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Country Report INDIA Presentation By Parveen Arora DST, Govt. of India 2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

2 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop
2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

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2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

4 Compostion of Industrial R&D 2002-03
Overall Industrial R&D Intensity : 0.47 % Private R&D ( 80 %) : Public R&D (20 %) Top 3 Sectors in Private R&D § Drugs and Pharmaceuticals ( 2.49 %) § Transportation (0.90 %) § Chemicals other than Fertilisers (0.45 %) Top 3 Sectors in Public R&D § Defence ( 8.78 %) § Fuels (0.08 %) § Electricals and Electrocnics Equipment (0.45 %) 2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

5 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop
POLICY FRAMEWORK Scientific Policy Resolution (1958) To foster, promote and sustain scientific research; To ensure adequate supply of scientists of highest quality; To recognize and reward their work; To secure for the people of the country all benefits from the acquisition and application of scientific knowledge. Technology Policy Statement 1983 To attain technological self-reliance by making maximum use of indigenous resources. Education Policy 1986 To re-design courses/programme of higher education keeping with the technological developments. To enhance support for R&D in the universities and to ensure its high quality and develop interdisciplinary research. 2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

6 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop
POLICY FRAMEWORK Science & Technology Policy 2003 Increase of R&D expenditure to 2% of GDP. Increase participation of private industries in R&D. Encourage innovation. Enhance Human Resource capabilities and Generation and Management of Intellectual Property Right (IPR). 2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

7 Technology Infrastructure
Policy Making Institutions Technology Generating Institutions Human Ressource Generation Standards & Patents Institutions Technology Diffusion Institutions § Complex Situation – Many Instt perform many roles § Since Post WTO –Restructuring Process of Instt. Sectoral policies (Biotechnology Policy 2005 (Draft), New Pharmaceutical Policy 2006) Setting up of Knowledge Commission New Mechanisms of Innovation Support Fiscal and Non-Fiscal 2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

8 New additions to the technological infrastructure
Formal IDEA Generation Prototype Stage (Proof of Concept) Pilot stage/ Pre-commercial Stage Commercial Stage Informal LEVEL I (Birth) LEVEL II (Survival) LEVEL III (Growth) Support Mechanism: TDB NMITLI PRDSF Venture Capital TePP TDPP HGTP PRDSF Venture Capital Biotech Park Knowledge Park STEP TBI Biotech Park Knowledge Park Institutional Setup: NIF NGO 2/16/2019 Parveen Arora, Aalborg workshop

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