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The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

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1 The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

2 The Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers*
Finalized and Agreed by the DepED Regional Directors, Central Office Directors and Representatives (August 4-5, 2016 Finalization Workshop organized by the Teacher Education Council, Astoria Plaza, Pasig) * Formerly referred to as the Developmental National Competency-Based Teacher Standards or D-NCBTS) Notes to Presenters: It must be emphasized to the listener that the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers that will be presented is already finalized and agreed upon by the DepED Regional Directors, Central Office Directors and Representatives. The short term we used for the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers is “Professional Standards”

3 Genesis of the D-NCBTS project
Prior to July 2012, Genesis of the D-NCBTS project  Consultative Mission, involving SiMERR and PNU staff, held in January 2012, six months prior to the establishment of RCTQ and Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST). Stakeholders raised concerns about the NCBTS Stakeholders responded positively to the ideas of a developmental set of professional teacher standards. Purpose: This slide provides the general background on the beginnings of the Professional Standards Background Information: Stakeholders = Educational stakeholder groups including the ExeCom and Senior Staff from DepEd, CHEd, and TESDA. NCBTS National Competency-Based Teacher Standards This is a framework that identifies the competency standards for teacher performance so that teachers, learners and stakeholders are able to appreciate the complex set of behaviors, attitudes and skills that each teacher must possess in order to carry out the satisfactory performance of their roles and responsibilities. (The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards Teachers’ Strengths and Need Analysis: Guide and Tools)

4 Considerations of D-NCBTS project
Among the recommendations were suggestions to revise the NCBTS. Considerations raised were: develop career stages; ensure that the duplication in NCBTS was reduced; give content knowledge and pedagogy a more prominent focus; Embed new ideas from the K to 12 Reform into the Standards; Purpose (Slides 5-6): This intends to show the considerations raised (by the stakeholders) on the revision of NCBTS.

5 Considerations of D-NCBTS project
develop professional standards in a form that is tighter and more useable by teachers, schools and jurisdictions; and in the case of CHED, to develop; a more focused basis for an internationally acceptable pre-service teacher preparation program; and a Teacher Education Institution (TEI) quality assurance framework.

6 “The quality of an education system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers.”
(McKinsey, 2007)

7 Teacher Quality and the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

8 The Professional Standards
Articulates what constitutes teacher quality Is a public statement of professional accountability Makes explicit what teachers should know, be able to do and value in the profession Sufficiently generic to represent practice Notes to Presenters: Each point may be discussed and the context must be anchored on teacher quality. Avoid too much elaboration of each characteristic. Purpose: The slide intend to show the general characteristics of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.

9 Discourse that Relates
Teacher Strengths and Needs Assessment Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Learning Environment Curriculum and Planning K to 12 Basic Education Reforms Discourse that Relates to Teacher Quality Assessment and Reporting Diversity of Learners D-NCBTS Highly Proficient Teacher Beginning Teacher Distinguished Proficient Community Linkages and Professional Engagement Personal Growth and Professional Development World Standards Other related Documents Purpose: This intends to show that the Professional Standards is anchored on NCBTS with some changes in the Domains and the addition of career stages. NCBTS

10 Comparison of D-NCBTS Strands with World Standards
Purpose: Show that when the Professional Standards was developed it was compared to Teacher Standards of 43 different countries around the world. Show that the Professional Standards was internationally benchmarked and is internationally and equally competitive.

11 Capturing teacher quality
K to 12 (June 2013) 21st Century Skills Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers National Competency-based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) Philippine Qualifications Framework ASEAN Integration/ Internationalization Purpose: This intends to show that recent reforms in education requires new/additional qualifications for our Teachers. The new/additional qualifications were captured in the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers.

12 Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers as a Framework
for Teacher Quality and Teacher Development

13 The Paradigm Shift Paradigm Shift Pre-K to 12 K to 12 NCBTS
D-NCBTS (a continuum of teaching practice defined in terms of distinct career stages) NCBTS Purpose: The slide show the paradigm shift intended by the Professional Standards i.e. from one size fits all to “a continuum of teaching practice defined in terms of distinct career stages”

14 Rationale for Career Stages
The description of standards at different career stages provides “a framework for the teacher development continuum.” (OECD,2005) Teacher evaluation should be based on professional teaching standards and should be sophisticated enough to assess teaching quality across the continuum of development from novice to expert teacher. (Darling-Hammond in Strauss, 2012) Purpose: The slide intends to show that the addition of career stages in the Professional Standards is supported by literature.

