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We will then be moving on to ‘Greece now and then.’

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1 We will then be moving on to ‘Greece now and then.’
What will your child be learning in Year 4? Literacy: In Literacy this half term we are starting by looking at ‘Stories from other cultures’, in particular Africa.The main texts that we are going to be reading are ‘Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters’ and ‘Journey to Jo’burg’. By the end of the topic we will be writing our own African tales. In the second half of the term we will be looking at information texts and persuasive texts, applying formal language and punctuation to our writing. Numeracy: This term we will be building on our number knowledge, such place value, negative numbers and estimating numbers. We will be looking at different methods of long multiplication, including the box method and column method. We will be expanding on our fraction knowledge by converting them to decimals and using them to solve word problems. Knowledge of shape will be extended by learning to describe and measure different angles. R.E. Our R.E. topic for this half term is ‘Local Church’ where we will be focusing on the importance of our church and those around us. Other topics throughout the term are include: Eucharist and Lent. Each topic will be emphasised within our daily routine and prayer. Science: In Science we cover a different topic each half term. The new topics are as follows: Autumn 1: Sound Autumn 2: Electricity Spring 1: States of Matter Spring 2: Habitats Summer 1 & 2: Animals including humans We will have trips related to some of our Science topics throughout the year. A Creative Curriculum We will be learning The Kingdom of Benin through lots of different subjects. Topic will be taught Mrs Usher every Wednesday. ICT: We will be developing our skills of writing for different audiences by creating our own Benin information text. History: In History we are focusing on the history of Benin, focusing on how it evolved and it’s culture. Geography: We will be learning about where Benin is located and it’s geographical features Art & DT: Various projects linked to topic. We will then be moving on to ‘Greece now and then.’

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