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Crandall ISD Data Day August 9, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Crandall ISD Data Day August 9, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crandall ISD Data Day August 9, 2017

2 Discuss… What is assessment? What is accountability?
What types of assessment exist? What is accountability? How do these two concepts relate/differ? What does it mean to be “data driven”? Why does data matter? Why be “data driven”? What data do we use to drive our instruction?

3 MAP/STAAR Correlations
Reading Math MAP EOY National Percentile Range at which student is predicted to pass Percentage of Crandall Students w/in predicted range who actually passed MAP Percentile Range at which Student is Predicted to Pass 3rd grade 37 – 83 94% 45 – 87 99% 4th grade 39 – 83 93% 51 – 89 5th grade 36 – 82 97% 6th grade 29 – 82 92% 98% 7th grade 31 – 82 95% 41 – 88 84% 8th grade 39 – 91 9th grade* 47 – 89 100%

4 MAP/STAAR Correlations cont’d…
Reading Math MAP EOY National Percentile Range at which student is predicted to Master Grade Level Percentage of Crandall Students w/in predicted range who actually Mastered Grade Level MAP Percentile Range at which Student is Predicted to Master Grade Level 3rd grade 100% 88- 99 4th grade 84- 99 71% 90- 99 5th grade 83- 99 87- 99 6th grade 94% 7th grade 75% 89- 99 N/A 8th grade 92- 99

5 In other words… Reading: 93.4% ALL Crandall ISD tested students who fell into the prescribed national percentile range, approached grade level. Math: 97% ALL Crandall ISD tested students who fell into the prescribed national percentile range, approached grade level.

6 Discuss… What does this mean?
Does this information alter or enhance your perception of MAP Test data? How? How could this information inform what we do in the classroom? In addition to offering a solid prediction to “Approaches Grade Level” and “Masters Grade Level” (Accountability Index 1) what other data does MAP provide to which the state holds schools accountable? How does this information impact non-STAAR/EOC tested grades and/or subject areas? How might someone who does not teach a tested grade or subject area use this data to inform his/her instruction? Why should this data matter to that person?

7 Analyzing Student Performance
86% Approach 47% Meet or Master

8 Does not approach

9 Approaches grade level

10 Meets Grade Level

11 Masters Grade Level

12 A closer look….



15 Accelerated Growth! Celebrate accelerated performance!
Keep Bambi’s momentum going! What did last year’s teacher do to inspire accelerated performance? What academic interventions worked? What psychosocial interventions worked?

16 Limited Growth Celebrate Approaching Grade Level!
Identify gaps and limitations in progress. In what areas did the student falter? In what areas did the student show strength? What academic interventions are needed? What psychosocial interventions may be needed?

17 Expected Growth Celebrate Performance AND Meeting Growth!
In what areas did the student show weakness and strength? Keep Winnie’s momentum going! What did last year’s teacher do to maintain growth? What academic interventions worked and/or are needed? What psychosocial interventions worked and/or are needed?

18 Limited Progress Celebrate Mastering Grade Level!
Identify gaps and limitations in progress. In what areas did the student falter? In what areas did the student show strength? What academic interventions are needed? What psychosocial interventions may be needed?

19 Discuss… Looking at the matrix, what are your observations?
In which direction do we wish to see our students moving? Why? What will happen to the students in the hot pink range without interventions? Red range? Dark red range? Does a single “bubble” exist any longer? Explain. What overarching instructional strategy is vital in meeting the GROWTH needs of all students? Why?

20 With Content/Grade Groups SE Performance Analysis
Analyze student performance data and determine the top (highest performance) and bottom (lowest performance) three SEs for your grade level. What skills are necessary to perform the top SEs? What skills are necessary to perform the bottom SEs? Analyze student performance data and determine the top and bottom three SEs for the prior grade level.

21 SCAFFOLD Analysis View TEKS Scaffold beginning @ :45 seconds
Use the Launch Pad in Teacher Public Drive  Data Day August 9, 2017 (select campus and grade level) to locate the correlating top and bottom three SEs in your grade level and the grade prior.

22 STAAR Frequency Distribution…
Examine STAAR Frequency Distribution. What are the three most frequently tested SEs? What are the two least frequently tested SEs? Compare Frequency Distribution with Student Performance Analysis. In what areas are there overlaps? How, when, and with what frequency will these SEs be addressed in your instruction? What interventions will be used to address gaps in high frequency/low performing areas? How will these areas be assessed and with what frequency?

23 G/P Matrix Locate all students who fall into the green zone (accelerated growth). Brainstorm what worked with those students. Same for blue… Look at upcoming students…Which students are in danger of falling from Approaches Grade Level to Does Not Approach? From Meets Grade Level to Approaches? From Masters Grade Level to Meets? Which category of students are most likely to recede without intervention? Sort RAW scores from least to greatest. Who are your students who show readiness to move from Does Not Approach to Approaches? Approaches to Meets? Meets to Masters? Why is it vital to especially celebrate the students who “Did Not Approach” with Expected or Accelerated Growth? What sort of interventions might help a student who Masters or Meets Grade Level with Limited Growth? Skeleton plan for reaching each set of students.

24 Quintiles and G/P Matrix
Locate Quintile Analysis Report for your campus/current and prior grade/subject. You will also use Student Data Tab from G/P Matrix Highlight Green: Students who showed accelerated growth. Highlight Blue: Students who showed expected growth. Highlight Pink: Students who showed limited growth. Discuss: How will you reflect this data in the differentiation of your instruction?

25 We still need… Identify and detail the information and resources you still need in order to best meet the needs of our students. Resources Delivery Assessment Time

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