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The Eastern Partnership

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1 The Eastern Partnership

2 Prague Summit, 7 May 2009 Created the Eastern Partnership
a New Eastern Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy

3 Six countries concerned
Armenia Azerbaijan Belarus Georgia the Republic of Moldova Ukraine


5 Main Goals of the Eastern Partnership
Create the necessary conditions to accelerate political association and further economic integration between the EU and partner countries. Support political and socio-economic reforms of the partner countries Facilitating approximation to the EU Help develop closer ties between the partner countries themselves

6 Basis of the Partnership
Common interests, shared values: Commitment to the rule of law & good governance; Respect for human rights and basic freedoms including respect for and protection of minorities; Commitment to the principles of the market economy, sustainable development and good governance. The level of ambition of the EU’s relationship with each of the Eastern Partners will take into account the extent to which these values are effectively shared

7 Eastern Partnership what it is NOT
Anti-Russian Enlargement (but without prejudice to individual aspirations of participating countries for their future relationship with the EU) An Eastern version of the Union for the Mediterranean Rejection of differentiation, conditionality and the primacy of bilateral relations Split of the existing European Neighbourhood Policy

8 What the EaP proposes in bilateral relations
Significant strengthening of EU policy & engagement: Association Agreements, closer cooperation on CFSP/ESDP issues Improved administrative capacity: Comprehensive Institution Building Programme financed by the EU; Further economic integration: Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Areas; Easier legitimate travel to the EU: “Mobility and security pacts” to promote legal movement of people with as a long term goal full visa liberalisation; Energy security: Enhanced cooperation with all partner countries; Economic and social development: Pilot regional programmes based on EU’s cohesion policy.

9 What does the EaP propose in multilateral cooperation
A new forum to: share experience and information on partner’s steps towards reforms accompanied by the EU; facilitate adoption of common positions and joint activities; discuss topics of common interest; present and explain EU legislation and standards to the partners to initiate structured approximation process.

10 Four Thematic Platforms
1. Democracy, good governance & stability (including JLS): 2. Economic integration and convergence with EU policies 3. Energy security 4.Contacts between people

11 Core Objectives of Platform 2
Trade and Trade Related Regulatory Approximation linked to DCFTAs Other Regulatory Approximation and Cooperation (transparency, public consultations, company law, customs and border control, maritime issues, good governance in taxation) Macro-economic and Financial Cooperation Socio-economic development Environment and Climate Change

12 3 PANELS under Platform 2 Panel on “Environment and Climate Change”
Panel on SMEs Panel on “Trade and Trade Related Regulatory Approximation linked to DCFTAs”, or in short the “Trade Panel”

13 Flagship initiatives SME Facility:
Integrated Border Management Programme: Alignment to EU standards, a prerequisite for progress on the mobility; SME Facility: Small and medium enterprises to receive stimulus through technical assistance, financial intermediaries, risk capital and loans; Regional electricity markets, improved energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources This also includes the interlinking of the electricity grids; Southern energy corridor This is a key infrastructure initiative serving to diversify transit routes and sources of supply for the EU and its partners; Prevention of, preparedness for, and response to natural and man-made disasters Strengthen disaster management capacities and establish effective cooperation between the EU and the partner countries and among themselves Environmental Governance Increasing availability of reliable information in Partner countries, including a national and regional Shared Environmental Information System

14 EC financing in 2007-2010 Armenia € 98.4 million
Azerbaijan € 92 million Belarus € 21 million Georgia €120.4 million (additional funding up to € 500 million to cope with the consequences of the crisis in August 2008), Moldova € million Ukraine € 494 million Euro Additional funds are also available through regional and inter-regional programmes, Cross Border Cooperation, Neighbourhood Investment and Governance Facilities

15 Additional financing 2010-13
almost 75% increase When comparing 2008 (€450 million) to 2013 (€785 million) This will mean allocating a supplementary envelope of € 350 million in addition to the planned resources for the period Moreover €250 million that was already allocated to the ENP Regional East programme will be reallocated to initiatives relevant for the implementation of the Eastern Partnership

16 Institutional Structures
Start on 7 May 2009, then: Summits in principle once every two years Once a year meetings of Foreign Ministers Senior officials meetings twice a year within framework of thematic platforms Panels, experts meetings, workshops - as often as necessary Involvement of other EU institutions, civil society, international organisations, IFIs, private sector, etc.

17 Eastern Partnership Webpage
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