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The ABINIT Application

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Presentation on theme: "The ABINIT Application"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ABINIT Application
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE The ABINIT Application LAGOUN Brahim UNIV LAGHOUAT- ALGERIA

2 Problem and perspective
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE DFT theory ABINIT code Problem and perspective

3 Density Functional Theory (K-H-S)
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE Density Functional Theory (K-H-S) H Ψ = E Ψ ρ=| Ψ|2

4 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

5 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

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9 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

10 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

11 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

12 elastic properties Cij Sij piézoelectric properties dij
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE elastic properties Cij Sij piézoelectric properties dij polarisation Pi electroptic properties rij .

13 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

14 MPI parallelisation (k-point,bands,FFT) DFPT implémentation
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE The ABINIT code open source F90 MPI parallelisation (k-point,bands,FFT) DFPT implémentation

15 the pseudopotentiels files .files the output files
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE The ABINIT files .in the pseudopotentiels files .files the output files

16 An EXAMPLE of an INPUT file
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE An EXAMPLE of an INPUT file acell #The lenght of the unit cell (Bohr) ntypat #There are only one type of atom znucl #The atomic number of atoms (H) natom # There are two atoms typat # They both are of type 1, that is, Hydrogen xcart # The location of the atoms # The cartesian coordinates of atom 1, in Bohr ecut # The size of the PW basis nkpt #The number of the k-point where we do calc nstep # Maximal number of SCF cycles toldfe 1.0d-6 #The convergence criterion

17 An EXAMPLE of an .files file
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE An EXAMPLE of an .files file file.out filei fileo file 01h.pspgth

18 mpiexec -np num_of_proc abinit<file.files
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE mpiexec -np num_of_proc abinit<file.files .Version of ABINIT .(MPI version, prepared for a x86_64_linux_gnu4.7 computer) . etotal E+00

19 ABINIT in DZ eScience GRID
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE ABINIT in DZ eScience GRID

20 The .jdl file JobType = "Normal"; CpuNumber = 16;
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE The .jdl file JobType = "Normal"; CpuNumber = 16; StdOutput = "file.out"; StdError = "file.err"; InputSandbox={"","","01h.pspgth","file.files"}; OutputSandbox = {"file.out","file.err"}

21 The .sh script #!/bin/bash
CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE The .sh script #!/bin/bash ABINIT_DIR=/opt/exp_soft/dzgrid/abinit/install/abinit-6.8.2_mpi/ ABINIT=${ABINIT_DIR}/bin/abinit MP_AB=/opt/exp_soft/dzgrid/abinit/install/openmpi-1.4.3_gcc-4.4.5/bin export ABINIT export MP_AB export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/exp_soft/dzgrid/abinit/install/openmpi-1.4.3_gcc-4.4.5/lib echo "Starting run at: `date`" #${ABINIT} <opti.files /opt/exp_soft/dzgrid/abinit/install/openmpi-1.4.3_gcc-4.4.5/bin/mpiexec -np 16 ${ABINIT} <opti.files echo "Job finished at: `date`"

22 CHAIN-REDS School for Application Porting to Science Gateways CATANIA-ITALIE 09-20.06.2014

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