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What’s happening at the academy?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s happening at the academy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s happening at the academy?

2 Message from Mr Wilson Nobody learning to walk ever said… ‘This is too difficult’ or ‘I’m not very good at walking so I’ll stop trying to’ Remember have a growth mindset – I can do

3 "Everybody needs to improve, not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.“

4 Speak Out There are two new ways in which you can speak out about bullying. In the student reception, you will find a ‘Speak Out’ box. You can post your comments in here. Remember, we can only tackle bullying and support those being bullied if we hear about it and have enough information. Posting anonymously can’t work. You can also your concerns to our new address

5 Aerosols and Banned Items
A reminder that aerosols are banned in school. They cause issues for people with breathing conditions and as a result are potentially very dangerous As a reminder: Food should only be consumed in the dining room or outside Banned Items (There are a few but here are the main offenders) Chewing gum Fizzy or energy drinks

6 Break and Lunchtimes Food should only be consumed in either the dining room or outside of the building. There should not be anyone eating in the corridors or atrium and we need to avoid the mess that is currently being left on the floor along both the performing arts and red corridors

7 Balcony and old music practice rooms
THESES AREAS ARE OUT OF BOUNDS For a whole variety of reasons these areas are not to be used by anyone at any time. The only exception to this is when the the balcony is to be used is to access room 6 for lessons A Reminder Playing Manhunt in and around room 5/hall site A/balcony is not ok! one student has already fallen and smacked his head on the railings!

8 Exciting News from The English Department…A Poetry Competition
Over the last year, over 100 students from the Academy have had their work published in the Young Writers’ Anthology. The new competition is about writing poetry

9 Closing date: 11th February 2019
HOW? Bring your poem to Mrs Patel in Room 30A and fill in the entry form (available in 30A or your form tutor) The themes for the poems are on the poster in your form room.

10 Yr 10 & 11 GCSE English ‘Drop In’
Drop in sessions every Wednesday lunchtime in room 30 (Mr Mackay's room). A chance to complete homework, ask questions about the GCSE texts, go through elements of English you are unsure of...anything to do with GCSE English. It's drop in, so please just come along and stay for as long as you need to...there's no minimum or maximum.

11 A homework club is running every Thursday in ICT 5
Maths Homework Club A homework club is running every Thursday in ICT 5

12 Beauty and the Beast Please read the schedule for rehearsals this week
Tuesday after school 3.15 – 5.00 Wednesday after school 3.15 – 5.00 Choreography Thursday after school 3.15 – 5.00 Choreography It tells you on the schedule what we will be doing at lunchtimes. IF YOU CANNOT COME TO A REHEARSAL MAKE SURE THAT YOU LET US KNOW VIA MAIL OR IN PERSON. PLEASE LEARN THE LYRICS TO THE SONGS, AND ALSO THE LIB FOR CHARACTER PARTS.

13 French Trip There will be a meeting for those year 7 s on the French trip on Thursday 17 th Jan at 1.15pm in room 2 please. Attendance is compulsory Also medical forms for this trip MUST be handed in to Mrs A Chapman ASAP.

14 This week in PE Lots going on again this week in PE
MONDAY: Year 9/10 Indoor Rowing Training – Invite Only (Site B) TUESDAY: All Years Netball Training TUESDAY: Year 10 Football v Martin High School – Home – CC Quarters PLEASE NOTE: Year 7/8/9 Football Training is CANCELLED this week due to the fixture. WEDNESDAY: Year 7/8/9 Badminton Club (Site B) WEDNESDAY: Year 9/10 Indoor Rowing Competition – South Wigston THURSDAY: Year 10/11 Badminton Club (Site C)

15 WEDNESDAY: The Year 9 Football team are through to the 6th round of the National Cup after a battling 1-0 win away v Toot Hill from Nottingham. An Oliver Berry header and some superb defensive work was enough to see them through. Well done boys. The lads will now face Bourne Grammar School from Lincolnshire away next week. Good luck! PE Results

16 Room 39 All students that wish to use Rm 39 at lunchtime MUST collect a green pass at breaktime. If you (or your guest) do not have a pass they will not be allowed in through the atrium doors. If any student abuses their pass by using it to go elsewhere in Site B without permission they will have their pass removed and will not be allowed in for the rest of the year!

17 Geography Club Everyone is Welcome!!!
Next meeting – Thursday 25th January at 1:30 in Lunch. Come to room 13 to get an Early Lunch Pass from Mr Cotterill. From then on it will be every Thursday in Week 1. Room 13 Site A – Mr Cotterill. Geography Club Do you care about the Earth? Do you want to help campaign to save our planet and improve recycling in our school? Or do you just love to learn about the world we all live in? Geography Club has many wonderful things to look forward to this year!!!

18 Dance Choreography Anybody involved in the choreography of the A-level dance exam work but be available on Monday 21st Jan 3pm- 4:30pm. All must have full kit or costume as instructed by their A-level student and must bring sufficient water and snacks for the duration of the session. Any questions, see Mrs Partridge before Wednesday. 

19 Message re Intervention (Yr11 only)
You MUST attend the sessions you have been invited to – please speak to your teachers if there are reasons that you cannot attend. But, if you are free (not allocated a specific intervention THIS cycle) you can take ENGLISH/SCIENCE/MATHS up on their offer of extra support! Tuesdays at pm English- Drop-in for ALL Wednesdays at pm Science - Drop-in for ALL Thursdays at pm Maths - Drop-in for ALL

20 Intervention continued
WHEN: WHERE: Business Thursday PM Geography Wednesday PM Child Development History Tuesday PM Computer Science Friday Lunch Maths Dance Wednesday Lunch Music Drama OCR PE English Product Design / Food Preparation & Nutrition French Science GCSE PE Textiles Tuesday Lunch Travel Business Room A2.4 Geography Room 14 Child Development Room C1.11 History Room 9 Computer Science Room C1.3 Maths Room 41 Dance Room F2 Music Room A0.12 Drama OCR PE Room ICT 5 English Room 27 Product Design / Food Preparation & Nutrition Room ICT 4 French Room 3 Science Room S5 GCSE PE Room 48 Textiles Room ADT3 Travel Room C1.12

21 Year 10 Work Experience 1st – 5th April
Have you sorted your placements yet? The deadline is 14th January. There are drop-in sessions in ICT 1 at lunchtimes to help you find a placement. Monday 14th January – Lunchtime – ICT 1 Tuesday 15th January – Lunchtime – ICT1 Wednesday 16th January – Lunchtime – ICT1 Thursday 17th January - Lunchtime – ICT1 The careers team are here to help you All employers say that work experience is really important for young people to understand the world of work.

22 Year 11 Apprenticeships The Careers team are here to help you with your apprenticeship applications. If you are thinking of applying for an apprenticeship there will be a workshop held on 29th January in PSHCE lesson. More information will be shared via tutors this week

23 Have a good week

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