffe’s style to make my own piece of art?

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