15 Targeted Professional Development for Teachers
Professional Standards Domain 3. Diversity of Learners Strand 3.1 Learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 4 Stage 3 3.1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of differentiated teaching to suit the learners' gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences. 3.1.2 Use differentiated, developmentally-appropriate learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences. Work with colleagues to share differentiated, developmentally-appropriate opportunities to address learners’ differences in gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences. 3.1.4 Lead colleagues to evaluate differentiated strategies to enrich teaching practices that address learner differences in gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences. Notes to Presenters: It is important at this point that the presenter is familiar with the Professional Standards and its features such as the Career Stages, Strands, and Indicators. Purpose: This provides an overview of what do we mean by different career stages. Background Information: The Professional Standards has four different career stages. As the career stages progress, the indicators become more complex and sophisticated. As a teacher moves to the next higher career stage the minimum expectation from that teacher becomes higher also. Learning Action Cells

16 Features of a Developmental Approach (AITSL, Looking at classroom practice, p.6)
Gives clarification to what it means to “get better” in areas of teacher expertise Defines direction: describes and illustrates professional growth and development for teachers Enables teachers to reflect on their practice, diagnose strengths and areas needing improvement Provides vision and details of the next level of performance based on teacher quality Is sensitive to the continuum of lifelong learning of teachers’ professional practice Purpose: The slide intends to show the features of developmental approach (career stages).

17 Teacher Professional Development Framework
Career Path Stage 1 (Beginning) Stage 2 (Proficient) Stage 3 (Highly Proficient) Stage 4 (Distinguished) Recruitment and Hiring Teacher Entry Requirement Learning Action Cells Rewards, Compensation? Notes to Presenters: It is important that the presenter explain well the role of the Professional Standards in the Teacher Development Framework. Emphasize also the role of the TEIs in this Teacher Professional Development Framework. It is important for the faculty of TEIs to realize that the role they play is crucial in the development of teachers even after graduating from their respective institutions. Purpose: This intend to show the role of the Professional Standards and the TEIs in the Teacher Development Framework. Background Information: The career stages encourage the teacher to move from a certain stage to the next higher level as it provides the career path for the teachers. However, the development of the teachers does not start at stage 1. The development of the teachers starts at the TEIs. These institutions produce the teachers deployed by DepEd in different schools. As such, it is the TEIs must produce pre-service teachers who possess the “Teacher Entry Requirement” Other systems in the DepEd can be anchored to the Professional Standards such as the Learning Action Cells, Rewards and Compensations, Teacher Accreditation, and Tools (Classroom Observation, Self-Reflection, and Etc.) Teacher Accreditation at Career Stage 2, 3, 4 and Head Teacher Position Teacher Education Classroom Observation Tool & Self-Reflection Tool Targeted Professional Development and Teacher Training

18 CAREER STAGE Continuum
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Positive use of ICT Positive use of ICT CAREER STAGE Continuum Teaching and learning resources including ICT Notes to Presenters: Please study the sequence of animations so the presenter. This is important so important points will be discussed at the appropriate time. Purpose: This explains the career stage continuum. Background Information: The Professional Standards has four Career Stages Each career stage has a set of indicators which is the minimum expectations for a teacher in that career stage. Dot Point Clarification: The teacher is not boxed in a career stage. A teacher in Career Stage 1 can possess skills that belongs to any of the next higher career stages. (Example of this are the green and blue dots under Career Stage 2 and 3 respectively while the teacher figure is still within the Career Stage 1 box). The purpose of having career stages is to encourage the teachers to improve and develop his/her skills. We do not one a Teacher 1 to retire as Teacher 1. We want them to excel and reach the highest stage if possible. Professional reflection and learning to improve practice Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

19 Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers: Domains, Strands, Indicators

