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Ten Themes Unify the Study of Life

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1 Ten Themes Unify the Study of Life
1.3 Ten Themes Unify the Study of Life

2 1.3 Themes of Biology There are 10 basic ideas, or themes, that apply to biology at all levels for all organisms.

3 Biological Systems Your body is a system. The sum of the parts of your body work together to make your body perform simple and complex tasks. - Describe the parts of the body that must work together to kick a soccer ball. Ecosystems are also biological systems. The plants and animals that live in an ecosystem work together to ensure survival for all.

4 The Cellular Basis of Life
Most multicellular organisms have cells that are specialized for different functions. - EX: muscle cells help with movement, nerve cells transmit impulses that control muscles Cells can be organized into higher levels of organization cell tissue organ system (nerve cell) (nerve tissue) (brain) (nervous system)

5 The Cellular Basis of Life
A multicellular organism’s development and survival are based on the functions and interactions of its many cells.

6 Form and Function How something works is related to its structure -- form fits function EX: The shape of a bird’s wings (aerodynamic) and the structure of a bird’s bones (open, honeycomb- like for great strength with little weight)

7 Reproduction and Inheritance
Offspring inherit units of information called genes, which are made of molecules called DNA. In multicellular organisms, DNA is stored in the nucleus. When a cell divides, it copies its DNA and passes this genetic information on to each of the two cells it produces.

8 Interaction with the Environment
As part of an ecosystem, each organism interacts continuously with its environment. Plants make food using the process of photosynthesis. - Need water, nutrients, CO2, energy Plants break up the soil which affects the types of organisms that can live in the soil. Plants release oxygen, which other plants and animals rely on for survival.

9 Interaction With the Environment
Humans and other living organisms are constantly sensing and responding to changes in the environment What are some examples of ways humans and other living organisms respond to change in the environment?

10 Energy and Life Organisms perform work when they are moving, growing, reproducing, etc. Work depends on a source of energy - Humans: food (sugar, fats, etc.)

11 Energy and Life Energy flows into an ecosystem as sunlight and exits in the form of heat. All organisms lose energy in the form of heat, so an ecosystem cannot recycle energy. Life on Earth depends on a continuous supply of energy from the sun.

12 Regulation Organisms have the ability to regulate their internal body temperature. EX: On a hot day, a human’s brain detects an elevated body temperature and tells the body to sweat to help bring the internal body temperature down Other animals, such as dogs or birds, may pant.

13 Regulation Homeostasis allows organisms to regulate their internal environment, despite changes in their external environment.

14 Adaptation and Evolution
Camouflage hides animals from both their predator and pray Adaptations are inherited traits that aid in survival and reproduction in a particular environment - If traits are helpful, individuals with the trait variation may live longer and produce more offspring than those that do not have the trait (natural selection).

15 Adaptation and Evolution
Natural selection is the mechanism by which evolution occurs. Evolution mean “a process of change”

16 Scientific Inquiry Scientific inquiry involves asking questions about nature and then using observations or experiments to find possible answers to those questions.

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