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What have we learned about rewards?

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Presentation on theme: "What have we learned about rewards?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What have we learned about rewards?

2 We are commanded to pursue rewards
We are accountable for the way we live To get rewards we need to live a rewardable life Our Judge is just, but also merciful Those who show mercy will receive mercy We will be judged on how much we achieve our God-given potential

3 Faithful believers will rule with Christ forever
Everyone will be evaluated before God We decide which judgment we will face We must decide if we are ready to face the Lord Good works clothe us for the Kingdom celebration An enduring love means an enduring reward

4 Rewards are personal A rewardable life deals with all the issues we face An uncompromising person is given great honor Recognition and vindication await the faithful, while an invitation awaits those who are not

5 Romans: Deliverance from Enslavement

6 Gospel Salvation Wrath Condemnation/condemnation
Four Words

7 Literally = “Good news”
Gospel Literally = “Good news” Does not mean “the message that brings eternal life”, though it can mean that. In Romans = “the good news that brings deliverance from the enslavement to sin”. Four Words

8 Literally = “Deliverance”
Salvation Literally = “Deliverance” Does not mean “eternal deliverance from hell”, though it can mean that (?). In Romans = Something the Gospel produces in the life of every believer who appropriates its power Four Words

9 Does not mean “Hell”. It is temporal.
Wrath “Bondage and corruption of sin; enslaving consequences of sin; removal of God’s grace”. Does not mean “Hell”. It is temporal. Four Words

10 The judgment itself and… “The penalty that comes from the judgment”.
Condemnation “Judgment” and… “Judgment” The judgment itself and… “The penalty that comes from the judgment”. In Romans, the latter means something like “the penalty, penal servitude or jail sentence”. Four Words

11 Romans 1-3:20

12 Romans 1-:3:20 - Summary The good news is that all believers can be delivered from God’s wrath (1:16-18). God’s wrath is expressed on all unrighteousness (1:18-32, esp. 18, 24, 26, 28). All humanity is unrighteous and enslaved (3:9-20). The unrighteousness extends to religious people. Since God’s wrath is expressed toward all unrighteousness and all are unrighteous, we have a problem; all experience enslavement.

13 Romans 1-3:20 - Summary Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God’s perfect standard. Unrighteous people cannot make themselves righteous. We all need a new standing and status before God. To solve the problem, God freely gives His righteousness to all who simply believe in Christ. God views us differently and internally, we are different.

14 Romans 3:21-4:25 - Summary To solve the problem, God freely gives His righteousness to all who simply believe in Christ To be free from our enslavement, we must first deal with our unrighteousness. We need a new standing and status. God is angry, but a new lifestyle is possible because God can freely justify men and give them a new standing with God.

15 The Gospel is the means by which God delivers us from temporal wrath.
Romans - Summary The Gospel is the means by which God delivers us from temporal wrath. It is the means by which God delivers people from the enslavement of sin and the enslaving consequences that result from sin.

16 Introduction 1:1-17 Condemnation 1:18-3:20 Justification 3:21-4:25
Romans - Summary Introduction :1-17 Condemnation :18-3:20 Justification :21-4:25 Sanctification :1-8:38

17 The Victory Described – 5:1-5 The Basis of the Victory – 5:6-11
Three Benefits (5:1-2) Peace with God (Verb tenses!) Access to grace (Prayer, anyone?) Joy in the expectation of future glory Sanctification Romans 5:1-10

18 “Tribulations” (afflictions) “Approvedness” (proven character)
“Endurance” “Approvedness” (proven character) “Hope” (expectation) Sanctification Romans 5:3-5

19 Problems take on a new perspective because of our new relationship!
Believers and unbelievers have problems. Our problems now take on purpose and meaning. We can have a new boldness about our expectation of the future. The righteous one by faith shall live! But, WHY should we have that perspective? Sanctification Romans 5:3-5

20 God actually “recommends” His love to us as a source of encouragement!
Understanding the depth of God’s love for us always starts in understanding the Cross! The cross should forever settle the question of what God thinks of each and every one of us! “Demonstrates” God actually “recommends” His love to us as a source of encouragement! Sanctification Romans 5:6-8

21 Justified people can expect deliverance!
And that deliverance is from the wrath directed toward sin. Now that we are justified, we can expect God’s help to be free from sin’s enslavement! Sanctification Romans 5:9

22 A life of power, a life of change, is a life of joy in God.
The Source of our deliverance is nothing less than the risen, living Son of God! (Gal. 2:20) When we experience deliverance, we experience joy! A life of power, a life of change, is a life of joy in God. Sanctification Romans 5:10-11

23 Only God can make unrighteous people righteous.
Only righteous people can enjoy the Spirit’s power, escape enslavement, and enjoy reward. Only God can make unrighteous people righteous. To God be the glory!

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