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Welcome to 9th Grade Literature & Composition

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 9th Grade Literature & Composition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 9th Grade Literature & Composition
Please take a “Welcome” sheet and a syllabus from the cart in the front of the room and find your seat. If you are not on the seating chart, sit in one of the empty desks—see handout.

2 Meet Your Teachers Mrs. Motsinger Mrs. Hagerty
(678) ext. 2016 (678) ext. 1111 Room 9106, Freshman Academy Room 111, Main Building

3 Text the following code to 81010: 3motsf16
Stay Connected Our Blog Schoology Access Code: D775K-FJSVD Remind Text the following code to 81010: 3motsf16

4 Required Online Platforms
Schoology Turn It In Access Code: D775K-FJSVD Section Code: Enrollment Password: 3Mots2016

5 What are we going to read? What are we going to do?
Various poems Argumentative writing, Various short stories Informational/explanatory writing Various non-fiction articles Narrative writing A non-fiction book, your choice Literary analyses and discussions Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Poetry recitation The Book Thief by Markus Zusak Zombie/natural disaster survival guide Multimedia projects End of Course Milestone Assessment November 29-December 1

6 What do we need to be successful?
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop Level D Blue or black ink plus one pen of different color, your choice $10 purchased from your teachers, cash only Composition journal Pencils and colored pencils The Book Thief by Markus Zusak A current address which can be accessed from school computers 3-ring binder, at least 1.5” Flash drive and/or Dropbox or other cloud storage account 5-8 tab dividers Loose-leaf notebook paper No Fear Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, published by SparksNotes (optional) Highlighters, various colors

7 What if I need extra help?
Tutoring is available in Mrs. Motsinger’s room (9106) on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7:45 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. You may also schedule a tutoring session by appointment. Mrs. Hagerty is available by appointment. Please schedule by .

8 How will I be evaluated? Vocabulary & Language Practice: 10%
Speaking and Listening: 10% Portfolio: 10% Writing: 25% Reading: 25% EOC Milestone*: 20%  =A 89-80=B 79-74=C 73-70=D 69-0=F This class has an End of Course Milestone assessment worth 20% of each student’s final grade.

9 Classroom Expectations
All handwritten work must be turned in on standard notebook paper with a complete MLA heading. All work must be legible and must meet all specified requirements in order to receive full credit. When appropriate, submit typed work through Plagiarism and Cheating. On your syllabus, you will sign that you have read and understand the plagiarism/cheating policy. Please ASK for guidance at any time (preferably before turning in an assignment). When in doubt, cite. We will write you up on your first offense.

10 Classroom Expectations
Be prepared every day. You will not be allowed to go to your locker for work or books. Bring all materials with you every day unless your teachers instruct otherwise. Do not work on our assignments in other classes, and don’t leave your work for Lit in other classrooms. Visit the restroom before class begins. Limited restroom breaks will be available. All work is due on the date assigned. Long term assignments (essays, projects, etc.) turned in late will be dropped 10 percent per day including weekend days. Late daily grades will only be accepted until that individual unit is complete. Late daily grades will receive a grade of 70 percent, no exceptions. Late assignments will be accepted at your teachers’ discretion and on a case-by-case basis.

11 Classroom Expectations
Make-up work is your responsibility. Check Schoology and the hanging folders for handouts. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it is still due on that day. Your work should be ed or dropped off on the due date. Mrs. Motsinger and Mrs. Hagerty will demonstrate what to do when… You are absent You need an extension You don’t have an assignment the day it is due You need to turn in late work

12 Classroom Expectations
A hall pass is mandatory when leaving the classroom during class time. Each student must receive permission before leaving the room during class and must sign out and in. No students will be allowed out of the classroom during the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class. Students must sign out on the clipboard before leaving the room. Mrs. Motsinger and Mrs. Hagerty will demonstrate what to do when… You need to visit the restroom You need to visit the nurse

13 Classroom Expectations
No food is allowed in the classroom unless required for medical reasons or approved by your teachers ahead of time. Only bottled water is allowed, and it absolutely must have a lid. You may not leave the classroom to visit the vending machine. Not acceptable: Fast food cups Yeti cups, Tervis cups, or any other reusable cup without lids that closes completely Canned drinks

14 Classroom Expectations
Please make yourself aware of the dress code and tardy policy. I support school policy. See your student handbook for details and consequences. Mrs. Motsinger and Mrs. Hagerty will demonstrate what happens when… You violate dress code You are tardy

15 Classroom Expectations
If there is a discipline problem, the procedure is as follows: 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: 15 minute detention and parent contact 3rd offense: 30 minute detention and parent contact 4th offense: Referral to administration

16 Classroom Expectations
Cell Phones and Electronics: Students shall not use, display, or turn on cellular phones or electronic devices during instruction time except when a teacher uses these devices for instructional purposes.  Students may not listen to music or wear headphones/earbuds during class until permission is granted by Mrs. Motsinger or Mrs. Hagerty. 1st offense: Warning 2nd offense: Cell phone/earbud parking lot and parent contact 3rd offense: Permanent cell phone/earbud parking, admin referral, and parent contact

17 Classroom Expectations
Be on time. Bring all materials to class every day. Be prepared, engaged, and ready to learn. Listen with an open mind. Respect yourself, one another, your teachers, and our school. Be kind to one another.

18 Things to Do Sign syllabus, ask parents to sign syllabus, and return syllabus to Mrs. Motsinger on Tuesday. Sign up for Remind. Bring $10 for a vocab book. Purchase required materials.

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