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A new Road Safety Strategy for New Zealand

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1 A new Road Safety Strategy for New Zealand
Presentation to the Rental Vehicles Association

2 What is an effective road safety strategy?
Builds a joint understanding of the problem and effective interventions Provides a clear purpose statement to promote stakeholder and public buy-in Outlines principles to guide decision-making across the system Provides the basis for a system-wide roadmap of actions Enables effective prioritisation of actions Galvanises action from stakeholders inside and outside of government Holds decision makers to account 2

3 Key issues for the new strategy
Investigation of Vision Zero Increased focus on systemic factors Measurable targets Robust data and research

4 What is Vision Zero? Sweden adopted its “Vision Zero” strategy in 1997, stating that: eventually no one will be killed or seriously injured within the road transport system, and it can never be ethically acceptable that people are killed within the road transport system. Under Vision Zero, Sweden has been a global leader in reducing road trauma. Vision Zero has subsequently been adopted in a number of other European countries, as well as major cities across the world.

5 The transport network is essential for New Zealand’s tourism
reduces greenhouse gas emissions, as well as adverse effects on the local environment and public health delivers the right infrastructure and services to the right level at the best cost provides increased access to economic and social opportunities is a safe system, free of death and serious injury SAFETY ACCESS SS Value for money Environment O b j e c t i v s : A l a n d r p o y m h . enables transport choice and access is resilient KEY strategic priorities Supporting strategic Increasing Access and Safety are key priorities for the Government GPS 2018 prioritises investment in: tourism connections that are safe, efficient and resilient regional development that supports thriving and connected regions This is supported by the GPS’s focus on road safety – the Government has increased funding on road safety across the whole network

6 Improving the safety of key tourist routes through the visiting driver programme
The project focused on each stage of a visitor’s holiday – planning, booking, in-flight, arriving in New Zealand, and when actually on our roads An evaluation noted the visiting drivers project delivered strong results, and is a great example of collaborative practice, system and culture change Ongoing infrastructure improvements to improve the safety of visiting drivers is being embedded into business as usual work, and will be expanded across New Zealand

7 A few questions for you to consider…
What should be our ambition or vision for road safety in New Zealand? Where should we focus our efforts to achieve the biggest improvements in road safety outcomes? What further initiatives should be considered to enhance the safety of visiting drivers?

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