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Percent Yield Unit 8 Lesson 3.

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1 Percent Yield Unit 8 Lesson 3

2 Percent Yield actual yield % Yield = X 100 theoretical yield
In a laboratory setting, it is rare to produce as much product as you theoretically should. Theoretical Yield - amount of product that should be obtained as predicted by stoichiometry Actual Yield - amount of product actually obtained in an experiment (often smaller but sometimes bigger) Percent yield is the opposite of percent error. Percent error is how far off the right answer you were. Percent yield is how much product you got. This is the opposite of percent error. Percent error is how far off the right answer you were. Percent yield is how much product you got. actual yield % Yield = X 100 theoretical yield

3 Sample Problem Determine the percent yield for the reaction if you calculated that g Al(OH)3 could be produced but only g Al(OH)3 is actually recovered during the experiment.

4 Sample Problem You react 9.85 grams of CH4 with an unlimited supply of oxygen and make 14.5 grams of water. What was your percent yield? Calculate Theoretical Yield CH4 + O2  H2O + CO2 Balance! CH4 + 2O2  2H2O + CO2

5 Continued Theoretical = 22.1 g H2O Actual = g H2O 65.6%

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