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West Essex Business Planning Process

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1 West Essex Business Planning Process
My health, My future, My say Building a sustainable health and care system in West Essex

2 Transformation Key principles
Must deliver the vision of Better Integrated Care for West Essex Rolling programme of change (4 mthly cycle) System wide programme managment includes all key stakeholders System & stakeholder success must be aligned Guidance 4 Sets out the underpinning principles for the establishment of the programme – the strategy and approach (whole system engagement etc)

3 Transformation stages
Development B. Confirmation C. Implementation Guidance 5 The 3 key A,B and C development stages D. Evaluation

4 West Essex Transformation Programme
14/15 Phases 1 - 3 P1 launch 14/15 Nov Oct Sept June May Apr Jul Feb Jan Dec Aug Mar P1 Stage A & B Phases Rolling Programme - 3 Phases of transformation annually P1 Stage C & D P2 launch 14/15 Programme Management Launch through CCG health & care committee and System Leadership Forum Transformation team programme manages and reports to CCG Exec / H&C / Leadership Forum P2 Stage A & B P2 Stage C & D P3 launch 14/15 Programme Resource Transformation team co-ordinates and support programme boards. Guidance 13 This is a simple cycle of planning for each of 3 phases following the process mapped out for Stagea A,B and C in previous slides. The balance of what is possible for individual phases in terms of scheme size and numbers will have to be accessed and owned by the Clinical Commissioning Committee and System Leadership forum. Clearly the drive for the CCG is to ensure the scheme (s) deliver care within the financial framework for West Essex. P3 Stage A & B P3 Stage C & D

5 Transformation key documents
Idea development proposal (IDP) System project dev team Data collection request (DCR) Business case draft (BCD) Business case final (BCF) Business framework (BF) Project initiation document (PID) Evaluation document (ED) Transformation key documents The key documents required to establish each scheme leading to transformation: Implementation success factors template Service change impact factors template Monitoring Guidance 10 This set out the key documents which are required to support the development of each project. A pack is being developed which will have to be completed for each new project.

6 Development stage A 8 weeks Idea development Evidence & data
Business case STEP 1: Initial idea – any source STEP 2 *: Idea Development Proposal (IDP) – agreed by system leadership forum / health & care committee STEP 3: System project development team STEP 4: Gather evidence / data STEP 5: Review data & literature (incl. clinical review) STEP 6: 1st Draft business case STEP 7: Programme Board review – approve continuing to final BC. STEP 8:Final Business case Guidance 6 Main Development stage of project set out in 8 steps. With all the stages of the programme each step may not be discrete and should not prevent progress on other elements of the process where appropriate e.g. Steps 1 and 2 will naturally run in parallel. The System Project Development Team (SPDT) – will be key to ensure system wide engagement of the right people and appropriate ownership of all the organisations involved Timeline - The guidelines on the time required for each part of the programme are set out on slide 9 within a 17 week time window reflecting 1/3 of a year

7 Confirmation stage B 3 weeks Approve Business framework
STEP 9: CCG approve Final Business Case – Health & Care committee STEP 10: System approve final Business Case – Leadership forum STEP 11: Business framework (pre contract) Contract principles Risk sharing Indicative activity and financial impact agreed STEP 12 : Business Framework + Business Case – CCG H&CCC approve Guidance 7 The core approval requirement for progressing a project is set out in this Stage and importantly requires both the ‘Business Case’ and CCG Business Framework. It is the business framework that embeds the discipline of determining and agreeing the specifics of provider impact on service activity and the associated financial agreement. This framework should be led by the Contracting Team. Timeline - The guidelines on the time required for each part of the programme are set out on slide 9 within a 17 week time window reflecting 1/3 of a year

8 Implementation stage C
6 weeks Monitor Project Implementatn Project Launch STEP 13: Project implementation document complete STEP 14 : PID Approved – H&CCC / System Leadership forum STEP 15: Business framework complete Contract variation document complete & agreed STEP 16 : Key Implementation Success factors monitored STEP 17: Monitoring Reports to Leadership Forum / CCG Committees Guidance 8 This is the key implementation stage of the project which required support of the system to initiate the full project. It requires the final detail of the contractual agreement to be agreed amongst all relevant stakeholders, and required the service change timeline to be published (it is this timeline which is wholly dependent on the nature of the programme and extent of change required. The system forum will need to agree whether more detailed provider implementation plans are also shared, for assurance, at this stage…….. Monitoring and evaluation will have to be sufficient to inform the system in addition to the requirements of the CCG – templates TBC

9 Approval of recommendations
Evaluation stage D 6 month review Project Evaluation Approval of recommendations STEP 19: Formal evaluation of quality and financial outputs from project after 3 months. STEP 20: Recommendations to continue / stop / amend project processes to achieve objectives. STEP 21: Programme board discussion of evaluation and recommendations. STEP 22: Recommendations to health & care committee for approval to continue / stop / amend. STEP 23: Further evaluation of the project after 6 months performance. Guidance 8 This is the key implementation stage of the project which required support of the system to initiate the full project. It requires the final detail of the contractual agreement to be agreed amongst all relevant stakeholders, and required the service change timeline to be published (it is this timeline which is wholly dependent on the nature of the programme and extent of change required. The system forum will need to agree whether more detailed provider implementation plans are also shared, for assurance, at this stage…….. Monitoring and evaluation will have to be sufficient to inform the system in addition to the requirements of the CCG – templates TBC

10 Indicative timescales
Timeline 2wks Idea development 3wks Evidence Business case 1Wks Approve 2Wks Business framework 3Wks Project implementation Project launch Project monitoring 3 Mths Project Evaluation 6 Mths Continued Project Evaluation Development Stage A Confirmation Stage B Indicative timescales Implementation Stage C Guidance 9 Timeline – the time required for each step is purely indicated and for the purposes of effective planning. There will be parallel running of some steps of the programme for project development and the overall 17 week timescale will be the key parameter D

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