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Monitoring programs and projects Using Results Framework

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1 Monitoring programs and projects Using Results Framework

2 Video

3 Policy Democratic and fundamental rights of people with the focus on empowering the people and ensuring higher, sustainable and equitable growth. … ensure economic equality, prosperity and social justice, by eliminating discrimination based on class, caste, region, language, religion and gender and all forms of caste-based untouchability …

4 Plan To increase production To build infrastructure
To achieve high and sustainable reform in human development To promote overall good governance To enhance institutional capacity: gender equality, inclusion, environment protection and maximum use of science and technology

5 Quantitative Plan S.N. Indicators Status of FY 2015/16 Targets 1
Annual average economic growth rate (%) 0.77 7.2 2 Population Below the Poverty Line (percent) 21.6 17.0 3 HDI 0.54 0.57 4 Life expectancy at birth (in years) 69.0 72.0 5 Population with access to basic drinking water (%) 83.6 90.0 6 Number of district headquarters with road connectivity 73.0 75.0 7 Irrigation (in lakh hectares) 13.92 15.20 8 Population with access to internet service (%) 46.4 65.0

6 Programs Macro economic programs Sectoral development programs
Savings/Govt. Finance International Economic relations / FDI Monitory Policy Sectoral development programs Agriculture, irrigation, land reforms and forests Industry commerce, supplies and tourism Social, youths and sports development Infrastructure development programs Energy, transport, housing, reconstruction Cross sectoral development programs GESI, Science and technology, labor and employment, DRM, CC, and environment Poverty reduction, peace and good governance programs

7 Project

8 Project/Program Success Vs Failure?

9 Results Framework A results framework represents the underlying logic that explains how the development objective of a project is to be achieved. It is an explicit articulation (graphic display, matrix, or summary) of the different levels, or chains, of results expected from a particular intervention - project, program, or development strategy.

10 Logics in Result Frameworks
10% increase in the no. of primary level students continuing on to high school with in 3 years Improve reading proficiency among students in primary level by 20% within 3 years 500 primary level students with low reading proficiency complete a reading summer camp (100 students * 5 groups)

11 How Result Framework Works?
National/sector area National/sector area Goal Purpose Project /Program Project/Program Outputs Inputs Activities Expected situation Present situation

12 Group Work Discuss and Identify Output, Outcome and Goal in the given project and share in plenary. P1: Nepal: Melamchi Water Supply Project and Kathmandu Valley Water Services Sector Development Program P2: Nepal: Preparing the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Development Project P3: Sri Lanka: Proposed National Highways Sector Project P4: Nepal: Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project Time: Discussion – 10 minutes Share in plenary – 3 minutes each group.

13 Elements of Results Framework
Goal/impact/target: the highest or ultimate objective Purpose/outcome: immediate benefit from the project Output: measurable outcomes to be achieved Activities: actions required to get outputs Input: resources to undertake activities/implementation plan Monitoring arrangements: set of indicators and results to track progress; baseline, daily, weekly, monthly, annual and final targets; roles and responsibilities for collecting, reporting, and analyzing data

14 Key Questions Regarding M and E Indicators for the Project

15 Goal/Impact To what extent will/has the project contribute(d) towards its longer term goals? Why or why not? What unanticipated positive or negative consequences will/did the project have? Why will/did they arise?

16 Purpose/Outcome What changes will/have occur(red) as a result of the outputs and to what extent are these likely to contribute towards the project purpose and desired impact? Will/Has the project achieve(d) the changes for which it can realistically be held accountable?

17 Outputs What direct tangible products or services will/has the project deliver(ed) as a result of activities?

18 Activities Will/Have planned activities be(en) completed on time and within the budget? What unplanned activities have been completed and what planned activities have not been completed?

19 Inputs Will/Are the resources be(ing) used efficiently?

20 Indicator Matrix/M & E Tool
DEFINITION How is it calculated? BASELINE What is the current value? TARGET What is the target value? DATA SOURCE How will it be measured? FREQUENCY How often will it be measured? RESPONSIBLE Who will measure it? REPORTING Where will it be reported? G1 OC1 OC2 OP1 OP2 Data analysis/data quality

21 Data collection Tools and Techniques
Case study Checklist Close/open-ended (structured/semi-structured) interview Direct observation FGD KII Survey/census Questionnaire Written document review Statistical data review

22 Issues and challenges Budget Allocation Human Resources
Political / Administrative will Technical Assistance Data and information Coordination / cooperation between line agencies Access

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