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anxious Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK

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1 anxious Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is anxious. Say it with me: anxious. Anxious means “nervous or worried.” Suppose your team has a big game tomorrow. You want to win. You feel anxious. That means you are excited, but you are also worried, or a little scared. 2. En español, anxious quiere decir “ansioso; preocupado; nervioso.” Digamos que tu equipo va a jugar en un partido mañana. Quieren ganar. Están ansiosos. O sea, están nerviosos y quizás un poco temerosos. 3. Anxious in English and ansioso in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. PARTNER TALK 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word anxious. (Point to the woman who is looking at her watch.) This woman is waiting for the bus, and the bus is late. She feels anxious. She is worried that she will be late for work. I know she is anxious because she looks worried. She is looking at her watch, too. When I do that, I feel anxious. 5. Make believe that you are the woman in the picture. Point to your watch and look anxious. Then tell your partner why you are anxious. 6. What makes you feel anxious? Complete this sentence for your partner: I feel anxious when ____________. 7. Now let’s say anxious together three more times: anxious, anxious, anxious. anxious

2 cross Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 2 image. 1. Another word in the selection is cross. Say it with me: cross. Cross means “angry.” Do your parents get cross when your room gets too messy? 2. En español, cross quiere decir “enojado.” ¿Tus padres se enojan cuando tu cuarto está en desorden? 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word cross. (Point to the angry girls.) These girls look cross. I think their friend said something that made them angry. Now they are angry at him. MOVEMENT 4. Show me how you look and sound when you feel cross with someone or something. 5. Suppose you want to go to your friend’s house, but you cannot go. Does that make you cross or happy? Look cross if it makes you cross. Smile if it makes you happy. (Continue with other situations: Your cat spills your milk; you get a gift; your balloon pops.) 6. Now let’s say cross together three more times: cross, cross, cross. cross

3 managed Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word in the selection is managed. Say it with me: managed. Managed means “succeeded or was able to.” Sometimes students have a lot of homework. They think they will not finish it all, but they manage to get all their homework done. 2. En español, to manage quiere decir “controlar, manejar, lograr.” A veces los estudiantes tienen muchas tareas. Piensan que no podrán terminarlas, pero al final logran hacerlas todas. PARTNER TALK 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word managed. (Point to the girl with the diploma.) This girl just graduated from high school. She is happy because she managed to finish high school. She managed to get good grades. Now she can go to college. 4. Make believe that your partner is the girl in the picture. Ask: What did you manage to do? How did you manage it? Have your partner answer. 5. Ask your partner what he or she has managed to do. Have your partner answer. Then switch roles. 6. Now let’s say managed together three more times: managed, managed, managed. managed

4 alarmed Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word in the selection is alarmed. Say it with me: alarmed. Alarmed means “suddenly scared or frightened.” One day I was walking down the street and all of a sudden, a dog barked loudly at me. I was alarmed because I did not see the dog at first. 2. En español, to alarm quiere decir “alarmar; producir una sensación de susto ante la posibilidad de un peligro.” Un día iba caminando por la calle y de repente me ladró un perro. El perro me alarmó porque no lo había visto. 3. To alarm in English and alarmar in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word alarmed. (Point to the woman holding her head.) This woman is surprised. She just heard some news that alarmed her. Look at her face! She is surprised and a little scared. She put her hands on her face when she heard the news that alarmed her. 5. When I am alarmed, I open my mouth wide and put my hand over my mouth. (Demonstrate.) Let’s all be alarmed together. Show me what you do. 6. Work with a partner. Act out something that alarms you and what you do when you get alarmed. (Share an idea if necessary: One student jumps out from behind a desk and alarms the other student.) 7. Now let’s say alarmed together three more times: alarmed, alarmed, alarmed. alarmed

5 pretend Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image. 1. Another word in the selection is pretend. Say it with me: pretend. Pretend means “to make believe.” When people pretend, they make believe. Sometimes they pretend to be something that they are not. Other times, they pretend to do something that they really cannot do. 2. En español, to pretend quiere decir “imaginar; inventar una situación que no existe.” Cuando jugamos que somos príncipes o princesas, estamos usando la imaginación. Otras veces, imaginamos que podemos hacer algo que es imposible, como volar. MOVEMENT 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word pretend. (Point to the girl dressed as a butterfly.) This girl is dressed in a costume. She is pretending to be a butterfly. Do you see her wings? I think she looks like a princess, too. Maybe she is pretending to be a butterfly princess. 4. The girl in the picture is pretending to be a butterfly. Let’s all pretend to be butterflies. What do butterflies do? (fly) Let’s pretend to fly! 5. Pretend to be something that you are not. Act out what that thing does. We will guess what you are pretending to be. We will complete this sentence: You pretended to be a(n) ____________. 6. Now let’s say pretend together three more times: pretend, pretend, pretend. pretend

