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Water, Mixtures, Acids, Bases , Ph and Indicators

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Presentation on theme: "Water, Mixtures, Acids, Bases , Ph and Indicators"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water, Mixtures, Acids, Bases , Ph and Indicators
Importance in Science and Impact on Living Things

2 Water That “polar” little molecule
Essential for Life (65-70% of our Mass) Universal Solvent (Most substances are Dissolved in or Transported by Water Ability to Dissolve Substances is due to its Polar Nature (Opposite charges along the molecule)

3 Why are we studying water?
More about Water Why are we studying water? All life occurs in water inside & outside the cell

4 WATER a non-living molecule ESSENTIAL FOR LIFE
Water is Polar (has a positive region and a negative Region) The Negative End (oxygen) of one water molecule Attracts the Positive End (Hydrogen) Of another water molecule Slightly Negative Oxygen Hydrogen Hydrogen Slightly positive Slightly positive

5 1. Chemistry of water H2O molecules form H-bonds with each other
+H attracted to –O creates a sticky molecule APBio/TOPICS/Biochemistry/Movies AP/hydrogenbonds-Thinkwell.swf

6 Water is Cohesive A force of attraction between molecules of the same substance is “Cohesion” Cohesion, or the ability of molecules to “stick together" is because opposite charges attract each other Water molecules attract other water molecules, forming HYDROGEN BONDS

7 Water is also Adhesive Adhesion happens when there is attraction between two different substances Because Water is POLAR, it adheres to many other substances Water is one of the Best Solvents because other molecules are Attracted to Water Intermolecular Hydrogen Bonding accounts for water’s properties of Cohesion and Adhesion

8 Cohesive and Adhesive Properties in Action
Water moving up roots, forming droplets, creating surface tension

9 How does H2O get to top of trees?
Transpiration is built on cohesion & adhesion APBio/TOPICS/04Biochemistry/MoviesAP/03_03WaterTransport_A.swf Remember the videotape!

10 In Summary….. Special properties of water 1. cohesion & adhesion
surface tension, capillary action 2. good solvent many molecules dissolve in H2O hydrophilic vs. hydrophobic 3. lower density as a solid ice floats! 4. high specific heat water stores heat 5. high heat of vaporization heats & cools slowly Ice! I could use more ice!

11 2. Water is the solvent of life
Polarity makes H2O a good solvent polar H2O molecules surround + & – ions solvents dissolve solutes creating solutions What dissolves in water easily? polar or non-polar molecules? How about Oxygen? Does that dissolve in H2O?

12 What dissolves in water?
Hydrophilic substances have attraction to H2O polar or non-polar? What dissolves in water easily? polar or non-polar molecules? How about Oxygen? Does that dissolve in H2O?

13 What doesn’t dissolve in water?
Hydrophobic substances that don’t have an attraction to H2O polar or non-polar? Oh, look hydrocarbons! What dissolves in water easily? polar or non-polar molecules? How about Oxygen? Does that dissolve in H2O? fat (triglycerol)

14 And this has made all the difference!
3. The special case of ice Most (all?) substances are more dense when they are solid, but not water… Ice floats! H bonds form a crystal And this has made all the difference!

15 Ice floats

16 Why is “ice floats” important?
Oceans & lakes don’t freeze solid surface ice insulates water below allowing life to survive the winter if ice sank… ponds, lakes & even oceans would freeze solid in summer, only upper few inches would thaw seasonal turnover of lakes sinking cold H2O cycles nutrients in autumn

17 4. Specific heat H2O resists changes in temperature
high specific heat takes a lot to heat it up takes a lot to cool it down H2O moderates temperatures on Earth

18 Specific heat & climate

19 5. Heat of vaporization Evaporative cooling
Organisms rely on heat of vaporization to remove body heat

20 Compounds verses Mixtures
Compounds are atoms or ions joined by Chemical Bonds Combine in Fixed proportions and a definite structural arrangement Are changed physically and chemically Mixtures consist of two or more substances NOT chemically combined No definite proportions Each substance retains its original chemical and physical properties

21 Homogeneous Mixtures (the same through out)
Solutions are generally Clear homogeneous mixtures Consist of …. Solvent (like Water) substance doing the dissolving Solute (like Salt, Sugar) is the substance being dissolved

22 Dissolving When a molecular substance Dissolves in a Liquid, the substance separates into its individual molecules Sugar molecules spread throughout the water (going into solution)

