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Presentation on theme: "WORK PLAN ON OSH&HIV/AIDS"— Presentation transcript:



3 BACKGROUND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY world wide ,337m worker are the victimes &2.3m are die on a/c of occupational accidents and disesases per year and every 15 sec a worker dies/160 are prone to work related accidents,in INDIA it is estismated that 4,03,000people die every year.

4 causes Factors essential for prevention
Low awerness , low priority &under the influence of Globalisation Changing job pattren n work relationship,sub contracting and outsoursing of perinielwork, New technology hazards etc.. Factors essential for prevention Education, trainning, participatory approch &Good practices.

5 Scope for union :- provide adequate tanning to cadre to create awareness and to advocate, Improve the skills to deal with socio-economic, psycho social changes, Focus attention on system, Promote worker and union involvement in the work place design to elimination of hazards.

6 HIV-AIDS 2.4 m people are living with HIV in India.
90% of reported are from productive age group (i.e years) Venerable groups are more affected HIV is recognised as work place issue. Main reasons for spreading of HIV. Lack of knowledge and awareness Lack of prevention programmes Scope for union HIV is not curable but preventable. Trade union has a unique position to promote prevention efforts by creating awareness through information and education.

7 Justification Though the Safe and Healthy working environment is recognnised as fundamental right but OSH including HIV-AIDS is still, a major threat to the world of work and It affets not only the workers & families but also productivity,economic and social devlopment of country Preventative measures at work place not only to eliminate the incidences of work related injuries, dieceses, fatalities, disaster and loss of national assets and prevent the spreading of HIV but also to enhance well being of employee and society at large. Lack of awareness, lack of priority and knowledge are the key reasons

8 To cope up with these challenges, we have to further intensify our education programme to educate our cadre to create awareness up to grass route level, hence, it is proposed to provide adequate training to 40 no of women and youth wing workers on the both the issues under the guidance of ILO instruments. So, that they will further educate and create awareness up to branch level with participatory approaches to minimise the work place accidents and promote the preventive efforts on HIV. I BELIVE THAT THIS PARTICIPATORY APPROCH IN ORGANISED MODULE WILL HELP US TO CREATE AWERNESS ON THESE KEY ISSUES AND ALSO STRENTHEN THE ORGANISATION TOO.

9 Target group :- Women& youth wing workers at divisional, workshop level. Parties involved :- Union educators, Administration, Guest lecturers. Objectives :- To train the 40 no of trainers out of which 15 are women To collect &raise OSH issues in PNM forum.

10 Activities required Discussion with General secretary
In working committee Two- Three days classes &two- one day classes Identifying the competent woman &youth committee members Approval from Divisional body Produce material Preparation of diff.check lists Fixing venue,date,time

11 Fix work place visits Appointment of inagurator&Guest lectures Preparation of time table Information to concerned including invitations for inaguration Conducting the sessions Course evaluation Feedback on quarterly basis Evaluation after oneyear&action for improvement.


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