20 Philippine Professional Standards for teachers
Domains Philippine Professional Standards for teachers NCBTS Central to the new K to 12 Reform and places, at the beginning, the importance of teachers knowing their content and knowing how to teach it. Subsumed in other domains 1 Social Regard for Learning 2 Learning Environment 3 Diversity of Learners 4 Curriculum and Planning 5 Assessment and Reporting 6 Community Linkages and Professional Engagement 7 Personal Growth and Professional Development 1 Content Knowledge and Pedagogy 2 Learning Environment 3 Diversity of Learners 4 Curriculum and Planning Purpose: Show the change in the domains of the NCBTS vis-à-vis the Professional Standards Dot Points for Clarifications: The Social Regards for Learning (SRFL) Domain of the NCBTS was not removed. The SRFL was subsumed in other domains of Professional Standards (Domains 2 and 6) A new domain (Content Knowledge and Pedagogy) is added to the Professional Standards 5 Planning, Assessing and Reporting 6 Community Linkages 7 Personal Growth and Professional Development

21 Teacher Quality Requirements
Use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in instruction Knowledge of research Strategies for promoting literacy and numeracy Strategies for developing critical and creative thinking skills Know what to teach and how to teach it Classroom communication strategies Engage in professional reflection and assume responsibility for personal professional learning Maintain a learning-focused environment Learners’ linguistic, cultural, socio-economic and religious backgrounds Establish community relationships and uphold professional ethics Are responsive to learner diversity Teacher Quality Requirements in the K to 12 Learners in difficult circumstances Purpose: Show that the Professional Standards capture the Teacher Quality Requirement in the K to 12. Background Information The education landscape changed with the introduction of recent reforms in the education such as the K to 12. The change in the education landscape required some changes in the Teacher Quality Requirement. This new Teacher Quality Requirement of the K to 12 is captured in the Professional Standards. Dot Points Clarifications: The text inside the seven blue circles are the domains of the Professional Standards. In some of these domains, new skills required by the K to 12 are added as they are absent in the NCBTS. See blue text inside the orange boxes. Use a variety of assessment tools to inform and enhance the teaching and learning process Plan and design effective instruction Learners from Indigenous Groups

22 ? Mother Tongue Professional Development for Teachers NCBTS v e r s u
Standards, Domain 1: Content Knowledge and Pedagogy Strand 1.6 Use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning Stage 4 ? v e r s u Stage 3 1.6.4 Show exemplary skills in and advocate the use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning to facilitate the learners' language, cognitive and academic development and foster pride of their language, heritage and culture. 1.6.3 Model and support colleagues in the proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to improve teaching and learning, as well as to develop the learners' pride of their language, heritage and culture. Stage 2 1.6.2 Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and learning. Stage 1 Not mentioned 1.6.1 Use Mother Tongue, Filipino and English in teaching and learning. Purpose: Show example of new indicator/skill that is absent in the NCBTS and present in the Professional Standards. Dot Points Clarifications: It is important to note that strand on Mother Tongue does not refer to teaching Mother Tongue. The addition of strand on Mother Tongue is on the “use of Mother Tongue in teaching and learning.” Explicit mention

23 Social Regard for Learning
NCBTS Professional Standards for Teachers Strand 1.1. Teacher’s actions demonstrate value for learning Strand 2.1 Learner safety and security 2.1.2 Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures Implements school policies and procedures Strand 6.4 School policies and procedures 6.4.2 Comply with and implement school policies and procedures consistently to foster harmonious relationships with learners, parents, and other stakeholders. Demonstrates punctuality Maintains appropriate appearance Strand 6.3 Professional ethics 6.3.2 Review regularly personal teaching practice using existing laws and regulations that apply to the teaching profession and the responsibilities specified in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Is careful about the effect of one’s behavior on students Purpose: Show that the strands/indicators of the Social Regard for Learning, a domain in NCBTS, is subsumed in other domains of the Professional Standards. Strand 2.3 Management of classroom structure and activities 2.3.2 Manage classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments. Strand 1.2. Demonstrates that learning is of different kinds and from different sources Makes use of various learning experiences and resources

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