23 When Ionic compounds Dissolve they also Dissociate
When Ionic compounds are dissolved, the ionic bonds holding them together are broken due to the attractive forces of the water molecule NaCl (table salt) dissociates To form Na+ and Cl- Ions

24 Ionization of water & pH
Water ionizes H+ splits off from H2O, leaving OH– if [H+] = [-OH], water is neutral if [H+] > [-OH], water is acidic if [H+] < [-OH], water is basic pH scale how acid or basic solution is 1  7  14 H2O  H+ + OH–

25 tenfold change in H+ ions
pH Scale 10–1 H+ Ion Concentration Examples of Solutions Stomach acid, Lemon juice 1 pH 100 Hydrochloric acid 10–2 2 10–3 Vinegar, cola, beer 3 10–4 Tomatoes 4 10–5 Black coffee, Rainwater 5 10–6 Urine, Saliva 6 10–7 Pure water, Blood 7 10–8 Seawater 8 10–9 Baking soda 9 10–10 Great Salt Lake 10 10–11 Household ammonia 11 10–12 Household bleach 12 10–13 Oven cleaner 13 10–14 Sodium hydroxide 14 tenfold change in H+ ions pH1  pH2 10-1  10-2 10 times less H+ pH8  pH7 10-8  10-7 10 times more H+ pH10  pH8 10-10  10-8 100 times more H+ In pure water only 1 water molecule in every 554 million is dissociated

26 What is Ph and What can it tell us?
Ph is a way of representing the Hydrogen ion [H+] concentration of an acidic or basic solution Defined as the –log of [H+] In other words, the greater the number of H+ produced by a dissolved substance, the smaller the Ph value Ph can tell us if something is an acid or a base AND its strength!

27 Dissociation produces Acids and Bases
Acids produce excess H+ ions Bases produce excess OH- ions

28 Ph Scale The stronger the acid the lower the ph value
Acids have the highest concentrations of H+ Ph scale goes from 0-14 The stronger the Base the higher the ph value Bases have the lowest concentrations of H+ High [OH-]

29 Acids Verses Bases Produce Excess Hydrogen ions (H+ ) when they dissociate in water Ph values less than 7 Taste Sour Corrode metals Produce Excess Hydroxide ions(OH-) when they dissociate in water Ph values greater than 7 Taste Bitter Emulsify Fats (droplets) Slippery (soapy)

30 Common Acids and Bases Citric Acid (lemons oranges, limes)
Acetic Acid (vinegar) Carbonic Acid (soda) Hydrochloric Acid (HCl) stomach Sulfuric and Nitric Acids (acid rain) Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) Lye, Draino Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) Ammonia (NH3) cleaners

31 Indicators “indicate” if something is an acid or a base
An indicator is a substance that changes color when the pH goes above or below a certain pH range. So, indicators can tell us when any given substance is either more acidic or more basic by simply Changing color

32 Examples of Indicators
Litmus turns Red in an acid; but will change Blue in a Base Methyl Orange changes from Yellow to Orange in acids (pH <3) Phenolphthalein changes from colorless/clear to Pink in bases (pH >8)

33 Neutralization Results when an Acid is Mixed with a Base
Neutralization means that the pH is no longer acidic or basic; it reaches a pH of 7 (neutral) NaOH + HCl H2O + NaCl The H+ of the acid combines with OH- of the base to produce water and salt Neutralization Reaction Strong Base Strong Acid Water Salt pH =12 pH = 2 pH = 7

34 Buffers are chemicals that neutralize excess acids or bases
Buffers are compounds that act differently depending on “what they are mixed with” When mixed with a Strong Acid; a buffer behaves like a weak base -- neutralizing the Acid When mixed with a Strong Base; a buffer acts like a weak acid ----- neutralizing the Base TUMS, Milk of Magnesia are examples of buffers that neutralize excess stomach acid

35 Buffers & cellular regulation
pH of cells must be kept ~7 pH affects shape of molecules shape of molecules affect function pH affects cellular function Control pH by buffers reservoir of H+ donate H+ when [H+] falls absorb H+ when [H+] rises 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Amount of base added Buffering range pH Exercise = acidic in muscles CO2 = carbonic acid lactic acid body uses buffers to counter act this

36 Any Questions? Do one brave thing today…then run like hell!
He’s gonna earn a Darwin Award! Any Questions? Do one brave thing today…then run like hell!

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