6 unfortunately Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 6 image. 1. Another word in the selection is unfortunately. Say it with me: unfortunately. Unfortunately means “in a way that is unlucky.” Pretend that I missed the school bus this morning. Listen to what I might say: “Unfortunately, I missed the bus. That was unlucky because it made me late for school.” 2. En español, unfortunately quiere decir “desafortunadamente; sin suerte.” Imagina que perdí el autobús escolar esta mañana. Podría decir, “Desafortunadamente, perdí el autobús. Fui desafortunada pues llegué tarde a la escuela.” 3. Now let’s look at a picture that demonstrates the word unfortunately. (Point to the flat tire.) Unfortunately, the driver of this car got a flat tire. That was not lucky. Now the driver cannot drive. The driver has to change the flat tire. MOVEMENT 4. Write unfortunately on a piece of paper. Listen to this sentence: I fell and hurt my leg. Does the sentence tell about something unlucky? Hold up and say unfortunately if it belongs at the beginning of the sentence. Then repeat the sentence but add unfortunately at the beginning. (Repeat the activity with other sentences: ____________, I got an A on my test; ____________, I did not make the team.) 5. Act out something unfortunate that could happen to you. Then use unfortunately in a sentence to tell what happened. 6. Now let’s say unfortunately together three more times: unfortunately, unfortunately, unfortunately. unfortunately

7 first of all Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use the phrase first of all to tell what happens before everything else. Say it with me: first of all. Suppose that you want to try out for the soccer team. First of all, you have to learn how to play soccer. You need to know the rules if you want to play soccer. 2. En español, first of all quiere decir “primero que todo, en primer lugar, lo que sucede antes que nada.” Digamos que quieres formar parte del equipo de fútbol. Primero que todo, tienes que aprender a jugar fútbol. Tienes que conocer las reglas del juego. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase first of all. These people get ready to start their day. First of all, they eat a healthy breakfast. It is important to eat a good breakfast before they start their day. After they eat, they will go to work or to school. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I will say two things. Tell me which you would do first of all. brush your teeth/put toothpaste on the toothbrush put the leash on the dog/take the dog for a walk go for a car ride/put your seat belt on put on a winter jacket/play outside in the snow 5. I will name some things you have to do. Tell me what you must do first of all. I have to do my homework. First of all, ____________. I have to go to bed. First of all, ____________. I have to eat lunch. First of all, ____________. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: first of all, first of all, first of all. first of all

8 right now Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use the phrase right now to tell what people do at this minute. Say it with me: right now. We are in school right now. Right now, I am talking to you. I am explaining what the phrase right now means! 2. En español, right now quiere decir “en este momento.” Estamos en la escuela en este momento. En este momento, estoy hablando con ustedes. ¡Estoy explicándoles lo que quiere decir en este momento! 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase right now. Right now, these students are in school. They are in art class right now. Before art, the students were in math class. After art class, the students will go to reading. Right now, though, they are painting. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. Let’s all clap our hands. While you clap, answer this question: What are you doing right now? Complete this sentence: Right now, we ____________. Now let’s stop clapping. Let’s jump. What are you doing right now? (Continue with other actions.) 5. What are you doing right now? What would you like to be doing right now? Use the phrase right now to answer the questions. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: right now, right now, right now. right now

9 do not have enough Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 4
TEACHER TALK 1. In English, we use the phrase do not have enough when we need more of something. Say it with me: do not have enough. (Have three students stand. Show two pencils.) Let’s pretend these three students need pencils. I have two pencils. I do not have three. That means I do not have enough pencils to give each student a pencil. 2. En español, do not have enough quiere decir “no tener suficiente.” (Pídale a tres estudiantes que se paren. Muestre dos lápices.) Digamos que estos tres estudiantes necesitan lápices. Tengo dos lápices. No tengo tres. Eso significa que no tengo suficientes lápices para cada estudiante. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase do not have enough. This is a picture of one pizza. Someone has cut the pizza into 12 pieces. They have enough pizza for 12 people. They do not have enough pizza for 20 people. They would need at least 20 pieces of pizza to have enough pizza for 20 people. CHORAL RESPONSE 4. First of all, we need to know how many students are in class today. Let’s count. Now I’m going to name different amounts of things. Say, “We have enough” if we have enough for all of us. Say “We do not have enough” if we do not have enough for all of us. 18 pieces of pizza 2 pairs of scissors 7 crayons 10 apples 25 stickers 1 ruler 5. What is something that you do not have enough of and want more of? Complete these sentences to tell: I do not have enough ____________. I want more because ____________. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: do not have enough, do not have enough, do not have enough. do not have enough

10 turn up Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 4 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use the phrase turn up when we want to make something hotter, louder, or brighter. Say it with me: turn up. Suppose you are watching TV but you cannot hear the sound. You turn up the sound to make it louder. 2. En español, to turn up quiere decir “subir el volumen o la temperatura de algo.” Digamos que estás viendo la televisión pero no se oye bien. En ese caso, subes el volumen para escuchar mejor. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase turn up. These people are making fish for dinner. They have to bake the fish in the oven. The people turn up the temperature in the oven. They want the oven to be hot enough to cook the fish. PARTNER TALK 4. You can turn up the TV to make it louder. You can turn up the oven to make it hotter. What else do you turn up? Why? (Responses include the radio, the lights, the music, the heat, the stove, the air conditioning, and the sound.) 5. What phrase do you think means the opposite of turn up? (turn down) When do you turn something up? When do you turn it down? 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: turn up, turn up, turn up. turn up

11 pickle Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. pickle

12 hot dog Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. hot dog

13 hamburger Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. hamburger

14 fried chicken Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. fried chicken

15 cinnamon bun Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. cinnamon bun

16 cereal Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. cereal

17 Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 4 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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